In Brazil, There Is A Community Of Believers That They Are Aliens In The Bodies Of People - Alternative View

In Brazil, There Is A Community Of Believers That They Are Aliens In The Bodies Of People - Alternative View
In Brazil, There Is A Community Of Believers That They Are Aliens In The Bodies Of People - Alternative View

Video: In Brazil, There Is A Community Of Believers That They Are Aliens In The Bodies Of People - Alternative View

Video: In Brazil, There Is A Community Of Believers That They Are Aliens In The Bodies Of People - Alternative View
Video: 72 Hours With Strangers Who Have Seen Aliens 2024, September

Just an hour's drive from the capital of Brazil and you seem to find yourself on another planet, or rather, on the territory of the “Vale do Amanhecer” religious community.

This name is translated as "Valley of Dawn" and people live here who believe that they are actually aliens from other planets, but embodied in human bodies.

At first glance, you seem to be in a colorful theme park. There are buildings in the Egyptian style with a pyramid, as well as a prayer temple, a building in the shape of a spaceship, all surrounded by various sculptures in the shape of an ellipse.

The settlement was founded on the territory of the city of Planaltina by the medium Tia Neiva (died in 1985) in 1969 and at first only 300 people settled here. Now more than 10 thousand people live here permanently, based on their beliefs an unusual mixture of Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, the myths of ancient Egypt and the traditions of the Incas.


The basic concept claims that about 32 thousand years ago, representatives of an alien civilization arrived on Earth and taught people from different nations science and technology. Subsequently, the aliens returned to Earth, incarnating in human bodies. Those who live in the Valley of Dawn consider themselves to be the last incarnate, and also call themselves mediums and Jaguars.


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Tia Neiva lived an ordinary life for many years, was a widow with four children and worked as a truck driver in Rio de Janeiro. But suddenly she began to see mystical visions, which she interpreted as visits to her by extraterrestrial beings. According to Tia, she was primarily visited by the so-called Pai Seta Blanca ("Father of the White Arrow"), which is now depicted in many paintings and sculptures in the Valley of Dawn.


Pai Seta Blanca is an alien in the human body who lived in pre-Columbian America. He is depicted as a young, tall, South American Indian man wearing a blue tunic.


Community residents wear elaborate colorful clothes embroidered with stars and various symbols. Someone dresses in Roman togas and robes, someone in robes similar to the clothes of the Incas or Egyptians.


The community has a school for 200 students, restaurants, workshops, shops, etc. Every day from 3 to 4 thousand tourists come here, as well as ufologists, mediums, psychics, fortune-tellers and other unusual people from all over the world. Also, those who are looking for healing from a physical or mental illness come here.


Dawn Valley is now one of the fastest growing religious communities in the world. They claim that more than 800 thousand of their followers now live in different countries, who have built 600 prayer temples.
