Jewish Project Strategies - Alternative View

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Jewish Project Strategies - Alternative View
Jewish Project Strategies - Alternative View

Video: Jewish Project Strategies - Alternative View

Video: Jewish Project Strategies - Alternative View
Video: Jewish Israelis: Would you desecrate the Sabbath to save a non-Jew's life? 2024, September

Continuing to close the ontology of a geostrategic view of the future of the world and Russia, I got to the strategy of a very interesting geopolitical player - the Jewish project. And yes, I still have the right to talk a little about him and I consider it necessary. The article will not include Kabbalah, anti-Semitism, Zionism, etc. - the author is familiar with these lines of thought, but does not consider it necessary to analyze them.

Within the framework of the right-liberal global peace project under the leadership of Finintern and the United States, the Jewish project was not visible, it acted as their teacher and mentor, formed and corrected their psychohistorical meanings. But the world is breaking up into pan-regions, the intra-Jewish party of the game is over. The conventional "Pharisees" (families and clans partially controlling the Finintern) were the leaders of the Jewish project for a long time, and the "Sadducees" (partial control over Britain) and "Essenes" (Israel) acted as junior partners.

A new round of the game begins in the world and among the carriers of this project, and this game is fundamentally different. The key difference is not for the leadership of different parts of the project, but for the principle - will the Jewish project remain an exclusively networked power (“Pharisees” and “Sadducees”) or will there be an attempt to become a junior partner in a foreign pan-region (“Essenes” and those who were reborn in the future for this “Zealots ).

Before proceeding with the description, I will make a reservation, there are several aspects and plots that were deliberately omitted and left out of consideration, this does not distort the overall picture.

Bearers of the Jewish Project

The Jewish project is originally a networked power, i.e. the priority method of struggle is playing a long, psycho-historical war. Among the networked powers in the world, one can single out the Finintern (right-wing liberal globalists), the Vatican (the Roman Catholic Church), there were Internationals, but the Jewish project stands out even against their background, it has always been deeper and more conceptual. It is currently represented by the following parts:

  • a significant part of Finintern are conditional "Pharisees" (not heirs and successors from biblical times, but families and clans with similar basic principles);
  • some of the British elites are "Sadducees";
  • Israel is the "Essenes".

All representatives of the Jewish project communicate wonderfully with each other, get married and have common business projects. They are united by a single goal, and a different idea of the ways to achieve it - intra-family disputes and nothing more. That is why I avoid using notation like Rothschild, Baruch, Wallenberg, etc. After all, a dozen allies stand behind each family, and within one family, siblings can play for different directions, while remaining loving relatives.

Promotional video:

Structure of the Jewish Project
Structure of the Jewish Project

Structure of the Jewish Project.

The control of alien elites and alien psycho-historical meanings became the hallmark of the Jewish project. Its weakness and strength in the long term is a strong network component, which creates imbalances, also, we note the relative weakness of the Maccabean Spirit, despite the entire policy of the State of Israel. In the coming world of pan-regions and geopolitical players, for a full-fledged struggle, it will be necessary to be able to fight on three fronts - armed, trade-economic and psychohistorical.

The Jewish Project Strategy Field
The Jewish Project Strategy Field

The Jewish Project Strategy Field.

While maintaining global peace, the Jewish project would continue to play behind the backs of Finintern, Britain and the United States. By the way, the strategy of China "Manticore" is largely based on the connections and interests of the Jewish project.

The Jewish project has three options in a multipolar world - to continue playing the role of a network power, but then the existence of the State of Israel (the Shlomo Plan strategy) hinders it, or to create a geopolitical triad and become a partner of Russia and Iran (Russia's New Ark strategy), with a significant weakening of the network component. The third strategy consists of integration into the Islamic project, where Iran will be the leader, as a junior partner (the “Azure Islam” strategy), but there are more disadvantages than advantages in terms of preserving subjectivity.

In the event of catastrophic scenarios, the Jewish project will face a national catastrophe (the "New Exodus and Dispersion" strategy), since it will not be possible to preserve Israel's existence, and the evacuation procedure will be accompanied by terrible casualties. There is no desire to describe this strategy.

The vision of the ideal world of the Jewish project

Within the framework of the Jewish project, there is a clear and understandable idea of the desired future world order. Actually, the construction of a hierarchical pyramid, as shown in the figure, is the goal, the dream of the Jewish project, there is nothing secret or unusual.

At the head of the world should be Moshiach, who will be a man, and his power will be inherited (opinions differ here), Jews will receive a reward for fulfilling the Covenant, etc., who is interested, read the materiel, as well as comments and answers of rabbis, for There is no sense in delving into theological questions for the purposes of the story. The main thing is that the target image is clear. The categories to the right of the pyramid are my summary of roles, simplified but cognitively vivid.

Target state of the Jewish project
Target state of the Jewish project

Target state of the Jewish project.

