Ghosts, Ghosts, Doubles Of People - Evidence - Alternative View

Ghosts, Ghosts, Doubles Of People - Evidence - Alternative View
Ghosts, Ghosts, Doubles Of People - Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts, Ghosts, Doubles Of People - Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts, Ghosts, Doubles Of People - Evidence - Alternative View
Video: 10 True Ghost Stories - Grandma | Paranormal M 2024, September

The existence of ghosts, ghosts, doubles of people

Mysterious stories about ghosts, ghosts and living dead have always existed among all peoples.

For a long time, I was happy to collect such "tales" about ghosts and ghosts, but I myself did not believe a penny in their reality. Life was able to somewhat change my opinion.

It all started with a meeting on anomalous phenomena that took place in Moscow in 1988. Among the many reports on biolocation, extrasensory perception and bioenergy information exchange in nature, my attention was drawn by a brief but truly unusual message. Professor G. Gurtovoy rose to the podium and said in a low voice: “Comrades! A confirmation has just come from Sofia that a series of experiments on the remote influence of a person on an inanimate object has been successfully carried out. While in Moscow, operator Yevgeny Dubitsky, at the appointed control time, was able to change the readings of devices that were a thousand kilometers away three times.

During the break, I hastened to meet this amazing person who can work miracles. How else would you call the fact that only by mental stress he was able to cause a change in the readings of the sensor located in distant Sofia? - What else can you do? - I asked Dubitsky during the conversation.

- If you have something sick, mentally call me, - said E. Dubitsky seriously. - My phantom will appear and …

- Like a phantom ?! - The phantom is my energy double, it will relieve your pain, heal …

Dubitsky also told me a verbal formula, with the help of which I can call his double "to the house". All this was all the more incredible because it took place at a scientific meeting, which was attended by doctors of sciences, and even one academician.

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Then, for a long time, I really wanted to experience this incredible method of treatment. But there was no serious reason. And Dubitsky asked not to bother him over trifles - it exhausts. But one day I had an incredibly bad headache. The pills didn't help. And then I remembered this conversation. Thinking in advance that all this is nonsense, that nothing worthwhile will come of it, I sent a mental request, as Dubitsky taught me. And, despite the pain, he began to look around the room with interest - what if a phantom really appears? Nothing happened for several minutes. Suddenly my dog gave a short howl and, tail between his legs, began to gaze intently into an empty corner. Honestly, at that moment, goose bumps crept down my spine. But nobody showed up in the corner.

The dog quickly calmed down and stopped looking in that direction. And to my surprise, I found that the headache had disappeared.

Then I tried for a long time to convince myself that it was all self-hypnosis, that I had healed myself.

But then he asked himself a tricky question: “Who scared the dog? HER own tail? One way or another, for some reason I did not dare to repeat these experiments anymore, but I began to study more attentively the messages about phantoms and ghosts.

And there was no shortage of such stories. The editorial mail carried letters of the most incredible kind, as if the readers did not even suspect that official science completely denied the existence of ghosts. They did not suspect and therefore described them in some detail.

• “… Every night a white clot resembling a human figure passes through my apartment. At the same time, the ghost appears from one wall and, passing through the chairs and the dining table, goes into the opposite wall. I asked the neighbors who live in the next apartment if they see something at night? They replied that they saw nothing strange. I did not dare to ask directly about my ghost. The only curious thing is, where does "it" go after passing through the wall?"

• One American woman has dreamed of the same house all the time over the years. Once she saw this house in reality and was amazed. It looked exactly the same as in her dreams and was also for sale. She knocked on the door, but when the owner opened it for her, barely looking at the woman's face, he slammed the door in her face. As it turned out later that a ghost lives in the house, and this ghost was herself.

• There are ghosts generated by the deformation in time, when the past, present and future seem to be added together. When this kind of deformation occurs, you may sometimes be aware that there are people, emotions, or events occurring in the house that are taking place “now,” but only in another dimension. (In reality, all time is one, that is, events occur "simultaneously"). In the same way, former or future residents of your apartment may be aware of your presence: you yourself can be a "ghost" for them!

