On The Question Of Your Car, Gasoline Prices And Various Collusions, Which, As You Know, Do Not Exist - Alternative View

On The Question Of Your Car, Gasoline Prices And Various Collusions, Which, As You Know, Do Not Exist - Alternative View
On The Question Of Your Car, Gasoline Prices And Various Collusions, Which, As You Know, Do Not Exist - Alternative View

Video: On The Question Of Your Car, Gasoline Prices And Various Collusions, Which, As You Know, Do Not Exist - Alternative View

Video: On The Question Of Your Car, Gasoline Prices And Various Collusions, Which, As You Know, Do Not Exist - Alternative View
Video: The Truth About Space Debris 2024, September

Christianity, Islam, and as I increasingly assert, any current divine participation was created to put civilization on a material and technological track. The basis was the production of energy from non-renewable sources - oil, naz, firewood, etc. In fact, they are all renewable, but much longer than a person can trace during his life.

The destruction of buildings of the past, it is from the same place, from the transfer of humanity to the use of what can be accumulated in one (five, ten, thousand - it does not matter) hands. How do you get the opportunity to sell the conditional "ether" so that a person pays for light, if he hangs in the air and you can't collect it with an excavator bucket?

But let's leave what we can't use either. At least on an industrial scale. We will deal with the ether a little later. For now, material science is enough.

All of you went to school. In our time, this is no longer as obvious as in Soviet times, but I hope you are from good, intelligent families.

One of the first experiments that a student makes in a chemistry lesson is playing with a container, fire and holy water. Almost like a church. It was possible to get the blessed fire.


Oxygen and hydrogen, into which the water disintegrated and then collected back, did not even burn, but to everyone's delight, they almost exploded. And not so uncontrollable. Even teenagers with fragile brains and under the control of hormones, not every time brought the matter to the explosion of a test tube.

That is, if you need energy from burning, well, such a fetish, you do not need to climb into Siberia and suck oil from the bowels while you yourself are sucked by mosquitoes the size of a dog. Enough, just look into the bathroom and scoop up the required amount from the “point” device. Of course, while she is in the tap, otherwise they say some thirst often torments))

Promotional video:

Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen. In conjunction with the first element, everything burns! Including the human body by the way. Metaphorically, of course. But for example, water can also burn, for this you do not need any gasoline spots on the surface. just a few thousand degrees and the arch becomes an excellent fuel, disintegrating and grief. The effect is not necessary to observe in open-hearth furnaces, it can be much closer, ask the firefighters.

If oxygen can be a pity to burn for domestic purposes, then hydrogen is around like shit behind a barn. One of the few statements I have learned throughout my life is that hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe!

Nothing in the universe changed until I opened the chemistry textbook?


What's more, hydrogen can be used in a conventional internal combustion engine. That is, your car does not need to be altered so that it comes to its senses after gasoline fumes, clears its throat and runs on hydrogen. Slightly slower than 70-85% of the nominal, but will it hurt you much in a traffic jam and with a widespread speed limit of 120-150 km per hour around the world?

With minor alterations, absolutely the same as your engine, but on hydrogen, it will give out 117% of the gasoline rating. I'm not even touching on specialized hydrogen engines right now.

And now attention to all who deny the global management of technology and believe that everything goes by itself, in the order of the Brownian motion of molecules.

Sometimes it is, however, useful. To be honest, oh … I was eating when I read that all vehicles in besieged Leningrad were switched to hydrogen fuel - from barrage balloons to cars. Do you think they had concentrated and expensive liquefied hydrogen, which now scares everyone? Or opened the tap where he worked and poured it into the tank? Do you think it was more likely?


The question why the hydrogen literally flying in front of the nose has been forgotten for 100 years, I propose to ask everyone who believes that the global financial capital does not use its privileged position.

Those who are very interested are shown some kind of monster two blocks long
Those who are very interested are shown some kind of monster two blocks long

Those who are very interested are shown some kind of monster two blocks long.

Probably, it will be possible to find explanations, but they will be pulled by the same ears that are now attracting arguments against the transfer of the entire fuel and propulsion system to hydrogen.

There is also volatility and explosiveness, some kind of kindergarten, with the complexity of manufacturing (!!!) and high cost (!!!). They are repeated from article to article in one set, like parrots.

But the first place, I would give to environmental activists, who believe that warm water emitted as the exhaust of a hydrogen engine will, under the pressure of its atoms, rise to the upper atmosphere. Will not settle back !!! It forms a cap around the Earth and, either it will hang there forever, or it will fly into space. The planet, and with it the people will dry up.

