How Crimea Was Annexed To Russia - Alternative View

How Crimea Was Annexed To Russia - Alternative View
How Crimea Was Annexed To Russia - Alternative View

Video: How Crimea Was Annexed To Russia - Alternative View

Video: How Crimea Was Annexed To Russia - Alternative View
Video: What If Russia Won The Crimean War? | Alternate History 2024, September

In September 1764, the Polish Diet elected the Russian candidate Stanislav Poniatowski as king. On March 31, 1765, a military alliance was concluded between Russia and Poland. In February 1768, by decision of the Polish Sejm, Orthodox and Catholics were equal in all rights. Polish nationalists who did not want this, created the so-called Bar Confederation in Podolia and raised an uprising. The detachments of the lordly Confederates, defeated in Poland itself, retreated south, to the Turkish possessions and asked for help from Turkey.

On September 25, 1768, the Turkish Grand Vizier demanded that the Russian Ambassador Obrezkov cancel the decisions of the Polish Sejm on equality and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Poland. The ambassador could not promise this, he was arrested and thus Turkey declared war on the Russian Empire. The Ottoman Porta planned to concentrate troops at the Khotyn fortress on the Dniester and deliver the main blow to Warsaw, take it and attack with two armies on Smolensk and Kiev. The third Turkish army from the North Caucasus advanced on Astrakhan. Tatar detachments were to pin down the Russian troops stationed in Ukraine. The Governor-General of Little Russia, President of the Little Russian Collegium P. A. Rumyantsev wrote to Catherine II on October 17, 1768: “A gathering on the border of numerous Tatar and other troops,the stocking of shops and orders at the Sultan's court itself show the appearance of an indispensable war intended against the regions of your imperial majesty. In St. Petersburg, at the highest court, a Council was formed, which decided to deploy two armies in Ukraine. The first army from Kiev was to push the Turks across the Dniester, the second - to concentrate near the city of Bakhmut and defend the southern border of the Russian Empire. The first army was commanded by Prince Golitsyn. P. A. Rumyantsev was appointed commander of the second army by the rescript of Catherine II of November 5, 1768.the second - to concentrate near the city of Bakhmut and to defend the southern border of the Russian Empire. The first army was commanded by Prince Golitsyn. P. A. Rumyantsev was appointed commander of the second army by the rescript of Catherine II of November 5, 1768.the second - to concentrate near the city of Bakhmut and to defend the southern border of the Russian Empire. The first army was commanded by Prince Golitsyn. P. A. Rumyantsev was appointed commander of the second army by the rescript of Catherine II of November 5, 1768.

On January 27, 1769, the seventy-thousand-strong Tatar army of Crimea Giray crossed the Russian border. The Crimean Tatars managed to reach only Elisavetgrad (present-day Dnepropetrovsk) and Bakhmut, where they were stopped and thrown back by Rumyantsev's regiments. Having seized two thousand prisoners, the Tatars left for the Dniester, to Kaushany, where the khan's headquarters was established. This raid was the last in Russian history. On February 5, 1769, Rumyantsev reported to Catherine II about repelling the Tatar attack.

In July 1769, by order of Rumyantsev, the Russian corps of Lieutenant-General Berg approached Sivash near Genich to conduct deep reconnaissance and shackle the Tatar troops stationed in the Crimea, about which Rumyantsev reported to Catherine II on July 12. Berg later moved to Milky Waters and stood by the Kalmius River. In July and September 1770, his corps twice approached Perekop, covering the fortresses of Azov and Taganrog and threatening the Tatar troops located on the Crimean peninsula.

At the beginning of July 1769, the Russian army began a siege of the Khotyn fortress in order to prevent the connection of Turkish troops with the units of the Polish confederates. On the orders of the Grand Vizier Mohammed Emin Pasha, a 40,000-strong detachment of the Crimean Tatar cavalry was sent to the garrison to help. The Tatars attacked the Russian army besieging Khotin, but was repulsed. However, then the approaching one hundred thousandth Turkish army, united with the Tatars, forced the Russian regiments to retreat from Khotin and go beyond the Dniester. The Turkish-Tatar army that crossed the Dniester at Kamyanets entered the battle with the Russian army, but as a result of several battles it was thrown back. On September 10, 1769, Russian troops occupied the empty Khotin, and on September 26, Iasi. After that, Bucharest was taken, and at the beginning of 1770 - Azov and Taganrog. In Poland, the lordly confederates were defeated and pacified by the Russian troops of Lieutenant-General Weimarn, where A. V. Suvorov stood out, promoted to general for the successful end of the Polish rebellion.

On October 16, 1769, Catherine II sent a decree to the commander of the 2nd Russian army, General-in-Chief P. I. Panin: at themselves independence from any government and the promise to them in that from our side of real help. Panin decided to start with the Nogai - the Budzhak, Edichkul, Embolutsk and Edissan hordes. Russian emissaries were sent to the places of their migrations.

On June 17, the commander of the 1st Army, the future Field Marshal Pyotr Rumyantsev, at Ryaba Mogila, defeated the twenty thousandth Turkish corps. On July 7, 1770, Pyotr Rumyantsev with a twenty thousandth army defeated the eighty thousandth Turkish-Tatar army at the Larga River, applying the new rules for the formation of troops for an attack on the Turkish-Tatar army, which he created - in the form of several large squares that made up the battle lines and had jaeger squares on the flanks. These rules replaced the former line tactics, according to which the troops went into battle in three, and later two long lines. Three weeks later, another Turkish army, ten times larger than the Russian one, was routed by the Cahul River. During the battle, one of the squares was crushed by the attack of the janissaries, but thanks to the bayonet attack of the neighboring square, the battle formation was rebuilt. The offensive continued and the Tatar-Turkish army fled. Rumyantsev took Izmail, Kiliya, Akkerman, Brailov, Isakchu, Bender, and in 1771 he transferred military operations to the Danube.

Catherine II
Catherine II

Catherine II.

Promotional video:

The Turkish fleet of fifteen battleships, six frigates and fifty small ships in June 1770 at Chesme, near the island of Chios, was defeated and destroyed by the Russian fleet - the squadron of Admiral Spiridov.

