The True Chronicle Of The Crimea: When It Really Was Ours - Alternative View

The True Chronicle Of The Crimea: When It Really Was Ours - Alternative View
The True Chronicle Of The Crimea: When It Really Was Ours - Alternative View

Video: The True Chronicle Of The Crimea: When It Really Was Ours - Alternative View

Video: The True Chronicle Of The Crimea: When It Really Was Ours - Alternative View
Video: Crimea. The Way Home. Documentary by Andrey Kondrashev 2024, September

Crimea was Russian until 1855, before it was captured as a result of the Crimean War by the Kingdom of England, the French and Russian empires from Russia or Little Tartary (known to us as the Crimean Khanate). Catherine II did not annex Crimea - this is a historical lie. Until the middle of the 19th century, Sevastopol, or rather Akhtiar, remained the last inch of the Russian land in Europe. The captured Russian lands were called the Russian Empire in order to hide the very fact of seizure and alteration.

The united West conquered Russia and managed to hide the extermination and subjugation of our ancestors from the descendants. Any attentive person should be alarmed by the sharp contrast between Peter's and pre-Peter's times. We were presented with this as modernization, but in reality it was the genocide of the whole Russian and subordination to the non-rene.

The window to Europe was cut from Europe, with the introduction of slavery (the serfdom of the invaders in the fortresses), the abolition of the chronology and calendar, the destruction of old books and elders, the recognition of all the bearded (that is, the entire male population of Russia) enemies of the empire, the prohibition of Russian clothing (it is actually still in effect), the prohibition of Russian holidays and the gods, the substitution of funeral funerals in the ground, the legalization of the enemy military uniform and the names of the military branches, the formation of a shit elite from the international rabble of invaders.

From that time to the present time, the pseudo-elite, regardless of regime changes, has been solving only one problem of the genocide of the Russian people, which is now divided politically, nationally and religiously. We instructed ourselves monuments from our executioners: Petrov, Aleksandrov, Ekaterin, Nikolaev, Lenin, Stalin, Zhukov, Eltsin, etc. And be sure to bow to one of them. We cannot understand one simple thing that puts everything in its place: Russia invaded Russia. Russia is a Western project, or rather even the most successful project of our enemies.

Just imagine that Hitler defeated us, it happened 250-170 years ago, and over time it was hidden from the vanquished so that it would not occur to them to be indignant. The administration of the colony was transferred into hidden forms, the Ausweis was called a passport, the currency of the occupied territory was proudly called the ruble. Imagine - and in the end you will get our picture and our worldview, where we will defend our chains with full dedication. It would never occur to us to say something bad about our invaders, because we have been taught this for five or six generations.

We were told that we are Ivans who do not remember kinship, said those who killed the entire adult population of Rus in their time and for two hundred years have been bringing up each next generation in hatred of everything Russian. Grown people do not know the name of their grandfather's grandfather, if they do not belong to a dynasty of invaders, because all our grandfathers at that time fell, defending their homeland.

How this all happened in detail, I described in a series of articles and videos Our world is captured by an inhuman race, and in this article I will focus only on the finishing chord of the capture of Russia in its European part, on the capture of Crimea. If you believe the official dating, then the conquest of Russia (on the territory of modern Russia) unfolded at the beginning of the 18th century, and reached the Crimea a hundred and fifty years later, by the middle of the 19th century, since our ancestors fought for every five Russian lands.

Many maps have survived, which depict the "Crimean Khanate", which controlled the entire northern Black Sea region. His ally was the Ottoman Port (port of atamans), which we call the Ottoman Empire in order to hide the Russian and Cossack character of this state. Approximately also from the camps of the Cossacks on the map of the Russian Empire, through the replacement of one letter, the Kazakh SSR was blinded, and then Kazakhstan, now with a "thousand-year history".

Promotional video:

In fact, these were two kindred states, two fragments of Asia (Great Tartary, Russia), while Crimea appears on old maps as Little Tartary. The enemies were able to approach the Crimea only by suppressing the Port of Atamanov in many ways and entering the Black Sea with the fleets of the Russian and French empires and the British kingdom.

The very fact of the existence of the largest state in the world, Great Tartary, was hidden from us, which, according to the first edition of the British Encyclopedia, numbered over five hundred million people. This was done to legitimize the aggressive path of the Romanovs after Perth I and the Russian Empire, which turned the Russian people into slaves.

The official historiography of the Crimean War does not stand up to criticism. We are told that this is a war between the Russian Empire, on the one hand, and a coalition of the British, French, Ottoman empires and the Sardinian kingdom, on the other. The fighting unfolded in the Caucasus, in the Danube principalities, in the Baltic, Black, Azov, White and Barents Seas, as well as in Kamchatka and the Kuriles. They reached the greatest tension in the Crimea, so in Russia the war was called "Crimean".

