World Scientists Announced - The Beginning Of The End Of Mankind - Alternative View

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World Scientists Announced - The Beginning Of The End Of Mankind - Alternative View
World Scientists Announced - The Beginning Of The End Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: World Scientists Announced - The Beginning Of The End Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: World Scientists Announced - The Beginning Of The End Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: New findings have physicists questioning reality 2024, October

In a joint statement from various scientific organizations and academies, it is said that the Little Ice Age is approaching on Earth. In an address to the heads of the world's leading governments and the UN, scientists said: "Humanity is in danger of its further existence."

Here is a list of the organizations that wrote this statement:

“False information about global warming does not hold water. Recent observations and analysis prove catastrophic and global climate change. The Little Ice Age is beginning on our planet. This is due to many factors, not only terrestrial, but also with a drop in solar activity. A new period of history has begun - the period of the Threat to the Existence of Mankind."

Sharp temperature change in 2017
Sharp temperature change in 2017

Sharp temperature change in 2017

Climate change in Antarctica and the South Pole
Climate change in Antarctica and the South Pole

Climate change in Antarctica and the South Pole

“The data collected from all over the world indicate that a catastrophic cooling scenario is being realized in the coming years. Global cooling has already begun and all of humanity will feel its devastating consequences for 4-6 years,”the report says.

A sharp drop in the average water temperature in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean
A sharp drop in the average water temperature in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean

A sharp drop in the average water temperature in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean

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Scientists emphasize that recent data indicate that intermediate water masses are cooling at a catastrophic rate
Scientists emphasize that recent data indicate that intermediate water masses are cooling at a catastrophic rate

Scientists emphasize that recent data indicate that intermediate water masses are cooling at a catastrophic rate.

Temperature change in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Temperature change in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Temperature change in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Temperature change in Greenland
Temperature change in Greenland

Temperature change in Greenland

By tracing the relationship between changes in global temperature, one can see that this is closely related to solar activity
By tracing the relationship between changes in global temperature, one can see that this is closely related to solar activity

By tracing the relationship between changes in global temperature, one can see that this is closely related to solar activity.


We see one of the strongest global climatic fluctuations during the Holocene, the Little Ice Age marked by a long cooling period from the 14th to the 19th century AD … This cooling was associated with a decrease in solar activity and was especially strong during solar minima in 1645-1715. AD and 1790-1830 n. e. These minima of solar activity are known at least as Maunder and Dalton minimum. The time for a new minimum has already come.

Drop in temperature in the South China Sea
Drop in temperature in the South China Sea

Drop in temperature in the South China Sea

“And this is just the beginning, we will face an increasing number of abnormal weather events every day. There will be no place on Earth that these changes do not touch. All countries in the world will be affected by these changes. A new ice age is approaching, the entire weather system of the planet changes and collapses. All infrastructure critical to human survival will be under attack. Hunger and cold, that's what humanity expects in the coming years, the scientists write.

Global changes are clearly visible from the cataclysms already taking place across the globe. recent abnormalities in Russia are a very vivid example of such changes. Tornadoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, snow in summer, hail, sharp drops in temperature, all this was seen by the whole world. Russian meteorologists are no longer able to give an intelligible and clear explanation of the reasons why all this is happening, and no one in the whole world can give these explanations.

There is an explanation and it is real - everything that is happening is just the beginning of a global cooling and it will affect not only Russia, all of humanity in all countries of the world will fall under its blow.

“We call on the heads of state and government of the whole world to take our report very seriously. It's about the survival of all humanity, and whether it will exist on this planet at all. This is a danger that our modern civilization has not yet faced in its history. To all leaders. of all the countries of our world, now it is necessary to prepare their countries and people for what awaits them in the very near future. Now is not the time of wars and political strife - the time to unite to survive. Humanity is in danger and only through joint efforts can we try to survive,”the report says.

It all started neither today nor yesterday, but no one wanted to pay attention to the threatening signs. Alarming climate changes began back in 2013, when snow suddenly fell in Romania at the most inappropriate time period for this, and Germany experienced the most severe winter in 200 years, abnormal cold and snowfalls occurred in the USA, and a record of low temperatures was set in Antarctica for all the time of observations, frosts hit Syria and the list goes on and on.

In 2014, the situation did not improve, but became even worse. The number of weather anomalies only grew. There are so many of them that it makes no sense to list them all, it's obvious.

The Gulf Stream has stopped, as indicated by The Earth Wind Map and The NOAA Data Satellite. The Gulf Stream is a warm current, it has become cold and such an anomaly does not bode well for us.

Some climatologists could no longer remain silent and support false claims of global warming. for example, climatologist from NASA John L. Casey, has publicly stated that there has been a radical shift in the global climate and this is not an accident, not a temporary change, but a pattern that changes our climate globally and for decades to come. He warned that if the scientific community and governments around the world do not act in the face of a global cooling, then catastrophic consequences for humanity will come.

John L. Casey warned that the planet is entering a global ice age that will last at least 30 years. Mass loss of life and famine are what awaits humanity.

In 2015, the GCSR Global Climate Status Report was published, which explicitly stated that. that Humanity is entering a new Ice Age.

The Research Corporation (GCSR) is an independent research institute in Orlando, Florida, USA. It aims to alert governments, media and people to prepare for catastrophic climate change.

Scientists collaborating with GCSR believe that global cooling will be accompanied by the activation of volcanoes and catastrophic earthquakes. Severe frosts, snowstorms, snowfalls, global anomalous cooling will last not a year or two, but 30 or 50 years.

Scientists who had the courage to go against the prevailing false system of "global warming" wrote articles, appeared in the media, wrote appeals to the leaders of states, but no one listened to them. The year 2017 has come and everyone in the world is already seeing and beginning to realize that something incomprehensible and frightening is happening with the weather on earth.

Awareness comes, but the time is lost, and if this awareness does not come to those on whom the fate of people depends, the countries they govern will soon disappear.