Blondes - Die Out! - Alternative View

Blondes - Die Out! - Alternative View
Blondes - Die Out! - Alternative View

Video: Blondes - Die Out! - Alternative View

Video: Blondes - Die Out! - Alternative View
Video: 4 Non Blondes - What's Up (Official Music Video) 2024, October

A long time ago, at the origins of human civilization, there were no significant differences between people from different tribes. But gradually, in connection with the resettlement of people on different continents, people began to acquire distinctive features. Evolution entered into action, and in the process of adapting a young civilization to new living conditions, external differences intensified.

So, due to long-term evolutionary changes, the genome of some individuals gradually mutated. So the first blondes appeared. It is generally accepted that the first blonde girls arose in such a cold country as Scandinavia.

Today blondes are a special symbol of female beauty. It has become very fashionable to dye your hair white. After all, men like it so much. Someone thinks that it’s just a matter of tastes, and someone, not without reason, believes that this is due to the genetic memory of our ancestors. Indeed, in those ancient times, the most valuable trophies in the war were weapons, provisions and blond beauties. But still, white hair attracts not all representatives of the stronger sex. A big role in the popularization of beauties with white hair was played by cinema. After the end of World War II, many people needed a new ideal of beauty. With this difficult role, such girls as Marilyn Monroe and many other female representatives in cinema, theatrical art and, of course, the business of models, did an excellent job. It was at that time that blonde girls began to gradually acquire the title of a world sex symbol.

The jokes made by men about blondes not only contributed to the rise in popularity of white hair, but also made it an excellent advertisement. This was beneficial not only for men, but also for girls. It was easier for the blonde to find a husband for herself, because at that time everyone only dreamed of such! If you really want to know why it was blondes who suddenly became the stars of anecdotes and funny videos, then you need to dig much deeper than just explaining this with a lack of intelligence. In fact, in real life, blondes are sympathetic to the vast majority of the male population. Women strive to dye their hair white for a reason! They pursue a very specific goal - to make their image more attractive to men. There is an extremely popular, but nonetheless preconceived, opinion about the intelligence of blondes. As already mentioned, this is a preconceived opinion. After all, people often draw their conclusions based on the appearance of a person. We often overlook the fact that all girls dye their hair!

However, everything in the world is prone to change. It is already extremely difficult to find a real blonde today. There is a steady trend towards a decrease in the number of blond maidens. If this dynamics continues, after a while the blondes will only be dyed, and about natural white hair it will be possible to learn only from books and magazines. The World Health Organization has published the estimated date of the day when there will be no blondes on Earth. According to rough estimates, this type of girl will completely disappear by 2202! If you look at individual countries, then in the United States or Canada, the birth rate of people with white hair fell from 40 to 14 percent! The world's last natural blonde - born in Finland. Of course, this is just a guess. But it is in Finland that today the largest percentage of blondes in relation to girlswith a different hair color.

But what are the reasons for the gradual extinction of blondes? There are many assumptions and guesses, but there are also several quite scientifically substantiated points of view. The first scientific theory is directly related to genetics. Since school, everyone knows that a dominant gene suppresses a weaker recessive gene. And the gene for white hair is recessive. And that means that in order for a blonde to be born, both parents need to be blonde! But this theory is not fully confirmed, because science knows many examples of the birth of a blond child from parents with different hair colors.

There is also a second theory. It is associated with evolutionary processes. It is logical to assume that if the first blondes occurred as a result of the necessary evolution, then this process can go in the opposite direction. After all, there are no more conditions in the world for which snow-white hair would be so necessary. Evolution is gradually adapting humanity to exist in a technogenic environment. Many of the previously useful features of our bodies are now nothing more than useless rudiments. It is this scientific theory that is most likely. But in order to correctly justify everything, most researchers combine these reasons into one. After all, one way or another - both reasons lead to a reduction in the number of blondes.

In addition to official scientific theories, there are many silly and rather ridiculous speculations. Many men joke that blondes are dying out not because of a natural whim, but because of insignificant mental abilities. These speculations are based on real accidents involving blondes who did makeup on the move. Indeed, observing this it is quite possible to make certain judgments about the level of intelligence of blondes. But still, do not forget that most white-haired beauties are dyed brunettes!

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Despite all the theories and speculations, geneticists argue that the gene for white hair itself will not disappear anywhere. He, of course, in the future will not be able to prove himself in full. But its presence does not exclude a new mutation. According to many people, a completely new, natural hair color will appear in the near future. It should be noted that everyone who adheres to this point of view secretly hopes that the new color will not be gray.

Which of all these thinkers and true scientists was right - only time will tell us. And that is not for us, but for our distant descendants. In the end, things can change radically. For example, statistics will change dramatically. Or a War will begin, the result of which will be the disappearance of humanity as a species. And maybe in the next hundred years, not white-haired, but red-haired girls will become an endangered species. In any case, we all hope that everything will be fine!