The resulting hierarchy is fundamental for understanding the ideas and way of thinking of the supporters of the Jewish project. It is about the role of the world aristocracy, i.e. our habitual desire to have more "ours" is not applicable here. “We are unique, we are few and we are above everyone else. There cannot be many of us. " Only by understanding such a train of thought for oneself and the world can one understand the logic of the Jewish project.

And yes, it is the most powerful networked power in the world. At present, the Jewish project has a high level of control over Finintern, Britain, the elites of Latin America, and the continental elites of Europe and Russia are less affected.

The current state of the world system
The current state of the world system

The current state of the world system.

At the moment, the world power system has significant differences from the vision of the Jewish project, but the dynamics for it are positive. Before the abolition of the ban on loan interest in Europe, the entry of Jews into the world elite was accidental and one-time, too often they fell under the hot hand.

Regarding antiquity, within the framework of the formation of legends, one can draw a genealogy for hundreds and thousands of years, but the scale of the people in it, by the standards of contemporaries, will be very different from what is desired. But who is stopping you from specifying the village headman as the king of an independent city? One of several thousand rebbe, as the great sage of that time.

Nowadays, legends are being formed about the events that happened several years ago, against the backdrop of many refuting evidence, and here is such a field for imagination.

Thus, the image of the ideal world that has developed over the centuries and the history of the Jewish project make it possible to add a picture of further actions and aspirations of its carriers.

Looking for a "planner"

Different types of powers (three were previously distinguished - land, sea, network) have their own archetypes. They appear implicitly, they sit in the subconscious of the people. They strive for them, try to imitate, look for manifestations. We will not go into the psychology of peoples and their representatives, trying to understand the reasons for the formation of just such archetypes, especially since the answers are quite obvious.

For the land powers, the image of protection, power, and justice is embodied in one-man management, a good ruler, "Tsar-father", katekhon, etc. The maritime powers are characterized by a collegial image - a council of captains, parliament. No wonder one of the strongest archetypes of Britain is King Arthur (the first among equals) and the knights of the round table.

Well, for the networked power, which is the Jewish project, the image of power, protection and justice was embodied in a judge, a teacher of the law, a secret sage, an ethnarch. Not to mention even more ancient times, look at the structure of Jewish society since the end of the Talmud (4th and 5th centuries AD).

Actually, the "planner" is such an archetypal idea of some powerful and hidden acting. Moshiach on earth.

Archetypes of different powers
Archetypes of different powers

Archetypes of different powers.

An interesting question is whether there is a sole or collegial "planner" in the Jewish project?

The creation of the modern state of Israel is the best argument for the absence or incapacity of a "planner" for much of the 20th century. It is difficult to imagine a more strategically strong and brilliant move to counter the implementation of the conditional millennial "Plan of Solomon":

  • the formation of a physically weak and vulnerable land component in a networked power (it was early at that time);
  • the inability to refuse this component;
  • the creation of permanent and insoluble contradictions with the Islamic world, gaining control over which from a solved tactical task has moved to the level of a legendary feat;
  • extremely unfortunate choice of location - the creation of a hard-to-defend, economically dependent enclave in a sharply hostile environment;
  • internal split due to violation of religious dogmas (instead of Moshiach, Israel was created by a certain UN with the support of J. V. Stalin).

The presence of the "Plan of Solomon" a subject, judging by the capabilities attributed to it, would not have allowed modern Israel to appear, the very ideas of Zionism, with the unauthorized creation of the state, would have been cut in the bud.

And if you also remember about the Holocaust, and the previous couple of thousand years of history …

I do not presume to assert that the "planner" of the Jewish project has not appeared recently, or that there is no person / group of people who are trying to fulfill its functions without permission. Knowing a little about Jews, I would rather believe that there are several such groups, and they are fighting for influence, and a couple of orders of magnitude more people pretend to be representatives or proxies of such groups. Here are just stories about hundreds and thousands of years of secret rule of mankind, we will leave outside the rational discourse.

At the same time, there are very interesting signals and signs that within the framework of the Jewish project a “hidden Foundation” structure has been created (a similar structure is described in the “Russian Strategy“Hidden Foundation”), which corrects the general psychohistorical background and education of the elites, but is not at all involved in planning, even at the level of the "great plan".

Control over alien elites

In my student days, I walked around the institute and came across a recreation with portraits of the most significant scientists who worked at MEPhI. There was free time, and I counted that out of 50 people, at least two-thirds were Jews, and this is just a small example of the color and pride of Russian civilization. Can the Jewish project lay claim to ethnic Jews and their descendants or is assimilation going so hard that the State of Israel refuses to repatriate baptized Jews and their descendants?

As mentioned earlier, the Jewish project is essentially a networked power, which is manifested in the creation of specific tools and opportunities for gaining control over the elites of other projects, and to a large extent over the projects themselves. By the way, other network projects operate by similar methods, only not by right of blood, but by ideology.

