And This Is Evidence Of The Great Blindness Of Humanity - Alternative View

And This Is Evidence Of The Great Blindness Of Humanity - Alternative View
And This Is Evidence Of The Great Blindness Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: And This Is Evidence Of The Great Blindness Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: And This Is Evidence Of The Great Blindness Of Humanity - Alternative View
Video: If higher dimensions exist, they aren't what you think | Exploring Worlds Beyond Our Own 2024, September

Collection of European swords. Topkapi Palace, Istanbul. And so, every year, here a thousand thousand people walk and walk, from year to year, from year to year. As you can see, there are photos that go from site to site, from year to year, from year to year. And a thousand thousand people see it. Thousand thousand!

But where, where do we hear the noise, which should be about the disproportionality of these swords? What are people looking at at this moment? What do they think? Chickens came up to the window of the shop window, mumbled, made a smart face, as if high-class specialists in the Middle Ages, lived something with their lips AND SEEN NOTHING! This is the true face of humanity, which is unjustly called "civilized"!

I started with giants two and a half meters, proving to people that they still exist today. He graduated from the giant of Belarus, who is three meters tall. And even in this situation, the “crowd” of commentators managed to make such a face, as tourists do in front of the window, behind which these swords! Who am I doing my work for? Probably for units. Since for those who believed that they went from a monkey and who, according to Darwin, jump on the news branches with their noses and flare their nostrils, the work is not particularly interesting.

And it's called wait, I'm just accelerating! The ultimate goal will be - GROWTH OF PEOPLE 36 METERS! So, little by little, we move on to new quests, with a slight adjustment for the wind - the more growth we pursue, the less evidence there will be, since most of them are destroyed right under our noses.

Although, even from what I have shown, many have already had the right questions. What is our government doing? What are the TORYK people doing? What are government archaeologists doing? What is our media doing? What are the ministries of education doing? If some pseudonym on the Internet conveys more knowledge in a day than they do in a lifetime! And this is the level of trust, in whose direction the scales of faith are slowly tilting.

Bullets of Snowfall
