Beyond Reason - Alternative View

Beyond Reason - Alternative View
Beyond Reason - Alternative View

Video: Beyond Reason - Alternative View

Video: Beyond Reason - Alternative View
Video: Beyond Reason - Enlightened Years Away HD (Arkeyn Steel Records) 2015 2024, September

I remember our old house, where we lived with the whole family. It was cool: 2 floors, a garden, a sauna and even a sports ground. But that's not the point. At that time we had a cat, rather strange, I tell you. She could stare for a long time at places that seemed to be of no interest to normal animals: a bare wall, an empty corridor, or a foggy window.

By the movement of her eyes, one could tell that she was watching something. At first we thought we had cockroaches. Then - that rodents. But no traces of any pests were found, so we resigned ourselves to her unusual behavior.

When the cat was out of date, we decided to get a dog. From the day the puppy crossed the threshold, our life began to change before our eyes. The puppy began to bark loudly at empty corners, and sometimes look up and be frightened of something invisible. Then we remembered the cat's "quirks" and for the first time fear settled in this house.

Time passed. On the one hand, everything was normal, on the other, subconscious anxiety. The feeling of security melted right before our eyes when the dog looked under the bed in the evening and grinned. I wanted to leave the room and to board the door to it with oak boards.

At night, the dog could wake up abruptly and growl into the void. I had to sleep with the lights on. But this made it even worse, because one could observe how the dog sees something in another part of the bedroom.

Such scenes could take place throughout the house and we did not hear any logical explanation for what was happening from dog handlers and other smart people. The answer lay somewhere beyond reason, and this made it even more terrible.

General stress, lack of sleep and fatigue. They were followed by more frequent quarrels and aggression. Life became unbearable. I thank all the gods that we have moved and this nightmare is over.