Minor Instinct - Alternative View

Minor Instinct - Alternative View
Minor Instinct - Alternative View

Video: Minor Instinct - Alternative View

Video: Minor Instinct - Alternative View
Video: [FREE] Electro Punk x Alternative Rock Type Beat - ‘FOLLOW INSTINCTS’ 2024, September

Humanity is tired of sex. He doesn't need it as much as the market dictates. Anfisa Chekhova, Sigmund Freud, Sharon Stone - you are already bored with your basic instinct, let us live in peace.

This is probably the most terrible secret of modern civilization. Few people have the courage to publicly declare: “Enough naked meat! I don’t want to whip up dust on my bed or even someone else’s bed every day! And in a day - I don't want to either. I am no longer interested in looking at women, because they have nothing to shoot! Why do these bastards who sit in the TV pond, the Internet pond and the glossy pond love tickling my balls so much ?! I have many other interests and desires! Comrade policeman-policeman, what are you worth, do something with these concerned ones. You see, they violate my right to immunity."

One has only to say something like that to someone, as he will be immediately accused of homosexuality at best, impotence at worst. And impotent people are the most discriminated caste, worse than blacks and terrorists. Therefore, nobody speaks. I am the first. Do you know how scary ?! Now I'll close my eyes and continue.

I am fine. And with men's health, and with sexual orientation, and even with the family. I'm not a maniac or a prude. I love my wife, and not only as the mother of my children. I know how to look at a good female figure and wish its owner a worthy groom, especially if the figure is not the only thing that the girl has to offer. I can even, looking at the next sailing boat in a skirt, sigh about something like that, but I can only sigh, because my wife is strict, a little something - immediately causes moral damage.

Sometimes I go on such business trips where there is no TV, Internet and living women, but there is enough fresh air, silence, trees and physical activity. These trips can be long. And every time I am surprised at the same thing: the “basic instinct” makes no claims to my body. When there are no external stimuli, no one sparkles with the skin, then the sexual fades into the background, giving way to the human.

Once I ended up in a psychiatric hospital and got into conversation there with the head physician. It so happened that this hospital was forced to share the territory with the monastery, so the interview quickly turned to the topic of abstinence: is this a norm or a deviation?

The answer of the medical worker, who, despite being close to the monastery, was far from becoming a church, amazed me. He, that is, she said something like the following: the need of human individuals for sexual intercourse today is monstrously exaggerated. The level of sexuality, which is set by the information space as a norm, is characteristic only of sick people, and not only mentally. Sexocentrism of consciousness is characteristic, for example, of the first stage of tuberculosis, some skin diseases and even leprosy. Not to mention that an extremely strong need for sex is observed in most patients in psychiatric clinics.

- That is, Vysotsky's work in the part where "the head physician Margulis banned television" is medically correct?

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- This is despite the fact that during Vysotsky's time there was a completely different TV set. I’m even scared to think what will happen to our little hospital if we turn it on for at least an hour in the evening. I have not thought about the mental health of those who watch TV “outside” for a long time. Otherwise I’ll lose my mind myself.

After this conversation, I did not stop sitting in front of the screen and monitor, but involuntarily began to analyze the role of the sexual ingredient in the information product that we consume, as well as how it then affects our behavior. And I came to the conclusion that the image of Lenin in the times of the USSR is a flabby old woman's chest, compared to the place in our minds now occupied by the main sexual symbols.

We all live in the grip of a cruel dictatorship. This is the dictatorship of a soft buttock. The dictatorship of the big breast. The dictatorship of long legs and short sex.

If someone wants to sell us something unnecessary at a high price, then on an advertising poster he puts a half-naked woman next to this unnecessary woman - and we must immediately run to the store. And we run.

If you don't take off your panties from some new female ass at least once a month, then you are either unwell or not a man. We are given to understand this, and we understand.

The mental health market has been taken over by unfinished Sigmund descendants. The voices of normal psychiatrists are drowning in the swamp of "media medicine". "The seed in a man's body is an irritant that needs to be constantly thrown out!" "Regular extramarital sex is the best remedy for depression!" A curious detail - the authors of such mantras themselves, as a rule, have a full set of signs of impotence: facial cellulite, bald heads, impressive abdomens. The reason for this, in my opinion, is that if a person is incontinent, then he is incontinent in everything: in sex, food, booze and media pride.

Now try to talk to some muscular, fit doctor, who has in his pocket not the purchased crust of a public-yard academy, but an honest state scientific status. He will explain to you that the tendency of a healthy body to abstinence is not even Christian valor, but a medical fact. Men with excellent physical characteristics, who are in the best athletic form, are least likely to experience attacks of urge to get into someone's bed. In ancient Greece, abstinence in athletes was common, and today athletes are more reserved in relation to the weaker sex. A strong, courageous, accomplished man does not make a cult out of sex, is not his slave. On the contrary, he is the master of this instinct, he knows what he wants, who he wants and does not just throw his seed away. And only a person who is weak - physically, psychologically and status - allows himself to consider the need for reproduction as a "basic instinct." Only in such people the eyes are constantly scouring in search of a bare thigh, and their hands are constantly reaching in the wrong direction. The result of such a chaotic and meaningless sex life is a mutual degradation of both the one who is on top and the one who is below.

Once upon a time, when it was still possible to think with your head, and not with your own mudas and other people's breasts, someone very clever said: “In the male body there is a small organ that is always hungry if someone tries to satisfy it, and is always satisfied if they keep him hungry. Forecasters say spring is coming soon. Time to be a man. Real.

Author: Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich