7 Unusual Discoveries That Scientists Can't Explain - Alternative View

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7 Unusual Discoveries That Scientists Can't Explain - Alternative View
7 Unusual Discoveries That Scientists Can't Explain - Alternative View

Video: 7 Unusual Discoveries That Scientists Can't Explain - Alternative View

Video: 7 Unusual Discoveries That Scientists Can't Explain - Alternative View
Video: 7 Mysterious Discoveries Scientists Can't Explain 2024, October

Mysterious artifacts of antiquity are simply incredible. With a thorough study of each of them, the history of mankind will be rewritten almost every 10 years. I propose to evaluate 7 unusual subjects that baffle science.

1. Roman dodecahedrons

At first glance, these artifacts seem like ordinary trinkets, but in fact they date back to the 3rd century BC. These objects were made of bronze and stone, and the case has a large number of spheres and mysterious symbols.


In reality, no one knows why all this was created. The very first Roman dodecahedrons were discovered during excavations in 1739 and since then 115 more such artifacts have been discovered. Interestingly, they were found only in Northern Europe; there is also no written mention of the nature of these devices.


A large number of theories have been built around dodecahedrons. Someone thinks that they were used for sewing, others believe that this device determined the timing of sowing the crop.

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2. Penny from Maine

Silver coins of Norwegian origin that were minted in the 11th century AD. All of these coins were discovered in Maine in 1957.


Initially, scientists assumed that the coins were brought in by the early Scandinavians, but later this version was refuted. Another theory says that the coins were brought by the Vikings, who had already visited America in the 10th century, but this theory was refuted.

Scientists believe that the coins were brought by Indians living in the northern part of the continent when the first Vikings arrived in America. But many people consider the coins to be fake, brought in for the purpose of hoax.

3. Object in the Baltic Sea

In June 2011, a Swedish team diving to the bottom of the oceans and seas discovered a very strange object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.


It was something much stranger than a sunken ship or a natural formation. Independent researchers have concluded that this anomaly was formed 14 thousand years ago. This object has a strange rounded shape and seems to be created by people.


In its shape, it resembles the legendary Millennium Falcon that Han Solo flew. It is interesting that a strip 300 meters long stretches to this "UFO" along the seabed. Ufologists say about the collapse of the spaceship of an ancient civilization, but there is no specific information about the nature of this object. Well, the classical theory implies the existence of an ancient temple, and the lane is the usual road that leads to the temple.

4. Rock from Lake Winnipesaukee

This artifact is one of the most controversial and mysterious ancient finds in the world. This stone was discovered in 1872 in the state of New Hampshire.


The object was originally thought to be a multicultural product symbolizing the unity of the tribes of North America, but in 1894, due to careful analysis, perfectly drilled holes of the correct shape were found on the top of the artifact. Later it was found that there are several holes, but the Indians did not have such technologies for drilling a hole.

While the time of creation of the stone remains unknown, but even if the date is determined, it will be impossible to determine the time when the holes were made, could all this also be a hoax? Scientists have no clear answer.

5. Sentient slime molds

The lifestyle of these creatures will make you think. The pulsating membrane of yellow mucus can cross any surface. If slime molds find food, they mark its location with chemical traces, and then choose the most direct route to it.


They do not have a brain, but they are able to find a way out of any labyrinth, follow different routes, and analyze their environment. It is revealed that they have a special intelligence that allows them to conduct reconnaissance. How did slime molds evolve like this? This issue is the subject of various disputes among the scientific community, and the mechanism of their thinking remains a mystery.

6. Signal "WOW"

On August 15, 1977, the Big Ear radio telescope, located in Ohio, recorded a strong narrow-band radio signal.


This signal lasted 72 seconds and was 30 times more intense than normal background radiation. Why is this signal so mysterious? It is believed that this signal came from the globular star cluster M55, which is located at a distance of 17,300 light-years from Earth. However, the source of the signal was never identified.

7. Concrete slab "Zodiac"

This name was given to a mysterious stone found in Canada in 2013. The stone is decorated with zodiac signs and astrological symbols.


Until now, there is no single theory about what this stove was intended for. It was discovered at a shallow level underground, which gives reason to believe that it was intentionally hidden. Obviously the images were made for a purpose, not just for design.

Perhaps the slab was used as an ancient sundial, but this stone still remains a mystery to scientists.