This method was worked out in the Khazar Kaganate, after which it was not used for many hundreds of years - it is difficult for a network power to resist the land power, but in recent centuries, with the strengthening of the sea powers, this experience has become relevant.

Gaining control over alien elites
Gaining control over alien elites

Gaining control over alien elites.

As we know from history, for a very long time, the carriers of the Jewish project were forced to live among strangers, being subjected to pressure and demands to assimilate. Despite the specifics of social and religious life, some of the Jews left the communities, changing their faith and rejecting customs.

After the Reformation, interest on loans was allowed in Europe, which laid the foundation for the growth of the status and financial well-being of the elite of the Jewish project. And so, the representatives of the Jewish project received strong diasporas capable of helping their members and allies.

Imagine that individual "crosses" (here in the collective sense) and their descendants successfully make a career in other projects. At some stage, representatives of the Jewish project contact them, establish communication, offer alliance and help - we are not talking about the transition / return to Judaism, everything is within the framework of a common origin and mutually beneficial cooperation. Time passes and a small part of the protégé makes its way into the elite of his project, being at the same time agents of influence, and often bearers of the Jewish project. Further, ties are strengthened by marriage with representatives of Jewish elite families, and after some time, a significant part of the elite of the country or the project find themselves in the field of meanings of the Jewish project.

Actually, this happened with the maritime powers - Britain and the United States. It is more difficult with land powers - assimilation and acceptance of psychohistorical meanings comes from the territory and environment.

Shlomo Plan strategy

The goal is to build the world in accordance with the vision shown earlier, to prepare the coming of Moshiach.

As part of the continuation of the development of the Jewish project, as, first of all, a networked power, the policy of gaining control over the elites, and therefore over other people's projects themselves, will be continued. This practice is most successful in relation to liberal projects - Finintern, Britain and Latin America. The more conservative the psychohistorical meanings of the project are, the harder it is to work with it.

Let's consider the optimal, from the point of view of elite control by the Jewish project, variants of the tripolar world for the "Shlomo Plan". Any liberal globalism suits them by default and there is no point in disassembling it. Let me remind you that for stability it is necessary that the poles are from different squares in the system "liberal - conservative" and "left - right":

  • right-wing conservative USA or continental Europe;
  • left-conservative Russia;
  • left-liberal Latin America or right-liberal British Empire.

The elites of these geopolitical projects are largely loyal to the Judean project.

Let's see what other configurations can be. China is becoming more and more right-wing conservative and its elites do not fall into the field of meanings of Jacob's descendants. The situation is similar with India.

The Islamic world is too fragmented and demands the disappearance of the State of Israel, which is no longer acceptable, since it will entail a new Holocaust (many will refuse to leave) and the reciprocal use of weapons of mass destruction, but we will not talk about this story.

Thus, the key actions of the Jewish project within the framework of the Shlomo Plan strategy will be:

  • expansion of control over the elites of other people's projects (the mechanism is described above);
  • defragmenting the Middle East to eliminate the Sunni-Arab threat to Israel;
  • formation of new / reanimation of existing supra-elite coordination bodies on the basis of pro-Jewish parts of the elite;
  • assistance in integrating pro-Jewish national elites into the world elite.

The main danger of this strategy is that in the world of pan-regions, all geopolitical projects will learn to fight on all three fronts - armed, economic and psycho-historical wars, which makes the network strategy of the Jewish project easily detectable.

We will not touch upon the questions of the physical construction of the Third Temple and the consequences of this indiscriminate action …

Well, the security / existence of the State of Israel greatly limits the field of opportunities and alliances. As I said earlier, the very creation of the state of the Jews in the 20th century was an ingenious counter-play against the Jewish project. Even the transfer of Galicia to Poland against this background will be an insignificant event.


An attempt to implement the Jewish project through control over Finintern's right-wing liberal project failed. While maintaining the stake on the network nature of the power, the next approach will be either through control over the left-liberal global project (Latin America) or through the tripolar world, where the Jews plan to control the elites of all three poles. They will see the configuration as optimal for themselves - the United States, Latin America (or the British Empire) and Russia, and there is no China from the word at all.

The creation and existence of Israel is a brilliant counterplay against the Jewish project, limiting its field of possibilities. To refuse to defend Israel with all their might - to get a second Holocaust - very many will not run, they will remain, facing the Arabs who came to take revenge.

At the same time, Israel makes it possible to change the very nature of the Jewish project, turning it into a geopolitical player, capable of playing on all three fronts, even if it is a junior player of one of the poles of the tripolar world.

And finally, for most of the 20th century, the "planner" is the essence of archetypal ideas and expectations, put on a mask by individuals, and not a real titan of thought and planning. About the same as the World Government …

Thus, the Jewish project has two acceptable strategies - preserving the network character of the state, accepting the risks of a sharp increase in confrontation, or reformatting, thereby lowering the limit of ambitions, let's see which way they go.

Andrey Shkolnikov