Simultaneously with the hostilities, the Russian Empress Catherine II instructed the chancellor, Count Nikita Ivanovich Panin, to hold negotiations with the Crimean Khan Selim Giray III, who replaced the deceased Crimea Girey, on the separation of the Crimean Khanate from Turkey. The Crimean Khan replied to the Russian proposals: “You explain that your queen wants to leave the old Tatar liberties, but she should not write such words to you. We know ourselves. We are completely satisfied with Portoia and enjoy prosperity. And in the old days, when we were still independent from the Ottoman ports, there were civil strife and disturbances inside the Crimean region, all this is clear before the light; and therefore our former habits are best for us to represent what you need. In this your intention, except for idle talk and recklessness, there is nothing. However, reports from Russian scouts indicated that the Tatars were unhappy with the new khan. PA Rumyantsev wrote in a letter to Catherine II: “The person who brought the letters says that the new khan is very unloved by the Murzas and Tatars and has almost no communication with anyone, while the Tatars are in great scarcity in food and horses … the society, although it wants to surrender under Russian patronage, is not able to ask for it, because the current khan maintains them in considerable severity and is very careful to prevent it.and the Tatars are in great scarcity in food and horses … The Tatar society, although it wants to surrender to the Russian patronage, is unable to ask for it because the current khan maintains them in considerable severity and is very observant to the suppression of it.and the Tatars are in great scarcity in food and horses … The Tatar society, although it wants to surrender to the Russian patronage, is unable to ask for it because the current khan maintains them in considerable severity and is very observant to the suppression of this.

After the victories of Peter Rumyantsev at Larga and Cahul, the Nagai hordes, driven out of their nomads by Giray from their nomads to the Prut River after the campaign with the Crimea by Giray, turned in July 1770 with a letter to P. I. … After the permission received from P. I. Panin with the condition of the Nogai transferring to Russian citizenship and agreeing to this, the Edisan, Budzhak and Belgorod (Akkerman) Hordes returned to their homes as subjects of the Russian Empire. Panin wrote to Catherine II: “It is true that not only all the Belogorsk, Budzhak and Edisan hordes with all their sultans, murzas and foremen were sworn in according to their law, as a result of my letter sent to them, but also several Crimean officials who were with the khan were established forever in apostasy from the Turkish scepter . Subsequently, the Nogais of the Edichkul and Dzhambuluk hordes joined them.

Field Marshal Count P. A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky
Field Marshal Count P. A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky

Field Marshal Count P. A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky.

However, things were not so simple with the Crimean Tatars.

In September 1770, the Crimean Khan Selim Girey, who was in the main camp of the Turkish troops, broke through the Russian barriers and went to the Crimea. One of the best military commanders of Turkey, Abazeh-Muhammad Pasha, with twenty advisers arrived from Istanbul to organize defense on the peninsula to help the khan and the commander of the Turkish troops in the Crimea, Ibrahim Pasha.

At the end of 1770, the 2nd Russian army, with a new commander-in-chief, military general Prince Vasily Mikhailovich Dolgoruky, who replaced General Pyotr Panin, began the conquest of Crimea.

Prince Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgoruky
Prince Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgoruky

Prince Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgoruky.

The bulk of the Russian troops approached Perekop by the steppes, and General Shcherbatov's detachment on the ships of the Azov military flotilla landed on the Crimean coast fifty kilometers from Perekop.

The first battle took place at the Perekop fortress on June 14, 1771. A detachment of Russian troops of General Prozorovsky crossed the Sivash and bypassed the Perekop fortress on the left, finding themselves in the rear of the Tatar-Turkish troops. The khan went to meet him, but was thrown back by rifle fire. At the same time, the assault columns of Prince Dolgorukov went to the Perekop fortifications. Selim Girey retreated into the interior of the peninsula and stopped in the village of Tuzla. The forty thousandth Russian army took possession of the isthmus, defeating and scattering the seventy thousandth army of Khan Selim Girey and the seven thousandth Turkish garrison of the fortress. On June 17, Dolgorukov launched an offensive on Bakhchisarai, Major General Brown's detachment moved on Gezlev, and General Shcherbatov's detachment went to Kaffa. After defeating the already one hundred thousandth army of the Crimean Tatars in the battle of Feodosia on June 29 for the second time, Russian troops occupied Arabat, Kerch,Yenikale, Balaklava and Taman Peninsula. The headquarters of Prince Dolgorukov was set up on the Salgir River, not far from Ak-Mosque. Abazeh-Muhammad Pasha fled from the peninsula. Khan Selim Girey sent a letter offering negotiations and "enter into friendship with Russia." Dolgorukov also received a letter from the princes, beks and clergy of the Crimea with a proposal for an alliance and friendship of the Crimean Khanate with Khan Selim Girey and Russia. But when the Russian troops approached Bakhchisarai, undertaken to capture the harbors of Balaklava, Belbek and Yalta, the Crimean Khan fled to Istanbul. On June 27, the Shirinsky Murza Izmail came to Prince Dolgorukov from Karasubazar with a sworn list signed by one hundred and ten noble Tatars confirming eternal friendship and indissoluble union with Russia. Sahib Girey, a supporter of the Crimean-Russian rapprochement, became the new Crimean Khan. Turkey, occupied with the war on the Danube,could not provide military assistance to the khanate. On November 1, 1772, in Karasubazar, the Crimean Khan signed an agreement with Prince Dolgorukov, according to which the Crimea was declared an independent khanate under the patronage of Russia. The Black Sea ports of Kerch, Kinburn and Yenikale passed to Russia. Leaving garrisons in the Crimean cities and freeing more than ten thousand Russian captives, Dolgorukov's army went to the Dnieper.

In 1772, Alexander Suvorov, who arrived in the Danube army of Rumyantsev, inflicted a series of defeats on the Turks, one of which - at Kozludzha - finally decided the outcome of the war. After such a defeat of his troops, the Turkish sultan asked Russia for peace. Catherine did not really want this, but Austria, England and France, who did not want to strengthen Russia at the expense of Turkey, did everything possible to prevent the complete defeat of Turkey. At the same time, other important events for Russia were taking place. In June 1772, as a result of the partition of Wormwood between Austria, Prussia and Russia, under powerful triple pressure approved by the half-bribed Polish Sejm in September 1773, part of the ancient lands captured by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the XIV century from her - lands along the Western Dvina, part of the Upper Dnieper region - the Polotsk voivodeship,Vitebskoe, Mstislavskoe, part of Minsk, part of Polish Livonia - more than eighty thousand square kilometers in total. Under the second partition of Poland, Belarus returned to Russia with Minsk and Right-Bank Ukraine. Later, after the failed Polish uprising of Tadeusz Kosciuszko in early 1795, Poland was finally divided. Russia received Lithuania, Western Belarus, Western Volhynia and the Duchy of Courland, which was a vassal of Poland. Western Volhynia and the Duchy of Courland, which was a vassal of Poland. Western Volhynia and the Duchy of Courland, which was a vassal of Poland.

