Transport Systems Of The Past - Alternative View

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Transport Systems Of The Past - Alternative View
Transport Systems Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Transport Systems Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Transport Systems Of The Past - Alternative View
Video: History of transportation 2024, September

Wind rose. One of the many images. Star rays and nothing more, as many people like to think. Just beautiful. Outwardly, it seems so. But we will try to shake this “nothing like that” a little bit.

Palmanova, Italy:


Doesn't the similarity of images bother you?


Bourtange, Netherlands:


Promotional video:

Undeniably beautiful.

Harbor maps and art

“Navigation,” wrote Thomas Blandeville, “is an art that teaches the correct and unerring rules of how to steer a ship and navigate from one port to another safely, correctly and in the shortest possible time; I speak safely to the extent that it is humanly possible. Speaking correctly, I do not mean in a straight line, but along the shortest and most convenient path that can be found … "To accomplish this task safely and conveniently, Blandeville and others recommend having a certain set of standard tools:" Besides, universal clock; or a sundial, in order to know the hour of the day at any latitude, and "night hours", with which you can find out the hour of the night. " For long-distance travel, he recommended "a topographic tool to describe with its help [that is, to depict on a map] those foreign shores and countries" that can be found along the way. A "sailor's compass" is also desirable and, finally, a nautical "table" or a map, according to which, with the help of "some specially made tables", you can tell which way your ship has traveled.

Navigator. here they suggest that the word is compound. Consists of "Nav" and "Gatit". "Nav" is kind of like our current dimension. Gatit is to pave the way. Gatit

Nav. Navigator

The map that Blandeville had in mind, and which he further described, was a blank sheet of paper on which only a few wind roses were depicted - a large one in the center and a little smaller. All of them were connected by radial lines, or points. This map was intended to plot a course along it and mark the direction and distance traveled in a day.


Goryokaku, Japan:


The second type of map - and that is what the present story is about - was portolan, or the harbor map. Initially, such maps were drawn as attachments to ancient coastal directions (periplas). It's hard to say which is more important for the story. Offshore sailing was a textual description designed to help sailors navigate ships safely along specific coastlines and harbors with difficult approaches. It described the location of reefs and shoals, as well as noticeable landmarks on the coast, by which the navigator could judge where he was. The portolan map as an application of such a sailing direction arose due to the need to have before our eyes more visual material, reflecting the difficulties of navigation in these waters, and due to the shortcomings of a verbal description of all kinds of situations,which could arise even during the most ordinary coastal voyage. Thus, the portolan map was a coastal map that sailors compiled solely on the basis of experience and knowledge of local conditions, that is, shores and harbors useful for moving from one place to another. This is their fundamental difference from the early maps of the world as a whole and from the maps of countries and provinces, which were compiled academically and strictly in accordance with science for a small circle of pundits. From the fragmentary documents that have come down to us, we can conclude that at first the development of the sea map went independently and practically did not intersect with the evolution of general geographic maps. In addition to some distances that appeared on maps with the light hand of curious people like Strabo, Marina and Ptolemy, between the draftsmen of nautical charts and geographers who were engaged in drawing up the world map,there was little in common.

The history of nautical charts and their authors is even more difficult to trace than the history of world charts and the people who made them. The reason is that in the entire history of mankind, there has never been a group of people - with the possible exception of professional criminals - who are more reluctant to keep records than sailors. They were philosophers but lacked the advantages of a university education; mathematicians, but more out of necessity than by vocation; astronomers, deprived of any other observatory than the ship's deck. They kept their knowledge to themselves and were in no hurry to share it.

I do not agree with everything written in these two paragraphs. What caught my eye "that is, the shores and harbors are useful for moving from one place to another." And nowadays sea people think that he "walks" and not "swims". And why is it that they "walk" so jealously for this?

Almeida, Portugal:


Portugal. Port o Galia? and what size was Galia then?

In order to Gatit Nav, that is, to pave the way, obviously some kind of device was needed. Well, to understand in which direction the wind rose is directed at the current moment.

And of course there is such a device.

Sometimes, under the name of an astronomical clock, complex instruments are also understood, which, indicating the time of day, in addition, indicate the course of the planets and the moon, ebb and flow, moving holidays, various phenomena of the sky, especially eclipses of the Sun and the Moon, leap years, etc., by means of special mechanical devices.

The construction of such a clock requires great mechanical skill and a lot of astronomical knowledge; the most remarkable clocks of this kind were made by Richard of Wallingford in the 14th century (England) and by Dasipodius in the 15th century for Strasbourg Cathedral. Richard Wallingford's clock has not survived, but there is a detailed description of it. Master Schwilge in Strasbourg rewrote the Desipodius watch, and in this new form it is still in the cathedral. Other, somewhat simpler watches of this kind are located in Mainz.

