On The Reasons For The Activity Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

On The Reasons For The Activity Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View
On The Reasons For The Activity Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

Video: On The Reasons For The Activity Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

Video: On The Reasons For The Activity Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth 2024, October

Already many people have noted the unusual activity of various types of UFOs on our planet, and especially in recent years. These objects are not only present in the zones of military operations, natural and man-made disasters, observing events on Earth, but also often appear as if out of nowhere or disappear without a trace in front of numerous observers. At the same time, some of the objects were seen even flying in and out of the vents of volcanoes.

What is the cause of all this abnormal activity? Considering that the official authorities are silent about this, and representatives of official science are even trying to explicitly deny the very fact of the existence of phenomena that are recorded by impartial devices, as well as photographic and video equipment, by someone's order, such behavior of "officials" causes the appearance of many versions among independent researchers who are not burdened with scientific titles or government positions.

For example, what can you read about this in the book by L. Seklitova and L. Strelnikova "What awaits humanity in the future?":

Thus, our Earth is something like an interstellar "transfer station" and, of course, it is not a "prison for souls", because behind what is happening on the planet there is a certain force, which humanity itself allowed to seize control over its consciousness, turning in the voluntary "cash cows" of a parasitic civilization. And while people themselves prefer to make a choice towards technocratic development, turning into an appendage of technical devices and various electronic "toys", it makes no sense to whine about a "prison for souls".

A person always has a choice - to continue to turn into cyborgs or microchip biorobots in accordance with the plan of a parasitic civilization, or to embark on the path of his own evolution and development of consciousness. Well, the active work on the restructuring and terraforming of our planet also testifies to the fact that it is most likely a "training ground" and not at all a "prison for souls." This means that the existing state of affairs on the planet is quite amenable to adjustment and positive changes, if there is a will of the people themselves. That is why it is so important to “wake up” for a conscious choice of your future, throwing off the obscene darkness imposed by parasites from your consciousness.

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