The Law Of Equilibrium Of The Universe: How Does This World Balance - Alternative View

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The Law Of Equilibrium Of The Universe: How Does This World Balance - Alternative View
The Law Of Equilibrium Of The Universe: How Does This World Balance - Alternative View

Video: The Law Of Equilibrium Of The Universe: How Does This World Balance - Alternative View

Video: The Law Of Equilibrium Of The Universe: How Does This World Balance - Alternative View
Video: Law of Equilibrium, Explained 2024, September


Before starting a conversation about the law of equilibrium of the Universe, I would like to ask you one question. So, gentlemen-experts, attention, the question: what do you need to be happy? Most likely, you will answer that you need so much money, a strong family, a cool car, recognition, or God knows what else could come to your mind. The bottom line is that each of us wants to get something.

Okay, what most sources of information say on this topic: if you want something, then don't sit still, go and take yours. "Great!" - you thought, "Yes, come on, success!" - said your friends, "How funny you are!", twisting a finger at the temple, said the Universe. Following this, she will certainly ask: “And for what such merits I’m going to give you something here ?!”, which will finally baffle us.

And all because if we want to receive, then we must give. Well, how do you like the logic? In fact, the Universe with logic is in order, let us make it logical for you.

How the law of equilibrium of the universe works

Our world is like a clock - a complex mechanism with a bunch of details, they are all connected, and each performs a specific function.


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Nothing is accidental, everything always has a certain meaning and is intended for something. We are no exception in this regard.

On resources and human purpose

Each person is born with a purpose, for this nature entrusts resources in our hands in the form of personal qualities, skills, intelligence, money, talent. We call this potential. Each person has a huge potential hidden and it is revealed only in one case - when a person begins to use the resources given to him for their intended purpose.

Well, okay, what is “direct use”? This means that you, as a part of the mechanism, must do the work of maintaining the mechanism itself. This is the law of the survival of nature: everything that it creates is aimed at maintaining and improving it.

Car example

For you to understand, let's look at a mechanism. For example, a car has a wheel, its task is to spin and use this to drive the car. To carry out its function, the wheel has some resources: it is round, can spin and withstand heavy loads - all this allows the wheel to do what the machine needs.

The machine sees meaning in the wheel only when it is capable of properly performing its task. Similarly, nature has endowed us with meaning and expects us to realize this meaning.

Yours is not yours

As a result, we come to a paradoxical conclusion: everything that you have is for others. Roughly speaking, there is nothing mine or yours - all this is the property of nature, just like the wheels are the property of a car.

Giving is necessary because it is a vital necessity. Having invented the law of equilibrium, the Universe presented us with the fact: "If you want to achieve something and realize yourself to the fullest, then help me to preserve and improve our world."

You can read more about our purpose in the article on what is the meaning of human life, one of the answers to this philosophical question is the need to share.

Problems of modern people

The phenomenal ability of people is that no matter how simple everything is on paper, they will find a hundred ways to make it as difficult as possible.


Let's look at two main problems that prevent us from living according to the principle of the equilibrium of the universe.

Craving to receive and accumulate

The desire to get something means that we are going to take a little someone else's resource, thereby upsetting the balance. We flattened the wheel of the car ourselves, but for some reason we expect the car to go faster from this. This is because nature does not distinguish between where you are and where someone else is. She knows that all these are parts of the same mechanism, therefore, taking from another, you are taking from yourself.

Many people today are focused on receiving and saving: more money, a higher house, a more impressive car. We try so hard to concentrate resources in our hands as if it will make us happy and successful. In fact, we simply devalue everything that we accumulate, because resources have to work, because only then they have value.

Why we don't like work

Why do you think the thought “I don’t want to work” constantly pops up in people's minds? Because, first of all, they think: “What will I get from this?”, And not: “What can I give?”. The universal law of equilibrium is violated and, as a result, there is neither a lot of money, nor satisfaction from work.

Imagine yourself as nature. On a typical day, you have just invented a new person, endowed him with potential, and expect that he will incredibly soak in response, using that potential. And he does not use it, does not create anything, but only takes someone else's and every day demands more and more. It is unlikely that you will find a desire to further cooperate with such a character. But this fact rarely confuses us, because we are still trying to preserve and preserve ours, and even take something from another.

