People - Aliens On Planet Earth? - Alternative View

People - Aliens On Planet Earth? - Alternative View
People - Aliens On Planet Earth? - Alternative View

Video: People - Aliens On Planet Earth? - Alternative View

Video: People - Aliens On Planet Earth? - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

It has long been known that humanity is not the only form of life in the universe. Increasingly, they began to talk about the fact that people on planet Earth are aliens. Our distant ancestors flew in from space and colonized this amazing "Blue Planet". The question arises - why is the fact of this intergalactic journey not reflected in our memory? If the first people appeared on Earth from somewhere from the bottomless outer space, therefore, they possessed deep knowledge and perfect technologies. At the same time, humanity has further evolved from the primitive stage of its development to modern man. What is the reason that people have lost their initial fundamental knowledge? Perhaps it was time or global cataclysms influenced?


No one now knows when and why our ancestors flew to planet Earth. However, if you carefully study some of the ancient legends, you can notice in them grains of distant and forgotten knowledge about the Universe. Their reliability has now been proven by modern science.

In Chinese religious and mythological beliefs, in the ancient books of China, there is a lot of interesting information. There are scientists who suggest that the Chinese inherited much of their knowledge from a mysterious unearthly civilization. So, according to an ancient Chinese legend, the Celestial Empire was founded by alien people who descended from the moon. In ancient times, Chinese authors praised the luminous balls "sui xin", believing that they contain omnipotent essences.


At first, it seems a very surprising hypothesis that the Earth is not native to us and we are guests on this planet. However, there is evidence to support this fact.

The Viking satellite, launched to Mars by the Americans in 1976, took amazing photographs. Incomprehensible objects in the form of pyramids are distinguishable on them. They are arranged in a specific sequence at right angles. Many researchers are sure that these structures, undoubtedly, were built by someone and do not have a natural character.


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In 1996, the Magellan probe photographed and sent photographs to Earth from the surface of the planet Venus. They clearly show a winding line about 600 kilometers long. This is a fragment of the longest "channel of Venus". Its total length is more than 7000 kilometers, and its width reaches two kilometers.

Who built these structures on Mars and Venus? Many believe that our distant ancestors are from space. Maybe they first wanted to settle on these planets? Or do we even come from the planet Mars or Venus? Over time, humanity will be able to provide answers to these questions.


Recently it became known about a stunning find. Researchers have discovered fragments of an alien research probe. Its centuries-old age allowed scientists to make the following assumption. It is possible that many thousands of years ago he was sent to Earth by the inhabitants of other planets. They had the intention to investigate the area for livability. We are doing the same now, sending artificial satellites to other planets.

All these facts unambiguously suggest that people are aliens on planet Earth. The adherents of this theory substantiate their conclusions with other evidence.

Man in his essence is not very adapted to earthly natural conditions. We can hardly bear the heat, we are cold in winter, we get wet in the rain, our eyes are blinded by the sun's rays and the like. People cannot imagine their life on Earth without clothes, various tools, furniture, cars and a well-equipped home. We live in harmony not with living nature, but, first of all, with the equipment we have created for our own use. Almost the entire history of human life on earth is a struggle. The human race acts as both a destroyer and a creator.

Having come to Earth from other worlds, alien people were forced to get used to completely different natural conditions. Man began to adapt in order to survive and at the same time began to adapt the earthly environment around him.

People do not tolerate the planet's gravity well. We are the only representatives on it who are characterized by such a disease as varicose veins. Many people suffer from osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine. This is due to the fact that we are not adapted to the local force of gravity, which is great for us.

What helped man to occupy the dominant position in the living nature of the planet, which we now occupy? Everything that we use in everyday life, that pushes science and technology forward, is created by our hands to make life easier on planet Earth.

Many of the researchers-ufologists say that the process of our evolution on Earth for a long time, and maybe even initially, is controlled and regulated from the depths of space. Opinions differ as to the purpose and intent of this.

Having colonized the planet Earth, man has learned to successfully use its natural resources in his own interests. At the same time, we often forget that these resources are depleted and do not think about tomorrow. Alien people settled on this hospitable planet with its rich and varied nature. Lucky. Indeed, in the huge Galaxy there are other objects that are not so welcoming. Basically, they do not have such wonderful conditions as Earth.

In one of his interviews, Neil Armstrong, the first person to set foot on the lunar surface, called on all people to appreciate all the benefits of living that our planet provides us. Its nature is unique, there are forests, rivers, seas, a diverse world of wildlife. The famous cosmonaut said that our planet Earth is beautiful, it should be protected and appreciated.