A Couple Of Different UFOs Followed Over The British City Of Chelmsford - Alternative View

A Couple Of Different UFOs Followed Over The British City Of Chelmsford - Alternative View
A Couple Of Different UFOs Followed Over The British City Of Chelmsford - Alternative View

Video: A Couple Of Different UFOs Followed Over The British City Of Chelmsford - Alternative View

Video: A Couple Of Different UFOs Followed Over The British City Of Chelmsford - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 UFO Sightings in Britain 2024, September

The Briton, who decided not to give his name, was extremely surprised when on Monday, July 17, 2017, he saw two large UFOs in the sky over the city of Chelmsford.

The first two objects of different shapes that flew over Manon Road, near the city center, were noticed by several passers-by. A man working in his garden at that time drew attention to the people looking at the sky and heard their conversation.

“I heard one of them ask, 'Is this a bird?' But he was told: “This is not a bird,” a local resident told EssexLive. I looked up and saw two large and tall objects with a dark shadow below. They seemed to be turned over on their axis."

At first the eyewitness thought that these were parts of a bursting balloon, but strange objects, one of which looked like a cylinder, and the other like a long cigar, moved much faster than the wind.

“They were very strange, and not at all like airplanes, - the owner of the site rushed into the house for the camera and, running back, took several pictures of receding UFOs. - I have never seen anything like this before. I have no idea what this is. It seemed to me that they are somehow connected with each other, since they kept at the same distance from each other all the time."

A resident of Chelmsford showed his photographs to several knowledgeable people, but none of them could determine what it was.

Voronina Svetlana