Wrong motive for action

The last question to be addressed before acting is the question of motive. For what purpose are you acting? Sly guys will quickly realize that you can give something on purpose in order to get what you want later. But no matter how great a gambler you are, you cannot deceive nature. Therefore, any selfish body movements are regarded as an attempt to manipulate the law of equilibrium, the Universe will clearly not appreciate this.

Well, what do you want, we ourselves behave the same in life. Sometimes there are situations when someone is specifically trying for you, but you understand: "Boy, you are actually sweating for yourself." In response, I simply do not want to do anything. How can a person who is trying to be useful to himself be helpful to you?

Who does the Universe trust?

Likewise, nature selects those who can be trusted with maximum resources. A person with a low level of awareness will strive for their own benefits, even if they give something to others. Such people are usually content with little and do not get something meaningful.

In contrast, there is a class of people who, in their understanding, have reached a fundamentally high level. It gives the realization that you just need to live for the sake of other people, because this is my point, I will not dwell on myself if I am capable of more. These people develop throughout their lives and the amount of resources in their hands is growing. You can read more about the need for development in the text about improving the world, but here we will give just one amusing example.

Analyzing the richest

Consider people in whose hands an unrealistic lot of resources are concentrated, we are talking about the top 10 Forbes rating. The average fortune of each person there is 55.5 billion dollars. The average age of people in this top ten is 68 years (all data for 2016). You can rest on a yacht with peace of mind for the rest of your life, sipping cocktails in the company of beautiful girls, but none of the dozen does that. Each of them works, despite their age and financial condition, because they do it not for themselves, but for others.


Money is just a resource that allows you to create a product or service that people need. None of our characters can rest for a long time with peace of mind if they know that they could do something else that this world needs.

How to work with the law of equilibrium of the universe

Let's dwell on the main points that will allow you to act in accordance with the law of balance.

Giving up ownership and expectations

The first thing you have to give up is a sense of ownership. It is it that prevents people from giving without a second thought and any regrets. It makes it difficult to understand that, by giving, you gain, and not lose. Remember: each of us has a lot, and there are many ways how we can share this with other people.


Don't expect something to come back in response to your actions, just give it away. Do not worry too much about what you yourself need. If you work for this world, then it will find a way to take care of you, because you are a valuable frame, and the Universe is not scattered by such people. Therefore, money will be found, and connections, and a home, if this will help you work even more productively.

Choosing the right activity

The activity that you enjoy the most and will be the most suitable for you. This is another feature of nature: it is in its interests to make sure that we perform our functions as productively as possible, and for this we must do what brings us the most pleasure. So look for activities that are not only helpful to others, but also enjoyable.

If you have a job, then stop going to it for the money. No work is worth it. First of all, you should be impressed by how much you can contribute, invest, give, and not how full your own pocket will be at the end of the month. In the end, why money for someone who is worthless by himself ?!

Be honest with nature

The law of equilibrium is constantly on guard of the Universe, so it always balances everything. But there is one peculiarity, it is that if you give, then more will return than you gave.

By giving, we earn trust. The Universe notes: “Excellent, this person helps me, he smartly uses his resource for the good, perhaps, I will return more values to him, with them he will be able to live even stronger”. This is how our potential is gradually revealed, but everyone starts small.

How do I know if I'm acting right?

Based on this fact, you can easily judge how productive you are. Just estimate how much you have. If you have little, then you live for yourself, and not for others, and with this approach, nothing will shine for you. And if you have a lot, then you are on an endless path to unleash your potential.

Nature has built in us a system that allows us to see how well we live. Therefore, the correctness of your actions can be judged by the level of satisfaction that you feel. The feelings of helping others will be brighter than the feelings of helping yourself. And to gain an even more detailed understanding, you can read the article about what actions are all about.


Such is the harsh brainchild of the Universe, this law of balance. Having told about it, we dragged you into a dubious adventure. But it's worth it, just trust me. Although no, do not believe, you have the opportunity to check everything yourself, but we are retiring and do not dare to interfere with this. Good luck!

At the Top of Mind Team