I cannot comment on this option, because it is very funny, but probably they have some arguments signed by respected people. What can't you do for a research grant.

The problem of creating a hydrogen engine is also declared to be a high consumption (through rapid poisoning) of catalysts that are required for dissociation and energy production. They are made with the application of platinum and claim that if now everyone jumped over to hydrogen, in 15 years the Earth will run out of reserves of this metal.

Why does it seem to me that the whole set of these explanations is some kind of chattering about the real cost and effectiveness? Moreover, operating with horror stories common among the common people.

Moreover, now 50% of hydrogen for energy needs is extracted from natural gas. This, in my opinion, is not easy, it looks like, but the whole height looks like unhealthy delirium.

Platinum, natural gas. Well, you start mining it from meteorites, and then shrug your hands and say, I'm sorry, they say, you see, we tried, but we ran out of a meteorite stone, so please come to our new gas station.

Asami then go on this, but yell about the huge size
Asami then go on this, but yell about the huge size

Asami then go on this, but yell about the huge size.

However, large corporations are allowed to use hydrogen fuel. Walmart has converted nearly all of its forklift fleet to hydrogen. Would he do it if it was so expensive? With platinum.

Almost 30 percent of submarines and other special oceanic vessels, like a small part of civilian ships, no longer run on gasoline, diesel fuel or fuel oil. Many cosmetic items. Without screams and noise, everything that belongs to the world's great capital is already on the water.

And do you know why there is more conspiracy theories than many imagine?

Do you want to swear obscenities now? You understand that hydrogen-oxygen fuel is water!

These devices are no more complicated than a regular battery. Energy there is taken from chemical reactions, hydrogen dissociates, loses electrons.

They are caught by a membrane and immediately into an electric current. Himself, shorn, hydrogen, sad and lonely, runs for help to oxygen, which is prudently laid out on catalysts.

There they have sex, love and oxidation, as a result of which the received is drained as an exhaust gas - again, water. The analogy is the same as next to love.

Very dangerous fuel! The canister can stand anywhere
Very dangerous fuel! The canister can stand anywhere

Very dangerous fuel! The canister can stand anywhere.

This, dear friends, has been a known method of generating electricity for a million years. And you hold it in your hands, every day, because this is how the battery works. Any.

The efficiency of any fuel, where electricity is immediately received above the roof. There, nothing burns, no need to drive water or steam through the turbines, and in general there are no potential restrictions. In reality, 2 times it surpasses all mechanisms where something burns out, and then rubs against each other.

Unfortunately, I am not a chemist, but it is very strange for me to hear that the anode and cathode must be coated with platinum without fail. Even if superconductivity is needed, what alternative is there? Surely there is, and for a very long time. So while small transporters breathe gasoline, swallow dust and apologize for the cost of transportation included in the price of goods, corporate like WalMarta are far ahead. On cheaper, more powerful and, to hell with you, even environmentally friendly fuel.

Already in ordinary Wikipedia, a huge amount of technology has been described that has switched to hydrogen (or maybe, damn it, it has always been on it), but all this is either the technology of large corporations or the military. Military locomotives in the United States and German submarines are like small advertisements for the entire list, which has long been running.


In this series of pictures, it is clearly seen that the "gas tank" is a bowl of water.

And, please, come to our new gas station, where you will soon be able to buy gasoline according to the Euro-666 formula. It is very expensive because it is highly refined. But even with this cleanup, we've tried to leave enough contaminants in there for you to donate some more money to the environmental morons. Also, with the help of these elements, we have adjusted your life path and calculated that lung and toxic problems will incapacitate you, in the retirement area. So that you, with your panting in our world, do not poison the life of pension funds, which are already complaining about you.

In the meantime, we are looking for the right formula for the pricing of gasoline, which will provide us with further power over you, please follow the TV, where we will not tire of repeating to you about the terrible hydrogen bomb and the inevitable death of everything powered by hydrogen, like Hindenburg. Here is a postcard with his picture.


And we conjure you, do not trust anyone. Everyone except us is charlatans and ignoramuses. The name fuel cell hides expensive high-tech formulas that are so unstable that we cannot endanger your life and we modestly test them on ourselves, in the name of your future.

All the best to you, please don't forget to fill out your tax return. and here's an invitation to a charity evening where you can proudly give us another part of your budget. In the name of the children we f … m, or in the name of the blacks that we destroy. We haven't decided yet!