However, the practical use of such complex instruments is very limited and does not pay off the enormous labor expended on their manufacture: it is more convenient for an astronomer to inquire about celestial phenomena in ephemeris.

Wait a minute, it’s like "the practicality of such complex tools is very limited and does not pay off the enormous labor expended on making them." The descriptions show that there were a huge number of such watches. and they stood in the premises of the KhRams. That is, in those very ChRams in which, as we are told, they were holding back all sorts of inclinations to the sciences. And here is the zodiacal movement of the planets, and the ebb and flow, the phases of the moon.

Miniature version of the "astronomical clock":


Saint-martin-de-ré, France:


Naarden, Netherlands:


It remains to add that the famous device is now in the National Museum of Greece and is on display.


The very mechanism that made a lot of noise. Don't you think it was quite suitable for use as an "astronomical clock"?





Sometimes we find on the ruins of former worlds that existed before people, strange devices, the purpose of which is completely unknown to us. Some of them are adapted, most of them are simply lying around with unnecessary trash, and people are still waiting for their memory to open in some magical way, without their attempts. No, memory is a given, but it is acquired by people. And in order to only own it in this world, it is necessary to use, replenish, update and train, and not just wait for these possibilities to suddenly acquire flexibility and elasticity.

The wind rose of our current world is initially divisible by a multiple of 4, by the cardinal points, and therefore the number of threads in it is always a multiple of 4, 38 is a multiple of 2, therefore 19 strong rose (19 * 2) can only be in the world of 2 winds, our world 4 winds, where there are only 2 cardinal points, there are such worlds, they are flat, there is what we would call north and south, and the edge of the world. There the wind rose is different, and the winds blow quite ordinary.:)

In our world, it is used for relative navigation, i.e. navigation along the ship, where there is a bow and stern of the ship and there the whole wind rose for sails is reduced to the forward direction and deviations from it.

Why a rose and why winds? Rose - direction options. Winds - a stream from places where space is open, respectively a draft. Usually it's sunset, that's why it's pink (RoZa). There, at sunset, the door to the interworld opens, and in the wind, as if blowing on a candle flame, they determine where to sail. Simply put, where the portal opened through Nav. With the increasing complexity of the world, additional directions appeared.

The fort differs from Fiort in that the fort gives a head start - it is a defensive structure, i.e. an ordinary banal fortress, where the defenders have settled and hold the defense, and it is a matter of time how long they will sit there. Fiort, on the other hand, is an ancient structure of the antediluvian world, intended for passage through the worlds, we would now say an air terminal, or a port, or a portal, i.e. port in all directions. There were portals in the form of Temples, in one direction, and there were interworld (between Planid, not to be confused with planetary), fiorts. Those. portals through phi space, zero. Naturally, the structure was a kind of structure in which the spaces converged, we can say that these are places of power. Next to which there was an indicator of convergence of spaces - such as a pointer to which world the flight is now valid. To keep the balance of the worlds, the structure was quite dimensional, and spreading,something like spreading legs at the elevator in order to ensure stability. By the dimension and "paws" one can judge about the "carrying capacity" and other transport characteristics. Naturally, the structure was established only by the entrance to this world, no one actually intended to leave from the other side, because there was a "runway" and a fiort of a different space, peace, planids, measures. Fiords were more practical than temple complexes, and they functioned longer, although why were they? They still exist today.planids, measures. Fiords were more practical than temple complexes, and they functioned longer, although why were they? They still exist today.planids, measures. Fiords were more practical than temple complexes, and they functioned longer, although why were they? They still exist today.

The newest models were equipped with doleviks, a device above the entrance, indicating which world is connected. The simpler newest models were equipped only with light bulbs, where the color changed according to the zone of the world where you can go, this is for ordinary people, so to speak, a simple model in everyday life with colored indicators. It was used by true believers, often spirits and ghosts, magical entities who did not understand letters and mastered only simple operations with color panels. Some are still waiting to board their flight to a certain Paradise, although the flights have been canceled long ago, but they gather by the sound of a bell and wait for the gates to open just about and you can cross …:)

Mechanical sharers were lined with wind roses, i.e. from where the wind blows, the portal door is open there, therefore it is very convenient to be located in such directions. In addition to the indicator device, there was also an actuator of the sharers, such as a space switch, which was a kind of carousel that gradually shifted, flickering. Falling into the blinking zone, those wishing to depart, moved to this or that world, space, Planida and Meru. Quite a convenient device for interstellar "flights" Everything is naturally signed, and each lobe had its own color, moreover, smoothly iridescent.

Where have you gone? So, when everything failed, the systems were wedged, there was no one to repair, and a lot was simply plundered, for their own needs. Those few temples that functioned were destroyed in order to stop smuggling through other worlds. Actually, everything is as always.