Secret Mudras - Power Gestures That Control Energy - Alternative View

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Secret Mudras - Power Gestures That Control Energy - Alternative View
Secret Mudras - Power Gestures That Control Energy - Alternative View

Video: Secret Mudras - Power Gestures That Control Energy - Alternative View

Video: Secret Mudras - Power Gestures That Control Energy - Alternative View
Video: Hold Your Hand Like This, and See What Follows 2024, October

Many secret mystical orders in their spiritual practice used special finger locks designed to help adepts quickly enter an altered state of consciousness to activate the hidden capabilities of the body's energy. On the territory of India, for many millennia, yogis have been using "mudras" - special finger positions that allow you to redirect the flow of "prana" or vital energy.

Mudras have been helping Indian yogis for many years to maintain a high tone of the body without resorting to the use of drugs. Special finger clutches were also known in Japan. Here, students of various ninja schools, in addition to training in hand-to-hand combat, fighting with weapons, used finger locks to quickly restore spent forces.

Simple mudras with illustrations

The mudra of life

This finger lock helps to accelerate energy metabolism, helps to gain strength, and increases efficiency. In addition, it treats eye diseases and enhances visual acuity. The general well-being of a person improves, diseases and ailments recede.


Promotional video:

Mudra of the earth

Protects a person from adverse energetic influences from the outside. Provides connection with a powerful element - the Earth. Helps deal with weakness and stress. It is recommended to use this position of the fingers when it is necessary to make responsible decisions.


Energy mudra

With its help, you can cope with toxins and toxins that poison the body. Promotes general cleansing of the body, as well as the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.


The mudra of the wind

Bioenergy specialists recommend this finger lock for people who have sciatica or rheumatism. The gesture should alternate with the wise life.


Shield of Shambhala

A very strong gesture that can protect you from destructive alien energy. Mudra will protect against the evil eye, damage, energy vampirism. However, only highly spiritual people can use this lock.


Soaring lotus

Neutralizes inflammation in the urogenital area. Promotes the treatment of diseases of the intestines, stomach, uterus, gallbladder. In addition, this mudra normalizes a person's mental well-being, helps to cope with stress.


Slavic mudras

The Slavs also had similar practices and called them “gestures of power”. The range of their application is huge. Gestures can be used after waking up to combat illness and fatigue. All gestures must be performed in a standing position with an even spine and closed eyes. The legs should be slightly bent at the knee joints so that they are at the level of the feet.

Hands should be clenched into fists and placed at chest level. Now you need to connect the thumbs with the pads and rest them against the chest. All attention should be directed to the connected fingers. Relaxing the body and letting go of thoughts, one should completely let go of oneself, trusting in the inner energy. After a while, there will be a feeling that the body begins to sway slightly from side to side. There is no need to be afraid of this at all, it sets in motion the energy of prana, which is perceived as a warm wave that fills every part of the body from the feet to the crown of the head.

When the feet "warm up" from the surge of heat, you need to move on to the next gesture. To perform it, you need to cover the left clenched fist with the palm of your right hand. At the same time, the thumbs of both hands still look at the solar plexus. Attention this time focuses on the sensations in the left side of the body. There should be a feeling that a pleasant vibration rises from the feet up the body, from which everything boils on the left side of the body.

As soon as the vibrations rise to the head, there should be a feeling that the body is divided by an invisible boundary. In the right half of the body there are familiar sensations, and in the left half - everything pulsates pleasantly, shines and glows with life.

Next, you should change hands, covering your right fist with your left palm. By concentrating on the right side of the body, you need to achieve a similar sensation as on the left side. When the energy begins to pulsate, responding in every cell, you need to try to mentally find the partition that prevents the fusion of energies. To remove it, you need to make another gesture.

Closing your eyes, you need to connect both palms, as if the person was in prayer. Now you need to imagine this partition as brightly as possible and "blur" it with powerful streams of energies. During this gesture, the body will begin to sway and relax, even more immersed in a pleasant languor.

This technique is good after waking up in the morning, when you need to quickly gather strength. Gestures will help remove drowsiness and improve mood.