• “… Once I woke up with the feeling that someone was sitting next to me on the bed. Opening my eyes, I saw nothing but a hazy glow. And then I heard it as if someone quietly said to me: "Don't be afraid, sleep, but don't go to work tomorrow." In the morning I woke up broken and took sick leave. And after lunch they called me and said that a high-voltage wire was cut off at the checkpoint before the start of the shift and several people got electric shocks, and one got burns …”.

In all the letters the same question sounded: "Explain, for God's sake, what is this?" Indeed, what? After all, we were all taught at school, and some later at institutes, that nothing like this could happen. So where do such strange visions come from, even among ardent atheists?

• “I have a higher education in law,” wrote G. Vasiliev from Novosibirsk. - Several years ago I had a car accident and now I can only move in a wheelchair. Not so long ago, my nephew Oleg drowned in the river, and I came to the funeral. The coffin was in the apartment. And while friends and relatives came to say goodbye to Oleg, I sat in my carriage at the head of the body. And then I heard Oleg speak to me.

No, his lips were motionless, but I heard him clearly. He asked my wishes in order to pass them on to wherever he went. Oddly enough, I was not scared at all, probably did not believe that all this was real. Mentally recounted everything I would like. I asked if he heard me well? But Oleg did not answer, and something like a haze that looked like a gauze scarf, about a meter long and about 20 cm wide, floated from his head. This train, wriggling, floated to the head of his mother, who stood at the feet of the body. I realized that Oleg wanted to talk to her too, tried to draw her attention, but she was crying and did not notice anything around. The train slid back into the head of the body. I once again tried to mentally talk to Oleg, but he no longer answered. That is, in fact, the whole story. I don't believe in mysticism. But I couldn’t dream of this either. So who will say what it was?"

Alas, today no one knows the exact answer to this question, although there are certain assumptions. Interesting results were obtained all in the same Novosibirsk.

“If most of such evidence can be attributed to the field of psychiatry,” says V. Kaznacheev, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, “then there will still be cases of simultaneous testimony of several independent eyewitnesses. I will give an example from the work of our laboratory.

• The psychic operator realizes his contact with a sick child, being in another building or city. And the parents of the child during the "contact" see the operator in their apartment, describe his face, clothes, although they have never met him before. What kind of ghost appeared to them? Are we dealing with a special version of the "holographic phantom", or with an induced hallucination? Or maybe this is both at the same time?"

However, these new research results of modern scientists are very similar to what the ancients knew. After all, the secret teaching of the Hindus, compiled many centuries ago, argued that a person is a complex being, including several bodies. And besides the physical, or as it was also called - the gross body, there are at least three more bodies nested inside each other, like nesting dolls. This etheric body is a duplicate of the physical and is, as it were, its energetic counterpart. The astral body is the abode of sensitivity, imagination, animal passions. It thinks, but more sensible than rationally. Through it, such controversial phenomena as telepathy, dreams occur … The astral body can leave the physical and etheric shells, inextricably linked, and travel independently.

And the last, the most "subtle" - the body of thought, mind. This is what we mean by the word soul.

According to the ancients, after the death of a person, his physical body decomposes and the soul flies out of him along with other shells. The etheric body also soon dies and falls apart. This will take about 4-5 days. The astral body lives much longer. But the time comes when his energy is depleted and the liberated soul begins the path of perfection, merging into the unified system of the cosmos. And over time, obeying the laws of reincarnation, she again dresses in an astral body, then in an etheric and, finally, physical, in order to be reborn on Earth in order to continue her development.

It is possible, of course, from the heights of science of our time to laugh at the beliefs of the ancients. But let's all the same think a little: “For what reason do absolutely different peoples with the most diverse religions have such similar ideas about the“structure of man”? The Chaldean magicians, like almost all followers of Zoroaster, mentioned two souls: the highest one - rational and the lower one - sensual. Often, they said, these souls, united, appear in the form of various ghosts and animal likenesses.

The Greeks also recognized two souls: intelligent and sensual.

The Neoplatonist philosophers of the Alexandrian school also spoke about the astral body. They called it "Astroade" and believed that it could appear as a ghost and a ghost.