Catherine II
Catherine II

Catherine II.

On March 31, 1774, Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin was appointed to govern the Novorossiysk province, which had been formed ten years earlier, instead of Lieutenant-General Melgunov. Potemkin came from an ancient noble family. It is known that one of his ancestors, Fyodor Potemkin, in 1581, on behalf of Ivan the Terrible, met the ambassador of Pope Gregory VIII Antonio Possevino on the Russian-Polish border. The second, Petr Ivanovich Potemkin, a sideman of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, for many years was the Russian ambassador to Spain, France, England and Denmark. Poteemkin's father served in the army for over thirty years, took part in many battles and retired as a lieutenant colonel. Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin was born in 1739 on his father's estate Chizhov, located in the Dukhovshchinsky district of the Smolensk province. Potemkin took part in the accession to the Russian throne of Catherine II, fought heroically in the first Russian-Turkish war and in 1774 was general-in-chief and vice-president of the military collegium. A year later, Catherine II wrote to Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin:

Field Marshal Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky
Field Marshal Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky

Field Marshal Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky.

“By entrusting the Novorossiysk and Azov provinces to your economic care, we entrust at the same time the strengthening of the Dnieper line, which we have tested, with everything belonging to it, into your full authority and command. I was affirmed on your tested zeal and jealousy for us and the fatherland, we remain in full hope that our highest intention, with which we arrange this line to perfectly ensure that part of the limits from the Tatar raids, will be fulfilled with the desired accuracy."

On July 15, 1774, in the small Bulgarian village of Kuchuk-Kainardzhe on the right bank of the Danube, Peter Alexandrovich Rumyantsev and the Supreme Vizier Mussun-zade Megmet Pasha signed a peace treaty between Russia and Turkey, according to which the lands from the Bug and the Kinburn fortress at the mouth of the Dnieper to Azov with the Kuban and Azov regions, the fortresses of Kerch and Yenikale, which blocked the exit from the Azov to the Black Sea. The Kerch Strait became Russian, which was of great importance for the southern trade of Russia. The Crimean Khanate was declared independent from Turkey. Russian merchant ships received the right to pass the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles on a par with English and French. Turkey paid Russia an indemnity of four and a half million rubles. The historical task of Russia's entry into the Black Sea was half completed.

In the peace treaty it was said about this:

Art. Z. All Tatar peoples: Crimean, Bujat, Kuban, Edisans, Zhambuyluks and Edichkuls, without exemption from both empires, have to be recognized as free and completely independent of any outside power, but under the autocratic rule of their own Khan Chinggis generation, by the entire Tatar society elected and erected, who rules them according to their ancient laws and customs, without giving account of anything to any outside power, and for this neither the Russian court nor the Ottoman Port have to intervene both in the election and in the construction of the aforementioned khan, and in domestic, political, their civil and internal affairs by no means …

Art. 19. The fortresses of Yenikale and Kerch, which lie in the Crimean peninsula with their marinas and everything in them, also with counties, starting from the Black Sea and following the ancient Kerch border to the Bugak tract and from Bugak in a straight line upward even to the Sea of Azov, remain in complete, eternal and unquestioning possession of the Russian Empire."

Professor of the University of Halle Johann Erlich Tunnmann in his work "Crimean Khanate", published in 1784, wrote:

“Since the conclusion of the Kuchuk Kainardzhiyskiy Peace Treaty on July 10, 1774, the Crimean Khan, as an independent state, has owned a number of vast countries both on the European and Asian sides of the Black and Azov Seas. Its main area is the Crimean peninsula, where the khan usually has his residence. In Europe, in addition, he owns: Eastern Nogai between the r. Berdoy and the Dnieper, Edisan, or Western Nogai, between the Bug and the Dniester, and most of Bessarabia, or Budzhak, between the Dniester and the Danube. In Asia, he owns the Kuban on both sides of the Kuban River and claims supreme power over both Kabards. But the actual possession of the Kabardians is not recognized for him. The khan possesses: public prayer (khutba), the publication of laws, command of troops, minting of coins, the right to establish duties and taxes. In everything else, his power is extremely limited. He is obliged to govern according to ancient laws and customs. He cannot start a war or other state affairs without the consent of the kyrym-begs and the Nogai murzas. In such cases, they are all convened by the khan in Bakhchisarai or Karasu to accept or reject the proposals made by him. No treaties, laws or orders relating to the nation have the slightest effect if they are not approved and signed by these races by these murzas."

Monument near st. Terlitsy, where Prince Potemkin died. Aside, - a stone at the place where Potemkin fell
Monument near st. Terlitsy, where Prince Potemkin died. Aside, - a stone at the place where Potemkin fell

Monument near st. Terlitsy, where Prince Potemkin died. Aside, - a stone at the place where Potemkin fell.

The situation in Crimea was uncertain and complex. Turkey, although agreeing to the recognition of the independence of the Crimea, was preparing for a new war. The Turkish sultan, being the supreme caliph, held religious power in his hands and asserted new khans, which left the possibility of real pressure on the Crimean Khanate. As a result, the Crimean Tatars in Crimea were divided into two groups - Russian and Turkish, clashes between which reached real battles.