At the same time, the French and British somehow miraculously managed to secure the advantage of their expeditionary corps in the Crimea, thousands of kilometers from their bases and reserves over the Russian army, which forty years ago defeated Napoleon's Great Army and captured Paris. For some reason, our fleet did not interfere with the British and the Guardians, and our army could not cross over Perekop and pile on an order of magnitude smaller than in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Either we didn’t defeat Napoleon, or something doesn’t fit. And our generals are intelligent and heroic soldiers, and reserves with support nearby, and the enemies are not too close, but for some reason we lost the war, we did not want to help besieged Sevastopol without any objective reason in a DEFENSIVE war, when the enemy allegedly invaded borders of the state, threatened the capital and attacked ALL ports of the country. By the way, historians for some reason are steadily silent about the naval blockade, although this follows from the theater of military operations of the Crimean War, so the sea trade continued without looking back at it.

This is all baby talk of the lowest level, but we willingly believe in everything. And our guns "again" turned out to be bad, and bent guns, and stolen fodder. And after the war, instead of making a new Gibraltar out of the captured Crimea and annexing it to the English crown, the British troops stupidly left (!) From Sevastopol without a fight. When was that? And even with the Anglo-Saxons. This is simply impossible, from the word ALL.

In fact, five took part in the war: on the one hand the Crimea and the half-defeated Port Atamanov, and on the other, Russia, England and France. Russia on the "Turkish" fronts achieved tangible successes, sank the Turkish fleet and grabbed a bunch of everything. The port of Atamanov at that time lost its independence, was torn apart by wars and restored sovereignty over the straits of the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles only in 1936 with the adoption of the Montreux convention, when the Slavic country was finally Turkified. For 80 years, the genocide of Slavic and other peoples close to us did not stop on the "Turkish" territory, and only references to the Armenian genocide have been preserved in history. At the time of the end of the Crimean War, the Ottoman port was the same Slavic state with Russian-Arab bilingualism as Germany is now.

In 40-50 years, with the current development of events, nothing will remain of the Germans, and they will also be Turkish and reduced to zero, as happened in Constantinople, our Constantinople. If the straits remained under our control, then Russia would not have been able to take Crimea in a purely land operation at that time. When the three imperial fleets entered the Black Sea around 1830-50, the balance of power dramatically changed not in favor of the Crimeans. They were immediately surrounded from all sides, cutting off communication with the Cossack freemen of the Caucasus and with the Port of Atamanov.

Therefore, the Crimeans flooded their fleet in the bay of Akhtiara, later named Sevastopol. It is difficult to estimate how many years or even decades the Crimean Bastion was completely surrounded. For example, Gelendzhik was captured by a "Russian landing" in 1830, judging by the official inscription on the city beach, and as a result of the Crimean War it was conquered only in 1857, perhaps some part of the Russians retreated from the Crimea to the Caucasus, as later everything was repeated during the Great Patriotic War.

In general, the theaters of military operations of different wars are similar, and from the maps of the Second World War one can understand what happened in previous times, adjusted for other military technologies. Some landing operations from the Caucasus to help Akhtiar were most likely carried out by the Cossacks during the Crimean campaign, although the Black Sea was under enemy control.

From the official point of view, all the empires of the world of Tartaria have not existed for 250 years. Turkish janissaries and bashibuzuks did not differ in appearance, nationality and language from the bearded Cossacks of the Crimea, therefore the "Russian army" interpreted everyone as "Turks". The Angians and the French from the expeditionary force clearly understood that they were fighting against the Russians. This fact could have been blurred if not for the heroism of the defenders of the Malakhov Kurgan.

In this regard, the empires had to stage a war among themselves in order to hide the fact of the independent existence of the Russian state of Little Tartary. For this, imaginary military operations were organized in the Baltic and White Seas with the participation of a large number of warships, as a result of which practically no one was injured. The theaters of military operations in the Caucasus and the Balkans were real, where the "Russian army" finished off the "Turks", that is, the Russian janissaries, in order to free them from "Turkish" rule.

The Ottoman Empire seems to be the winner in the Crimean War, but its losses are the greatest. She even lost a lot of territories and the right to have a fleet in the Black Sea, what a victory this is. And for the Russian Empire, this victory over the Russian Crimea was of immense importance. Now the centers of Russian resistance remained only in the highlands of the Caucasus, in Central Asia and in the Far East, where the remnants of Tartaria were also killed in the Russo-Japanese War.

The defense of Akhtiar, even from the point of view of official historiography, is presented as unparalleled courage. Crimea itself was completely devastated and the population from 700 thousand people decreased tenfold, since the entire adult population was exterminated or sent to Siberia. This is where the expression “to pass the Crimea and the eye” came from. It meant an example of the hardest trials, at first a person survived the many years of siege of Crimea and the extermination of the population, and then he was exiled to hard labor, since an eyebolt is a way of attaching shackles to a common chain (or something like that) when people were hung on pads and tied together on stage.

