Signs Warning Against Evil Forces - Alternative View

Signs Warning Against Evil Forces - Alternative View
Signs Warning Against Evil Forces - Alternative View

Video: Signs Warning Against Evil Forces - Alternative View

Video: Signs Warning Against Evil Forces - Alternative View
Video: Don't IGNORE These DEMONIC Signs That Someone In Your Life Is Sent By The Devil 2024, July

Various signs, following which, according to legends, will save the house, family members, and pets from damage and the evil eye.

1. To protect herself from the evil eye, a pregnant woman should, in all possible ways and as long as possible, hide her pregnancy from strangers, and keep a fig in her pocket when surrounded by people;

2. When bathing, do not remove the cross;

3. After the third steam, leave the bath - from this moment devils come to the bath to wash. They can strangle a person, and everyone will think that the victim is worn out;

4. To protect from damage, a bunch of nettles is placed on the threshold on Midsummer's night;

5. On Mondays, it is better not to mention the witches, otherwise one of them may turn into a dog and scare at the most unexpected moment;

6. When a loved one dies, at first it is better not to mention his name aloud, so that a ghoul does not appear in his form;

7. It is very important to protect ourselves from the evil eye, not only ourselves, but also to protect pets from it. For example, in spring, for this purpose, the cows were driven out with willow branches, consecrated in the temple;

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8. The evil eye and spoilage are well driven away by birch shoots - they are kept in the house or worn attached to clothes;

9. To protect against evil spirits, on the evening before Baptism, crosses are drawn with chalk or coal on the doorframes;

10. Inside the barn with cattle, behind the doors you need to put an ax - it will not allow evil spirits to enter the barn;

11. When a thunderstorm begins, devils rush to hide behind the backs of people - lightning strikes at them;

12. They do not sleep near the deceased, but protect his body from thieving devils;

13. Fallen milk teeth need to be burned in a fire or buried in the ground to protect themselves from damage;

14. After washing, under no circumstances wipe your face with a tablecloth;

15. A piece of alder put in a pocket is considered an effective talisman during a wedding;

16. For protection from evil forces, an even number of iron nails are hammered into the cradle or bed of a woman in labor;

17. The bride and groom are saved from the evil eye by putting linen seeds or silver coins in their shoes;

18. The bride's mother puts an onion or garlic in a bundle in her pocket on the way to the crown;

19. When strange images and shadows begin to appear in the mirror, an icon should be placed in front of it for three days;

20. When a witch or a sorcerer lives in the house, the smoke from his chimney comes out against the wind;

21. The scum that is nearby will surely give itself out with an unpleasant smell. You need to immediately read the prayer and cross yourself;

22. An effective talisman against the evil eye and damage is a stone with a hole tied to a door key or a nail;

23. Good protection against sorcerers - carry nine acorns and one oak leaf;

24. The rooster, singing before midnight, sees the evil spirits and thus tries to drive it away;

25. The twig with which you drive the cattle should not be thrown out on the road, but always brought home. In this case, the goblin will not steal the animals;

26. A pregnant woman should not leave the house to the chirping magpie - it may be a witch who wants to spoil the child;

27. Teeth grinding during sleep is a sign that the sleeping person is struggling with devils who want to harm him;

28. A woman should remember that during her period she is most susceptible to the evil eye;

29. A fire caused by a lightning strike cannot be extinguished with water;

30. Yawning, cross your mouth! Otherwise, the evil spirit can use it as a loophole;

31. After physical contact with rats, it is imperative to wash your hands. Rats are "unclean", and contact with them can turn you into evil spirits;

32. To avoid the evil eye, a baby under 6 weeks old is not taken out of the house and is not shown to random people;

33. They don't step on the litter thrown out of the house - the evil spirits will overcome;

34. For the wedding not to be upset, the bride should not mention the groom's name at the bachelorette party (this also applies to the groom's behavior at the bachelor party);

35. Before moving into a new house, you need to leave a chicken or a cat in it for the night. If the animals look good in the morning, the owners will heal well;

36. It is better not to put the house as a gate to the north - evil spirits will begin to survive from the owners' house;

37. A bride at a bachelorette party can jinx herself if she sits in front of a mirror;

38. Resumes "send to hell" child! The devil can hear and take him to himself;

39. Do not make kvass on Thursday, the devil will want to bathe in it;

40. Do not wash spoons immediately after dinner. Leftover food on them should be allowed time to dry. It is believed that this way you can protect yourself from the evil eye;

41. You can not wash while drunk;

42. It is better not to start building a house (and any other large-scale business) on the 13th of the month;

43. Never pick up ropes with knots from the road - damage can be induced through them;

44. It is undesirable to look in a broken mirror - you can see the devil;

45. If you wanted to spit, do not do it to the right - there is a guardian angel. Spit to the left - where the unclean spirit is;

46. A newborn needs constant supervision, otherwise the devil may steal his soul;

47. As soon as people unpleasant to you have left your house, put scissors between the pillows on the bed;

48. Hops protect from spoilage, it must be worn in a boot;

49. It is unsafe to go on a journey before the crowing of roosters, you can be tied by evil spirits;

50. To protect the house from evil forces, it is better to drive three iron nails (in the shape of a triangle) into each of the existing doors;

51. When moving to a new house, do not leave dirt behind in the old dwelling - through it they can cause damage;

52. It is best to move into a new home at dawn. After all, in the early morning, angels will move there with you, and devils in the evening and at night;

53. A bottle filled with bent nails, buried under the porch, can protect you from misfortunes in your house;

54. The floor is swept exclusively in a good mood. In a bad one, you will only draw devils into the house;

55. The hostess must be present at the birth of the calf and tie the umbilical cord with her own hands, otherwise the cow and the calf can be jinxed;

56. If childbirth is difficult, you need to curtain the windows and thereby protect yourself from the evil eye;

57. One of the best means of warding off the evil eye and damage from the house is a horseshoe hanging over the door;

58. If a dog hugs a horse, and the horse does not want to go, there is an evil force somewhere nearby;

59. Cut hair is not thrown away, but burned;

60. An old broom is not thrown near the house or on the road. If someone steps on it, the one who throws it out is threatened with illness;

61. You can not start building a house during the waning moon. The construction either will not end, or evil spirits will settle in the house;

62. To prevent the evil force from entering the house, there should be a broom at the threshold;

63. From induced damage, you need to sleep nine nights in a row, putting the Bible under the pillow;

64. An effective talisman against damage is a pin pinned on the wrong side of clothing;

65. In order to prevent damage to the wedding, it is advisable for all guests to wear belts with many knots.