At the beginning of 1774, the Turkish group appointed Devlet Giray, who was immediately approved by the Turkish sultan-caliph, as khan, who tried to take the place of his deposed brother Sahib Girey. Devlet Girey landed in July 1774 with a Turkish landing in Alushta, but the Turks were not allowed to go deep into the Crimea. On July 23, 1774, a three thousandth Russian detachment knocked out the Turkish landing force, which had fortified itself in Alushta and near the village of Shumly. In this battle, the commander of the grenadier battalion Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov was wounded in the eye. The Commander-in-Chief of the Crimean Army, General-in-Chief Vasily Mikhailovich Dolgorukov, reported to Catherine II on July 28, 1774: “As a result of my report to Your Imperial Majesty on the 18th of this month about the campaign undertaken by me to repel the enemy who unloaded the fleet and set up my camp near the town of Alushta, I hurried there,most merciful empress, with all possible speed, adding to her five battalions of infantry from the troops located on the Bulzyk River. On the 22nd, I arrived, most merciful Empress, to the village of Yanisal, in the very interior of the mountains, from where the road that lies to the sea is surrounded by mountains and forest, and in other places there are such abysses that it is difficult for two people to pass in a row and at least three pounds weapons may be carried, only the troops of Your Imperial Majesty, on their own ramen, have now opened the way there for twelve-pound new proportions of unicorns. On the 23rd, I, most merciful Empress, sent out a search over the enemy for the lieutenant-general and knight of Count Musin-Pushkin with seven battalions of infantry, with two thousand eight hundred and fifty men in arms under arms,I myself remained with two battalions of infantry and two cavalry regiments to cover his rear, so as not to be cut off by him. Meanwhile, the Turks, separating from their main camp at Alushta, according to the prisoners, seven or eight thousand, took a very firm position four miles from the sea, in front of the village of Shumoy, in a very advantageous place, on both sides of which there were steep stone rapids retrenchments. As soon as the troops of Your Imperial Majesty led their attack with two squares, they were met with the most severe of cannon and rifle fire. The enemy, taking advantage of the convenience of the place and the superiority of forces, defended himself from retrenchments with such stubbornness that for more than two hours, when both squares, leaning forward in impassable paths, acquired every step with blood, the most intense struggle, produced from cannons and rifles, did not stop on both sides. On approaching both retrenchments, Lieutenant-General Count Musin-Pushkin, whose courage and zeal for the service of Your Imperial Majesty are known to Your Imperial Majesty, ordered, taking the enemy with bayonets, to get into the retrenchment, which was done on the left side, where The strongest resistance of the Moscow legion to the grenadier battalions under the own leadership of the brave lord Major General and Knight Jacobius, on the other second, Major Shipilov, reinforced by Colonel Liebholt so successfully that the Turks, feeling about the defeat of the troops of Your Imperial Majesty, rushed into them to Alushta, leaving their batteries and being driven to their vast camp, which stood on the shore. In this case, Major General Jacobius, although in command, most merciful Empress,and the second brigade, but according to the closest position, being used to take retrenchment, in the most severe fire he acted with excellent fearlessness, received a shell shock, a horse was shot under him and his own two people were killed near him. Mister Major General Grushitsky, approaching with a battalion of grenadiers, and making a brutal cannonade doing great harm to rejection, helped the troops, retrenching the attackers, to achieve this sooner, when in the meantime Major Pretorius defeated and drove out a large number of the enemy from the village of Demerdzhi, from which it was convenient for them to go to the rear of Count Musin-Pushkin. The number of the beaten enemy probably cannot be known, because their bodies were thrown in the abysses and between the stones, but more than three hundred corpses remained on the spot; taken prisoner: one bayraktar and two ordinary Turks, four cannons and several banners. Of all the troops of Your Imperial Majesty, killed: non-commissioned officers, corporals and privates of various ranks, thirty-two. Wounded: of the Moscow Legion, Lieutenant Colonel Golenishchev-Kutuzov, who led his grenadier battalion, composed of new and young people, to such perfection that in dealing with the enemy he was superior to the old soldiers. This headquarters officer was wounded by a bullet, which, hitting between the eye and the temple, went out into the flight in the same place on the other side of the face.which, hitting between the eye and the temple, came out onto the flight in the same place on the other side of the face.which, hitting between the eye and the temple, came out onto the flight in the same place on the other side of the face.

Tauride Palace
Tauride Palace

Tauride Palace.

The Kutuzov fountain near Alushta
The Kutuzov fountain near Alushta

The Kutuzov fountain near Alushta.

According to the Kuchuk-Kainardzhiysky peace treaty, the Turks were supposed to leave the Crimea, but they were in no hurry to do this, but settled in Kaffa. Devlet Girey IV became the Crimean Khan.

The actions of the Turks made it possible for the Russian corps of Lieutenant-General A. A. Prozorovsky to enter the Crimea in November 1776 and, without meeting resistance, fortify in Perekop. The reason was the collection of military quartermaster property left in the Crimea since 1774. At the same time, a new Russian protege from the Girey family, Shagin Girey, who became the Khan of the Kuban, established himself on the Taman Peninsula. Devlet Girey concentrated his troops at Karasubazar and on the Indal River. He was opposed by Lieutenant-General Alexander Suvorov, on December 17, 1776, with the regiments of his Moscow division, who arrived in the Crimea under the command of Alexander Alexandrovich Prozorovsky and on January 17, 1777, entered the temporary command of the twenty thousand Russian corps. In early March 1777, the Suvorov detachments of Major Georgy Bogdanov and Ludwig Gervat approached Karasubazar and Indali. Upon learning of the Russians' approach, the Tatar troops dispersed. Devlet Girey with a small retinue went to Bakhchisarai, where he again began to gather the Tatars. Shagin Girey landed at Yenikale, near modern Kerch. Most of the local Tatar nobility went over to his side. On March 20, the Ryazhsky Infantry Regiment occupied Kaffa. Devlet Giray with a Turkish landing sailed to Istanbul. Suvorov reported to Prozorovsky that the enemy troops in Bakhchisarai had been disbanded. Shagin Girey was elected as the Crimean Khan. At his request, Russian troops remained in Crimea, stationed at the Ak-Mosque. Devlet Giray with a Turkish landing sailed to Istanbul. Suvorov reported to Prozorovsky that the enemy troops in Bakhchisarai had been disbanded. Shagin Girey was elected as the Crimean Khan. At his request, Russian troops remained in Crimea, stationed at the Ak-Mosque. Devlet Giray with a Turkish landing sailed to Istanbul. Suvorov reported to Prozorovsky that the enemy troops in Bakhchisarai had been disbanded. Shagin Girey was elected as the Crimean Khan. At his request, Russian troops remained in Crimea, stationed at the Ak-Mosque.

