Why Do They Throw Mud At Stalin? - Alternative View

Why Do They Throw Mud At Stalin? - Alternative View
Why Do They Throw Mud At Stalin? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do They Throw Mud At Stalin? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do They Throw Mud At Stalin? - Alternative View
Video: Stalin: What They Don't Teach You in School 2024, September

I have already talked about the analytical material of the American journalist and publisher Chalz Bausman, which unequivocally proves that behind the Russophobic and anti-Russian hysteria of the West are the Idean banking clans that organize and finance this false information war in the United States and other Western countries. Also, in many respects, through his servant - the criminal Jewish oligarch Khodorkovsky, the financing of the "fifth column" of the Russian Federation - the Jewish opposition parasitic network, whose main task is the complete seizure of power in Russia by the Jewish banking clans with the subsequent dismemberment of the country and the complete robbery of its people - is carried out.

But today our conversation is not about this venal pro-Western shushara, consisting of degraded non-people who betrayed their country and their people for the stinking green loot of their masters. Today I would like to acquaint you with the opinion of the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov, explaining why the denigration of Stalin and the invention of outright fables about him play such an important place in the information war of the world parasitic system against Russia.

Firstly, it was the "chosen by God" bombers who destroyed Russian officials and statesmen back in the days of the Russian Empire. These same "God-chosen" revolutionaries seized power in the country immediately after the October 1917 coup, and therefore they were the majority in the first Soviet government and the Cheka. It is on the conscience of these Trotskyists-Zionists that the unleashed "Red Terror" was unleashed, which led to a fratricidal civil war, intervention, devastation, hunger, and then repression against the Russian and other peoples.

And only by 1937 did Stalin manage to defeat this Trotskyist-Zionist gang, and shoot all those guilty of the genocide of peoples or send them to camps. The country was torn from the clutches of the Jewish banking clans and began to develop rapidly. And it was precisely in order to regain control over it that the invasion of a united Europe under the command of Hitler was organized, whose activities were financed until the very last moment by the Rothschilds and other Jewish banking clans.

Realizing, after the victory of the USSR, that our country and people could not be broken by military means, the parasitic force again relied on the Zionist "fifth column", now in the Central Committee of the CPSU. And this plan worked. First, the Prelmutter-Khrushchev clique killed Stalin, and then launched the processes of the country's collapse, which were completed by yet another servant of the West, who received a Nobel Prize and a traitor's medal for Victory over the USSR in the Cold War for his subversive activities in the collapse of the country.

It should be noted that practically from the first days of Perlmutter-Khrushchev's coming to power, he launched a campaign of denigrating Stalin. Naturally, the “God's chosen” revolutionaries could not forgive him for snatching the country out of their clutches and forcing many of them to answer for their anti-popular crimes. That is why, with truly Pharisaic hypocrisy, the Zionist clique and its slaves attributed to Stalin many crimes of which they themselves were guilty, and the numbers of the repressed were frankly distorted many times over.

This also explains why the Jewish banking clans are behind the current information war against Russia and why Stalin is being denigrated again. But the point here is not only the vindictiveness of the parasitic banking clans and their corrupt servants, but the fact that it was from this that the processes of the collapse of our country began. And now the goal of all this parasitic pack howling at Russia and its slaves from the "fifth column" is exactly the same.

Here is what G. Sidorov writes about this in his book "The Leader's Secret Project":

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It is known that parasites and their servants always act "according to the pattern", if tactics once brought success. So, for example, it was with the technology of "unknown snipers". At first, it was used by Lithuanian nationalists during the events of 1991 near the TV center in Vilnius, firing at the Soviet military and their own civilians with carbines and shotguns. Then, already in 1993, in Moscow, "unknown snipers" fired at security forces and civilians and provoked the assault on the White House building, where the legally elected parliament sat, seeking to remove from power by constitutional means the pro-American President Boris Yeltsin, who surrendered the country and people together with his liberoid team "Reformers" to be plundered by foreign corporations and their servants - Russian oligarchs.

Well, later "unknown snipers" began to be used in the technologies of the "orange" revolutions, the "Arab spring" and the last "Maidan" in Ukraine. The security forces and protesters were again fired upon. And in any case, it was the world parasites and their servants that won. If the embittered security forces began an armed assault with the use of all types of weapons, then the ruling regime in the West would automatically write "dictatorial", with all the ensuing consequences. But the events went according to a different scenario, the Jewish junta came to power, which, like the Yeltsin regime, gave the country and the people to be torn apart by the owners of transnational corporations, and to distract from this process, provoked an armed conflict in Donbass.