The ancient Egyptians also noted the existence of human energy counterparts. Even on their bas-reliefs, you can see images of such doubles behind the main figure.

The ancient Chinese adhered to similar views, describing the four principles that make up our temporary personality.

Are such coincidences accidental? Or over time, as has already been done repeatedly, we will again be convinced that ancient knowledge sometimes describes the world around us and ourselves much more accurately than some of the modern teachings. Perhaps we hastened to reject them, unable to understand, not seeing the true essence of things behind the religious form? At least now the process of returning old, once forgotten truths is clearly observed. Scientists working in this direction, getting new and new results, are always convinced that they are following in the footsteps of ancient philosophers and thinkers.

Thus, for example, the ancients said that the etheric double can protrude beyond the physical body. This protruding part is called the aura. By its color, size and shades, which some people can easily distinguish (previously they were called clairvoyants), it is possible to judge the health of the etheric double, and therefore of a person.

Centuries have passed. And we again begin to understand that a person takes up more volume than his body. Experiments carried out in one of the Moscow laboratories of the Scientific Research Institute of Normal Physiology can convince even unshakable skeptics of this. The object of research was … the heart of a frog. The fact is that for a long time many experts explained the healing effect of the influence of the hands of a psychic - by elementary suggestion.

The experimenters set themselves the task of proving that suggestion has nothing to do with it, because it is difficult to instill something in the heart of a frog, because only with the help of fields the living can influence the living.

The experiment looked like this: a frog's heart, fixed on a stone support, evenly "pumped" saline. The well-known specialist of alternative medicine Juna Davitashvili was supposed to change the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle without touching the object. Will it work? After all, many volunteers who had tried to achieve this before her tried in vain.

For several minutes, Juna seemed to be massaging the frog's heart without touching it - her fingers were three to five centimeters from the stand …

Everyone held their breath as they peered intently at the instrument recorders drawing curves.

- Slowing down! - the laboratory assistant was the first to notice changes in the frequency of bursts on the tape of the device.

Everyone leaned over to the chart. Really! In 20 sec. the frequency of contractions changed from 11 to 9 beats.

Perhaps an accident? But the next experience proved that dependence actually exists. Now Juna made her heart beat faster, even faster …

The experiment was performed three times - on different days. And every time the result was positive - the effect of remote exposure from hands on the frog's heart was invariably repeated.

No less surprising results were obtained during the international experiment, which I have already mentioned. It was carried out by the Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources at the Popov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. This time, the object of influence was not a living, but an inanimate object. And the distance between him and the operator - a person with extrasensory abilities - is no longer centimeters, but thousands of kilometers. The operator Evgeny Dubitsky was in Moscow. And the object - Mettler equipment for thermoanalytical measurements - is in Sofia. Dubitsky's task: at a pre-agreed time, try to change the temperature of the working fluid in a special insulated container with water. The devices maintained and controlled the constant temperature of this system using a computer. Scientists claimthat even if a fire broke out in this room, the readings of the instruments would not change.

At exactly 4 pm Dubitsky began the experiment. Will a person, having mentally overcome the distance from Moscow to Sofia, be able to do what even a flame is not capable of? Outwardly, everything looks very ordinary. The operator closed his eyes, froze in his chair, concentrating on the task. It's hard to believe there will be a result. But then a call came from Sofia. Laboratory director Professor Stefan Kinev said: “The instruments registered three sharp peaks with small intervals. And although the temperature changed by only 3'10 degrees Celsius, it is already a miracle. The computer cannot tolerate such leaps.

Three days later, another experiment. This time the system behaved strangely at all. The recorder began to draw peaks with a temperature spread from minus 6 '10 ^ to plus 6 10 '. Then the device became uncontrollable. The experiment had to be stopped. The system was repaired for two days. All of this is recorded in the experiment log.

How was the psychic able to influence inanimate matter, and even at such a distance? “I think the reason is in the physical fields existing around a person, the totality of which affects the device. What kind of fields, alas, is still unknown …”- said E. Dubitsky.