In the "Memorable book of the Tauride province", published in Simferopol in 1867, there is a document - "List of state expenditures of the Crimean Khanate" during the reign of Shagin Girey, according to which 152 people received a salary in Turkish leva and Russian rubles. The state and court states of the Crimean Khanate are also indicated there:

“The staff of the entire civil and military administration of the Crimean state: I. First ranks:

kalga-sultan, who was considered the successor of the khan;

nureddin-sultan, second heir;

sultans, i.e. princes from the Girey family;

or-bey - commandant and governor of the fortress Or-kapi (Perekopa), from the Girey family;

khan vizier;

mufti, head of the clergy;

kazy-asker, chief spiritual judge;

great aha; those. the Minister of Police;

the main treasury;

first deferdar, i.e. Minister of Finance;

beys - Shirinsky, Barynsky, Mansursky, Arginsky, Yashlavsky, etc. P. Second ranks:

nuredin, i.e. governor of the great aga;

second defterdars;

silichter, i.e. swordsman;

kyatibi sofa, i.e. Secretary of the Council;

ak-medzhi-bey, i.e. keeper of the harem;

kaymakans of provinces, cities and hordes of Nogai;

murahasa, i.e. representatives at the court of noble families;

bash-bullyuk-bash, i.e. chief of staff. III. Third ranks:

kadi, i.e. judges;

muselimi-governors, i.e. rulers;

serdars, in general commanders;

dyzdar, i.e. commandants;

mint and customs registrars;

scribes, i.e. secretaries of the Kaymakans and customs.

Another statement contains the calculation of the costs of salaries to the spouses of the khan, courtiers, for the maintenance of the court, hunting, etc.

Court staff:

Bodyguard Corps:

16 people from Edisan Murzas, 11 people from Edichkul Murzas, 11 people from Dzhambuyluk Murzas, 4 Kabardians, 5 Tamans, 8 Zapintsy;

2 kapiji, i.e. chamberlains;

kular-agas or chief of servants and pages;

3 imiryurs, i.e. equestrians;

1 superintendent of state deer, who were in the khan's menagerie in Chufut-Kale, near Bakhchisarai;

1 falconry keeper;

1 hunter;

1 flight attendant, i.e. skippers and boatmen;

1 cheshnicher;

1 sherbet;

1 podshchverchchi;

1 bash-chugadar, i.e. main furrier;

28 chugadars, i.e. furiers and runners;

4 tents, i.e. tent warders;

1 Kapellmeister;

1 doctor;

1 matarji and 1 matarji;

11 pages;

1 main department and 3 junior departments;

1 secretary of the khan;

1 chandelier caretaker;

Russian cabbies, Russian and German cooks; tent masters, carpenters, silversmiths, masons, gold embroiderers, chubukchi, etc."

Having studied in Thessaloniki and Venice, knowing several languages, Shagin Girey ruled in disregard of the national Tatar customs, and soon turned into a traitor and apostate for his people. He transformed the possessions of the Tatar nobility, almost independent of the khan, into 6 governorships-kaymakams - Bakhchisarai, Ak-Mechet, Karasubazar, Gezlev or Yevpatoria, Kafa or Feodosia and Perekop. The Kaymakans consisted of 44 kadylyks - districts in which there were 1474 villages with 14323 yards. Khan confiscated the vakfs - the lands of the Crimean clergy. When Shagin Giray tried to create an army of the European type, a riot began in November 1777. After the landing in the Crimea in December 1777, appointed in Istanbul by Khan Selim Girey III, the uprising covered the entire Crimean peninsula. Civil war broke out. The Tatars who rebelled against Shagin Girey were defeated by Russian troops.

On November 29, 1777, Field Marshal Pyotr Rumyantsev appointed Suvorov to command the Kuban corps. Suvorov, who took over the Kuban corps on January 5, 1778, made a complete topographical description of the Kuban Territory in a short time and seriously strengthened the Kuban cordon line, which was, in fact, the border of Russia and Turkey. On March 23, 1778, Suvorov was appointed commander of the Crimea and Kuban troops instead of Prozorovsky, and on April 27 he arrived in Bakhchisarai. He divided Crimea into four territorial districts, stretched along the coast a line of posts at a distance of 3-4 kilometers between them. Russian garrisons were located in fortresses and forty fortifications-rent-trenchments, field officers, redoubts, armed with 90 guns. The first territorial district occupied lands: in the north of the Crimean peninsula - from Perekop to Chongar, in the east - from Chongar to Karasubazar,in the south - from Karasubazar to the Black Sea, the Bulganak River, in the west - from Bulganak to Perekop. The district center was in Gezlev. The second territorial district occupied the southwestern part of Crimea: in the east - from Karasubazar to Sudak, in the south - along the Crimean coast from Sudak to the Bulganak River. The center of the district was in Bakhchisarai. The third district was located in the eastern Crimea and occupied the territory in the east - from Genichesk along the Arabat Spit to Arabat, in the south - along the Black Sea coast. The center of the district was in the Salgir retransmission. The fourth territorial district occupied the Kerch Peninsula with its center in Yenikal. The brigade of Major General Ivan Bagration was stationed behind Perekop. The second territorial district occupied the southwestern part of Crimea: in the east - from Karasubazar to Sudak, in the south - along the Crimean coast from Sudak to the Bulganak River. The center of the district was in Bakhchisarai. The third district was located in the eastern Crimea and occupied the territory in the east - from Genichesk along the Arabat Spit to Arabat, in the south - along the Black Sea coast. The center of the district was in the Salgir retransmission. The fourth territorial district occupied the Kerch Peninsula with its center in Yenikal. The brigade of Major General Ivan Bagration was stationed behind Perekop. The second territorial district occupied the southwestern part of Crimea: in the east - from Karasubazar to Sudak, in the south - along the Crimean coast from Sudak to the Bulganak River. The center of the district was in Bakhchisarai. The third district was located in the eastern Crimea and occupied the territory in the east - from Genichesk along the Arabat Spit to Arabat, in the south - along the Black Sea coast. The center of the district was in the Salgir retransmission. The fourth territorial district occupied the Kerch Peninsula with its center in Yenikal. The brigade of Major General Ivan Bagration was stationed behind Perekop. The center of the district was in the Salgir retransmission. The fourth territorial district occupied the Kerch Peninsula with its center in Yenikal. The brigade of Major General Ivan Bagration was stationed behind Perekop. The center of the district was in the Salgir retransmission. The fourth territorial district occupied the Kerch Peninsula with its center in Yenikal. The brigade of Major General Ivan Bagration was stationed behind Perekop.