In 1867, Mark Twain visited Sevastopol. In Simpletons Abroad, he described the city as follows, 12 years after the end of the war:

“Pompey has survived much better than Sevastopol. In whatever direction you look, there are ruins everywhere, only ruins! Ruined houses, collapsed walls, heaps of rubble - complete ruin. It was like a monstrous earthquake with all its might hit this piece of land. For a long year and a half, the war raged here and left the city in such ruins, sadder than which has not been seen under the sun. Not a single house has remained unscathed, not a single one can live. It is difficult to imagine a more terrible, more complete destruction. The houses here were built to last, made of stone, but cannonballs hit them again and again, tore off roofs, cut walls from top to bottom, and now only broken chimneys stretch for half a mile here. It is even impossible to guess what these houses looked like. The largest buildings have corners torn down, columns are split in half, cornices are smashed to smithereens,holes gape in the walls. Some of them are as round and neat as if they had been drilled with a drill. Others were not punched through, and there was such an even, smooth and clear mark in the wall, as if it was being polished on purpose. Here and there, the kernels are stuck in the walls, and rusty tears ooze from under them, leaving a dark path on the stone."

When the war destroyed its own city in 12 years, it would have been restored in general terms. Akhtiar (Sevastopol) was the main enemy for Russia for a hundred years, and therefore it was perhaps not plowed and sprinkled with salt after the conquest. They could not take the Russians in hand-to-hand combat, and therefore bombed us from the sea in several passes, leaving no stone unturned from the city, and then over the course of many years they caught residents and sent them to hard labor.

On the Malakhov Kurgan, a handful of Russian people fought for several years against all the creatures of the world. They fought for the last inch of Russian land in Europe, and since their feat could not be hidden, it was attributed to the Russian Empire. Through all sorts of "Sevastopol stories", falsifications and manipulations, of which what then, what now is the whole mass culture and officialdom, made everyone forget who and what fought on Perekop and Sapun Mountain. Now we no longer know that the bastion is a five-sided fortification located at the top of the star fortresses. And the fortresses-stars are Russian fortresses throughout Asia (Tartaria, Russia).

Perekop actually became Perekop (echeloned fortification) on the eve of the Crimean War, when our ancestors were preparing for a battle with the invading empires. The Bolsheviks only swaggered there during the civil war to hide the origin of the million bones left over from the Crimean War and the head-on storming of Perekop by the army of the Russian Empire. Naturally, they themselves did not know anything about it, they were simply implementing a certain alien plan for military displacement.

Since that time, Crimea has been conquered many times, and almost always followed by genocide. Everything was the same during the Civil War after the capture of it by the Reds, then in 41-44. during its occupation by the Nazis, then after the liberation of Crimea, there were again mop-ups and deportations of entire peoples, then Khrushchev gave it to Ukraine and immediately changed it into a hohlyatsky way, when people massively changed their names, and “national” personnel were promoted.

Now feel what Ukrainians think after Crimea's return to the "Russian Empire" after five genocides in 170 years. Naturally, a feeling of fear and rejection arises, since it was all of us that were exterminated, our ancestors and ourselves in the past lives of both Russians and Ukrainians, who were not even there at that time. After all, they latently feel themselves to be the successors of Little Tartary, and now their capital in the past, Akhtiar, was again crushed by the empire.

And you were taught to yell KRYMNASH - KRYMNENASH. Well, whose is he now, after reading this article? Crimea was ours until August 27, 1855, while Malakhov Kurgan was held, and this day was the last day of Russia. Until that day, every night the defenders sang Trizna to the fallen, and every day they fought under continuous fire. Those who met that morning and the last battle in the evening already had no one to sing the last song and see them off to the Worlds of Light.

On August 27, 1855 Russia fell, its last bastion of Sevastopol.

Only 160 years have passed, but we do not know and do not understand this, we erect monuments and praise our executioners, and the true heroes remain either nameless or slandered as traitors. All the fields of the largest battles remained behind the enemy, and there was no one to accompany the fallen heroes to the higher Worlds of Light and perpetuate the memory of their feat, the enemies sneered at their bodies and sealed the strongest souls with their black magic rituals, preventing them from being reborn.

Behind all the battlefields of Russia there are whole hordes of Warrior Souls stuck in Navi for centuries, because we, their descendants, have lost our memory, faith, Motherland, and we cannot untangle all this in our heads, unfold and release their souls to better worlds.

We have to fix it all. On November 21-22, we will light the Eternal Flame in Sevastopol and conduct Trizna over all the defenders of Crimea in all wars over the past thousand years. On November 23-24 we will repeat the same thing in Kerch. We will remember ourselves and our fathers in these wars, remember our last battle in past lives.

We will stand shoulder to shoulder with our ancestors on August 27, 1855 on the Malakhov Kurgan. We will raise the banner of Russia and win that battle in the past, present and future. We will not surrender the battlefield to the enemy that day, and in the evening we will sing the last song and lead Trizna through all the Warriors of Russia.

And from all over the country they will light up fires and pick up our song:

And spring will come for you

And for you the don will pour

And a girl's heart will beat

Great Warrior, for you.

Author: Poluichik Igor