And now the Ukrainian people are reaping the well-deserved fruits of their unreasonable activities, although they were warned about what "friendship with America" actually threatens them. We only have the same Maydauns, who learned to be the slaves of the West from Sorpos textbooks, who may not understand for whom they are jumping on the squares to the moronic chants and who uses them as "cannon fodder" for robbing their own people and the collapse of the country, hiding behind false slogans … And those who, being already of a conscious age, experienced the criminal chaos of the 1990s, do not want a repetition of this for their country.

So, almost 90% of what the current Russian authorities are accused of are direct consequences of the previous pro-American anti-popular ruling regime and those who really want good for the country and the people, and not stupidly work out the stinking loot of the Jewish clans in the field of the next Jewish "revolution" can himself compare, according to official data, what the “welfare” of the people became after the liberoid anti-popular “reforms” of the 1990s and what was the collapse of the economy and the impoverishment of the people against the background of a handful of corrupt villains oligarchs who made their fortunes by plundering the country and robbing their own people. And what are the pro-Western propagandists doing when they hang noodles on the ears of the mindless maydauns? They take data from the Soviet era, for example, for 1988, and then compare it with the present, and say - you see, life has become worse,therefore it is necessary to change the power.

Are there any corrupt officials in power? Yes, of course there is. Only in the 1990s did they steal everything, from a petty official in the local administration to the “family of the first president”. It was then that this parasitic hydra was grafted into us along with the rest of the "values" of the West. I remember how they began to imprison mayors for corruption, initially small ones. and then larger cities. Then the turn came to the governors and ministers. So, it cannot be argued that we do not fight corruption.

And how do the brainwashing technologies of pro-Western venal oppositionists work? When no one is imprisoned, they rightly shout - cooperation! When officials are imprisoned for corruption, they shout again - look, corruption! The question is: are they really that concerned about the "fight against corruption"? Obviously not. It's just that this slogan is used to deceive the people and recruit "cannon fodder", which must die for the interests of the Jewish banking clans trying to gain complete control over our country. And not at all to preserve its territorial integrity and improve the well-being of ordinary people. And if you really want prosperity for your country and an end to the robbery of ordinary people by transnational corporations, then it is better to start peacefully fighting for the abolition of the colonial articles of our constitution,consolidating the "external control" of our government by the structures of globalists.

One of such structures, the Central Bank, is by no means a state bank of the Russian government, but a "branch" of the IMF-FRS, through whose activities the robbery of the country and the people is carried out, as well as forcing the government to unpopular anti-popular reforms, which, by the way, are based on the same " the civilized West and the post-Soviet space go even faster than ours. And this is also one of the reasons why globalists rush to replace the government in Russia with a more “obedient” and “manageable” one, as they did in 2014 in Ukraine. And remember that while we live by the constitution. in which the priority of international laws over national legislation is spelled out, namely "external management" is the "legal" form of government, which is what the servants of the parasites want to use.

But there is a positive experience of countries such as Iceland and Hungary, whose peoples were able to free themselves from the power of the parasites plundering them and adopt a new, people's constitution without any bloody Maidan revolutions, which are invariably followed by devastation and famine. robbery of the country and impoverishment of the people. The people of Syria tried to do the same with their leader. That is why Assad was declared a "dictator" by the world parasitic mafia, and the country, with the help of a venal pro-Western "opposition" and openly Western-financed terrorists, was plunged into a fratricidal civil war and subjected to NATO intervention. And I think that adequate people now understand why our country was forced to intervene in this conflict, which already lost many of its allies through the fault of the pro-Western assholes who were in power.

So what happened to Syria, whose people suffered great losses in numbers, in the economy and the economy, and in cultural and historical heritage, can happen to our country if this pro-Western degraded shushara serving Jewish banking clans succeeds organize mass protests. Yes, at first they always start out as peaceful, but then armed provocateurs invariably appear - professional mercenary "revolutionaries" from the terrorist and radical scum gathered from all over the world. They wound and kill the security forces, and then hide behind "peaceful" protesters. And everything starts to follow the bloody scenario already worked out by parasites in various countries. And if this is exactly what you want for your country, then you are either idiots who do not have brains, or simply degraded corrupt creatures,who actually deeply do not care about their own country and people. Well, if you don't want to, then you must now understand why all this shushara so diligently throws mud at Stalin.

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