On May 16, 1778, Alexander Suvorov turned to his troops with a special order, according to which the Russians were supposed to "observe complete friendship and confirm mutual agreement between Russians and different ranks of the inhabitants." Suvorov also managed to force the remaining Turkish warships to leave the Akhtyar Bay, starting to build fortifications at the exit from the bay and forbidding the Turks to take fresh water from the Belbek River on the shore. Turkish ships left for Sinop. To weaken the Crimean Khanate, Suvorov, on the advice of Grigory Potemkin, facilitated the resettlement of the Christian population from the Crimea to the new lands of the Azov coast and the mouth of the Don, which aroused the fury of Shagin Giray and the local Tatar nobility. From May to September 1778, thirty-one thousand people were resettled from the Crimea to the Azov region and to Novorossiya.

Known "The Highest Charter on the organization of Christians brought out of the Crimea", signed by Catherine II on May 21, 1779:

“By God, with the mercy advancing, we, Catherine II, the Empress and autocrat of All-Russia, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, the Queen of Kazan, the Queen of Astrakhan, the Queen of Siberia, the Empress of Tver and the Grand Duchess of Smolensk, Princess of Esthlian, and Livonian, Tver, Korolev Perm, Vyatka, Bulgarian and other sovereigns, and the Grand Duchess of Novgorod, the lower lands, Chernigov, Ryazan, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Belozersk, Udora, Obdorskaya, Kondiyskaya and all northern countries, the sovereign and empress of the Iverian lands, Cherkasy and other mountain princes empress and owner.

… to the whole society, Crimean Christians of the Greek law, of any title to everyone in general, and to each especially our imperial merciful word.

… having considered the general and goodwill based petition sent to us from you from Bakhchisarai on July 16 of this year for the deliverance of all of you from the threatened yoke and disaster by acceptance into eternal citizenship of the All-Russian Empire, we do not deign to accept all of you under our all-merciful protection and, as if having calmed the dear children under it, they can bring a little prosperous life, colic the desire of mortals and our incessant care for that can extend.

The original is signed by her own

imperial majesty hand tacos:


In July 1778, a Turkish fleet, led by the commander of the Turkish fleet, Gassan-Gazy-Pasha, appeared on the coast of the Crimea in the Feodosiya Bay with the intention of landing a landing party, consisting of one hundred and seventy pennants. The Turks sent a letter demanding that Russian ships be banned from sailing along the Crimean coast, threatening to sink them if the ultimatum was not fulfilled. However, the firm position of Suvorov, who stated in a response letter that he would ensure the security of Crimea by all means available to him, did not allow the Turks to land a landing. The Turkish fleet went home. The same attempt was repeated in September 1778, but thanks to Suvorov, who fortified the Crimean coast and ordered the brigade of Prince Bagration to enter the Crimea and maneuver with troops along the coast in accordance with the movement of Turkish ships, the Turks did not dare to land and went home. Suvorov reported to his commander P. A. Rumyantsev:

“From the 7th, the Turkish fleet, up to about 170 large and small vessels, covered the Crimean coast from behind the Javadin pier, twisting the balaklava in different places, with true strength in the vicinity of Kafa … Mr. Regiment, Mr. Brigadier Peterson, who had arrived in the Crimea ahead of his Excellency, then approached Kefa, and the detachments of the 3rd brigade were distributed to both wings under the necessary outposts in comparison to Turkish evolutions. His Excellency, Prince Bagration, was informed that he, having protruded from Shangirey, crossed the dig, would settle under Mamshik on Chertorlik in reserve.

No distant suspicions of the Tatars, but also of the Most Serene Khan, were noted.

On the 7th, 8th and 9th of Rechechny, Turkish crew ships and other vessels constantly found themselves along the coast near the Russian fortifications in different places. Against this, the brigadier repaired his maneuvers with the most necessary prudence, so did the commanders subordinate to him.

On the 10th, the Turks demanded that he go ashore for a walk - denied under quarantine; several officials were refused to sit on the Kerch stock exchange; to collect fresh water on ships - denied; Several barrels of this water were refused with full tenderness. Without waiting for my answer, they suddenly began firing signals throughout the fleet and, inflating the sails, sailed out of sight into the open sea; various of their ships from the points of the coast were noted deviating towards Constantinople. Following their right wing, Captain Mikhnev, detached by Mr. Rear Admiral and Cavalier Klokachev, of the fleet, with five ships arrived in the Kafinskaya Bay …

Therefore, from now on, I will not leave your Excellency in my obedience to inform about what is happening.

Lieutenant-General Alexander Suvorov.

On March 10, 1779, Russia and Turkey signed the Anayly-Kavak Convention. Russia was to withdraw its troops from the Crimean peninsula and, like Turkey, not to interfere in the internal affairs of the khanate. Turkey recognized Shagin Giray as the Crimean Khan. Turkey confirmed the independence of the Crimea and the right of free passage through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles for Russian merchant ships. Russian troops, leaving a garrison of six thousand in Kerch and Yenikal, left the Crimea and Kuban in mid-June 1779. Suvorov reported to Rumyantsev:

Generalissimo A. V. Suvorov
Generalissimo A. V. Suvorov

Generalissimo A. V. Suvorov.

"In the similarity of my previous reports to your Excellency, the Crimean corps, the troops of this number crossed the Perekop line and are following to the Shangirei retrenchment, and the forward regiments have already crossed the Dnieper and are located for inspection of the inspector at Kizikermen." Suvorov received a new appointment to Astrakhan.

Not resigned to the losses under the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi peace treaty, the Ottoman Port sought to fully return the Crimean Khanate and the lands of the Northern Black Sea region. Another uprising of the Crimean Tatars, provoked by Turkey in the fall of 1781, led by Shagin Giray's brother Batyr Giray and the Crimean mufti, was suppressed, but after a series of executions a new revolt began, forcing Shagin Giray to flee to the Russian garrison in Kerch. With the support of Turkey in Feodosia, Mahmut Girey was proclaimed the new Crimean khan. The corps of the Russian army of Lieutenant-General de Balmain, formed in Nikopol, took Karasubazar, defeating the army of the new khan, led by his brother Alim Giray. Mahmut Giray was taken prisoner. Potemkin again appointed Suvorov commander of the troops in the Crimea and the Kuban. Shagin Girey, restoration by the Crimean Khan, returning to Bakhchisarai,again began executions, causing another mutiny. Catherine the Great, by her command, advised him to voluntarily renounce the Khanate and hand over the Crimea to Russia, to which Shagin Giray had to agree. In February 1783, Shagin Girey abdicated the throne and by the manifesto of Catherine II of April 8, 1783, Crimea became part of the Russian Empire.

Manifesto of Catherine II dated April 8, 1783.

“On the acceptance of the Crimean Peninsula, Taman Island and the entire Kuban side under the Russian state.

In the Ottoman war that took place with the Port, when the forces and victories of Our weapons gave us the full right to leave the Crimea in our hands in our hands, We sacrificed by this and other extensive conquests then the renewal of good agreement and friendship with the Ottoman Porto, transforming the peoples to that end Tatar into the free and independent region, in order to remove forever the cases and methods of strife and coldness that often occurred between Russia and Porto in the former Tatars state … But now … due to the duty of our concern for the welfare and greatness of the Fatherland, trying to establish its benefit and safety, as well as considering a means that forever alienates the unpleasant reasons that disturb the eternal peace between the empires of Russia and the Ottoman prisoner, which we sincerely wish to preserve forever, no less than in replacement and satisfaction of Our losses,We decided to take under our power our Crimean Peninsula, Taman Island and the entire Kuban side.

By order of G. A. Potemkin, the troops of Suvorov and Mikhail Potemkin occupied the Taman Peninsula and the Kuban, and the troops of De Balmain from Kizikermen entered the Crimea. From the sea, Russian troops covered the ships of the commander of the Azov squadron, Vice Admiral Klokachev.

By order of Catherine II, immediately after the annexation of Crimea, the frigate "Ostorozhny" was sent to the peninsula under the command of Captain II Rank Ivan Mikhailovich Bersenev to choose a harbor off the southwestern coast. Having examined in April 1783 the bay near the village of Akhtiar, located not far from the ruins of Chersonesos-Tavrichesky. I. M. Bersenev recommended it as a base for the ships of the future Black Sea Fleet. Catherine II by her decree of February 10, 1784 ordered to establish here "a military port with an admiralty, a shipyard, a fortress and make it a military city." At the beginning of 1784, a fortress port was laid, which Catherine II called Sevastopol - "The Majestic City".

In May 1783, Catherine II sent to the Crimea MI Kutuzov, who had returned from abroad after treatment, who brilliantly solved all diplomatic and political problems regarding the Russian presence on the Crimean peninsula.

In June 1783 in Karasubazar, on the top of the Ak-Kaya mountain, Prince Potemkin took the oath of allegiance to Russia of the Crimean nobility and representatives of all strata of the Crimean population. The Crimean Khanate ceased to exist. The Zemstvo government of the Crimea was organized, which included Prince Shirinsky Mehmetsha, Haji-Kyzy-Aga, Kadisker Mueledin Efendi.

The order of G. A. Potemkin to the commander of the Russian troops in the Crimea, General de Balmain, from July 4, 1783, has been preserved: “It is the will of Her Imperial Majesty that all the troops staying in the Crimean peninsula should treat the inhabitants in a friendly manner, without any offense, what should be an example have chiefs and regimental commanders."

In August 1783, De Balmain was replaced by the new ruler of the Crimea, General I. A. Igelstrom, who turned out to be a good organizer. In December 1783, he created the "Tavricheskoe regional government", which, together with the zemstvo rulers, included almost all of the Crimean Tatar nobility. On June 14, 1784, the first meeting of the Tavricheskiy regional government was held in Karasubazar. By the decree of Catherine II of February 2, 1784, the Tauride region was established under the direction of the military collegium appointed by the president, G. A. Potemkin, consisting of the Crimean peninsula and Taman. The decree said: “… the Crimean peninsula with the land lying between Perekop and the borders of the Yekaterinoslav governorate, establishing a region under the name of Tavricheskaya, as long as the multiplication of the population and various necessary institutions will make it convenient to arrange its province, we will entrust it to our general's management,To the Yekaterinoslav and Tavrichesk governor-general prince Potemkin, whose feat and our very and all these lands, the assumption was fulfilled, leaving him to divide that region into districts, appoint cities, prepare for the opening during the current year, and inform about all the details related to this us and our Senate. " On February 22, 1784, by decree of Catherine II, the upper class of the Crimea was granted all the rights and benefits of the Russian nobility. On the orders of G. A. Potemkin, Russian and Tatar officials compiled lists of 334 new Crimean nobles who retained their land prepare for the opening during the current year, and inform us and our Senate about all the details related to that. On February 22, 1784, by decree of Catherine II, the upper class of the Crimea was granted all the rights and benefits of the Russian nobility. On the orders of G. A. Potemkin, Russian and Tatar officials compiled lists of 334 new Crimean nobles who retained their land prepare for the opening during the current year, and inform us and our Senate about all the details related to that. On February 22, 1784, by decree of Catherine II, the upper class of the Crimea was granted all the rights and benefits of the Russian nobility. On the orders of G. A. Potemkin, Russian and Tatar officials compiled lists of 334 new Crimean nobles who retained their land ownership.

On February 22, 1784, Sevastopol, Feodosia and Kherson were declared open cities for all peoples friendly to the Russian Empire. Foreigners could freely come and live in these cities, and take Russian citizenship.

In April 1784, Suvorov surrendered command in the Crimea and the Kuban to Lieutenant-General Leontyev and left for Moscow. A letter from Potemkin to Suvorov of November 5, 1784 has survived: “Most mercifully bestowed upon you a gold medal, from among those made for the annexation of the Crimean peninsula to the Russian Empire, since I have the honor to convey to your Excellency who took part in that matter, staying with excellent respect, your excellency, my dear sir, humble servant, Prince Potemkin."

Serfdom was not introduced on the Crimean peninsula, the Tatars were declared state peasants. The relationship between the Crimean nobility and the population dependent on them has not changed. The lands and incomes that belonged to the Crimean Khan were transferred to the Russian treasury. All prisoners-subjects of Russia were released. At the end of 1783, there were 1,474 villages in the Crimea, and the population of the Crimean peninsula numbered about sixty thousand people, whose main occupation was the breeding of cows and sheep.

At the end of 1783, internal trade duties were canceled and the trade turnover within the Crimea immediately increased, the cities of Karasubazar, Bakhchisarai began to grow, in which Russian settlers were not allowed to live, Feodosia, Gezlev, renamed Evpatoria, and Ak-Mosque, which received the name of Simferopol and became the administrative center of Crimea. The Tauride region was divided into Simferopol, Levkopolsky, Perekop, Evpatoria, Dneprovsky, Melitopol and Fanagoria districts. They wanted to found the city of Levkopol at the mouth of the Salgir river or rename the Old Crimea, but this did not work out and in 1787 Feodosia became the district city and the Levkopol district became Feodosia.

In the spring of 1784, Vasily Kakhovsky, who replaced Igelstrom, began distributing new state-owned Crimean lands. Russian state peasants, retired soldiers, immigrants from Turkey and Poland settled in Crimea. G. A. Potemkin invited foreign specialists in gardening, sericulture, forestry, and viticulture to the peninsula. The extraction of salt increased, in 1784 more than 2 million poods of it were sold. By the decree of Catherine II of August 13, 1785, all Crimean ports were exempted from customs duties for a period of 5 years, and the customs guard was transferred to Perekop. In the Crimea, a special office was created for the management and development of "agriculture and home economics of the Tauride region."

The first scientific description of the Crimea was made by the vice-governor of the Crimea K. I. Gablitz in 1785. “Physical description. Tauride region in all three kingdoms of nature”was published by Catherine II and translated into English, French and German.

In 1787, the Russian Empress Catherine II traveled to the Crimean Peninsula through Perekop, visiting Karasubazar, Bakhchisarai, Laspi and Sevastopol. On the roadstead of Sevastopol, she was met by the Russian Black Sea Fleet consisting of three battleships, twelve frigates, twenty small ships, three bombardment boats and two fire ships. After this trip, Potemkin received from Catherine II the name "Tavrichesky".

Granite staircase to the sea with the Richelieu monument
Granite staircase to the sea with the Richelieu monument

Granite staircase to the sea with the Richelieu monument.

The economic and economic development of the Crimean Peninsula began. By the end of the 18th century, the population of Crimea had increased to one hundred thousand people, mainly due to Russian and Ukrainian settlers. Six thousand people lived in Bakhchisarai, three and a half thousand in Evpatoria, three thousand in Karasubazar, and one and a half in Simferopol. The turnover of the Russian Black Sea trade by the end of the century increased several thousand times and amounted to two million rubles.

Turkey was actively preparing for a new war, pushed by Great Britain, which does not want to have a competitor in merchant shipping in the person of Russia, and Prussia, eager for new land seizures in dismembered Poland and for this purpose wants to weaken Russia. There was also a clash of Russian-Turkish interests in the Danube principalities and Georgia. The Ottoman Porta constantly challenged the rights of Russia to defend the interests of the Christian population of Moldova and Wallachia before Turkey, obtained in Kuchuk-Kainardzhi. As for Georgia, in accordance with the Treaty of St. George of July 23, 1783, under which Eastern Georgia came under the Russian protectorate, Russia undertook to guarantee the inviolability of Eastern Georgia, which was not recognized by Turkey, which was considered its patron. It ended with the fact that the Sultan categorically demanded that Russia return Crimea,to which he received a decisive refusal.

On August 21, 1787, the Turkish fleet attacked the Russian off the western coast of the Crimea, which was the beginning of a new war, which began with the defeat of the Turkish landing by Suvorov's troops in Kinburn and the displacement of the Tatars across the Kuban River in the North Caucasus. Acting in two armies - Yekaterinoslavskaya under the command of Grigory Potemkin in the Crimea and the Balkans, and the Ukrainian, under the command of General Field Marshal P. A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, Russia on December 6, 1788 captured Ochakov, a naval base on the Black Sea coast and Khotin, Turkish fortress in Bessarabia. Suvorov defeated the Turks at Fokshan and Rymnik, Russian troops captured the fortresses of Hajibey, Akkerman and Bender. The Black Sea Fleet under the command of Admiral Ushakov destroyed the Turkish fleet in its own bases, in the Kerch Strait, near the Tendra Island,which greatly helped the ground forces, together with the fleet, to take Izmail, Tulchi, Brailov. Britain and Prussia once again rescued Turkey from the final defeat by a series of diplomatic demarches.

The Ottoman Porta again asked Russia for peace and on July 31 in Galati and on December 29, 1789 in Iasi, she had to confirm the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi peace treaty of 1774, the annexation of Crimea and Ochakov to Russia. The Russian-Turkish border moved from the Bug to the Dniester. From the fall of 1792 to the fall of 1794, the commander of the troops of southern Russia, located in the Yekaterinoslav province and Tavrida, was again commanded by A. V. Suvorov, who strengthened and renewed the border fortresses. Russia has finally consolidated itself on the Black Sea.

In the reference book "Lists of populated places of the Russian Empire - Taurida province", published by the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire in 1865, it is written about this period in the history of Crimea:

“Turkey, which could not reconcile with the annexation of the peninsula, declared war (1787) and again attempted to take possession of it, indignations arose again between the Tatars, so it was ordered to take away their weapons, drive the horses beyond Perekop, and resettle the Crimean coastal residents for a while inside the peninsula … At the same time, after the annexation, the Tatars began to leave in droves for Rumelia and Anatolia. The number of the departed Sumaroks, who served as a judge on the peninsula at the beginning of this century, counts up to 300,000 of both sexes, quite a few Tatars also died during the unrest and from the pestilence that existed at that time, so that the peninsula lost about three-quarters of its population, considering that the number of evicted Greeks and Armenians. In 1802 there were only about 140,000 Tatars of both sexes in Crimea. According to the Yassy Treaty of 1791,Porta finally recognized the Crimea for us and at the same time ceded the fortress of Ochakov, opposite Kinburn and the strip between the Bug and the Dnieper."