Primordial Slavic Women's Day - Alternative View

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Primordial Slavic Women's Day - Alternative View
Primordial Slavic Women's Day - Alternative View

Video: Primordial Slavic Women's Day - Alternative View

Video: Primordial Slavic Women's Day - Alternative View
Video: How sexism in Russia is reinforced by International Women's Day and Defender of the Fatherland Day 2024, October

Let us celebrate the "Day" of our beautiful women not when it was founded by the "fiery revolutionaries", but when it was celebrated for thousands of centuries by our ancestors - on the Day of the vernal equinox! It will be great.

Spring is coming … Winter drowsiness and night are replaced by the freshness of a spring morning. The sun, as if waking up from hibernation, begins to shine brighter and more affectionately. Spring. Together with her, new events, impressions, emotions will come into our life. Life will begin to emerge again, with each new revived blade of grass, with each new petal of a fragrant flower, with a shining riot of greenery around, a tender, mysterious, alluring Female Soul will wake up, as a symbol and personification of the continuation of Life, Motherhood, Care, Warmth and Affection …

So, in a femininely beautiful and prosaic way, spring is seen for every truly Ruska (from the word RUSS, which personify all Slavic-Aryan peoples) girls, girls, women … And so it was in fact for many thousands of years in the Glorious past of our Great Slavic -Aryan civilization, when the holiday of spring - women's day - was celebrated precisely during the awakening of nature itself, which gave new life to everything around, including us, people.

On the calendar, the Spring Festival was timed to coincide with the vernal equinox. This day is a turning point - the night is getting shorter and shorter, and the day is getting longer and longer. Spring, which embodies the revitalization and rebirth of nature, is replacing Winter. From time immemorial, the vernal equinox has been associated with the complete revitalization of nature and the return of its vitality.

It is now people who have ceased to understand nature, its laws, began to assign seasons for themselves, according to the calendar grid, but it is impossible in principle to subordinate nature in this way. We should not try to create our own days of the beginning of SPRING, the onset of SUMMER, the arrival of AUTUMN and WINTER by our lack of understanding of the real true laws of natural cycles. This is absurd! And as proof of this, the snowfall played out at the beginning of the calendar spring. It turns out that according to the calendar it seems like spring, but you look out the window and see real winter! And no decrees and laws of any governments in the world can in any way prevent weather phenomena from doing what they are supposed to do in their essence.

Even more stupid and ridiculous is the calendar women's holiday, which we all know, like March 8. It is very difficult to understand who and what prompted the appointment of Women's Day at the end of WINTER, and even when there is a lot of snow and severe frosts, and there is not even a smell of spring. At first glance, there is no logic here and cannot be, but it seems so to those who do not know the root cause of the creation of the 8 March holiday. I described in full and in detail the reasons for the emergence of "women's day" on March 8 in the article "What we celebrate on February 23 and March 8". Here I will just briefly recall the origins of this seemingly incomprehensible “spring” women's day, which, moreover, is not international. It's just called "International Women's Day"like the American "Federal Reserve Bank" or the "Federal Express" company (postal services) carry the word federal in their names, which in no way means that these organizations are related to the state. In this case, these are commercial organizations that have very specific private owners - not the state.

So what is the secret of Women's Day on March 8?

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It all began in the biblical Old Testament times, when, at the whim of the royal concubine of the Jewess Esther, who cleverly deceived the Persian king Haman, 75 800 defenseless Persians were brutally killed in Persia in two days by the Jews. And in honor of this bloody pogrom, the Jews established a holiday, which they consider to be the most important of all Jewish holidays! This holiday is called Purim and is celebrated according to a floating schedule tied to the lunar calendar. Let me remind you that the lunar cult is the cult of death!

So, it was on the day of Purim that the Jews first tried to make a coup in Tsarist Russia, and it was on February 23, 1917! This is where the date of the "men's holiday" comes from, which we celebrate today as the "Defender of the Fatherland Day." On the same day, February 23, 1917, the day of the celebration of the bloody pogrom of Purim and the glorification of the Jewish sadist Esther, riots of allegedly starving residents of Petrograd were timed. It is with this that Women's Day on March 8 begins its incomprehensible story.

But what does February 23 have to do with it, you say?

It's that simple! February 23rd is old style. But, as soon as Russia switched to a new calendar - February 23 became March 8! The Jews did not fail here either.

Now we just have to remember that the coming of the Jewish International to power in Russia was associated with a change in the calendar, and ask: when was the day, now called March 8, celebrated in the revolutionary circles of pre-revolutionary Russia?

It turns out that March 8 in the new style is February 23 in the old style. Here is a clue why the "men's" day and the "women's" are so close to each other, and why the difference between these holidays is exactly 14 days. It was by 14 days that the dates of calendars according to the old style, which was in use in Tsarist Russia, and the new style, which Europe used, differed by 14 days. By the way, we still celebrate Christmas in the old style with a 14-day difference from Catholic Christmas.

It turns out that when the European brothers in the International celebrated March 8, in Russia this day was called February 23. Therefore, in the pre-revolutionary years, party members and those who sympathize with them were used to considering February 23 as a holiday. Then the calendar was changed, but the tradition remained to celebrate something revolutionary on February 23rd. The date was. In principle, given the floating nature of Purim, this date is no worse or better than March 8th. But it was necessary to find a cover for her too. And a few years later, the corresponding myth was created: "The Day of the Red Army", as a memory of the first battle and the first victory.

So the tradition of celebrating Purim led to the establishment of a women's holiday on March 8. And on the well-known initiative of the Jewess Clara Zetkin (real Jewish surname Eisner), March 8 was quickly announced, no more, no less, as much as International Women's Day. After all, everyone knows that March 8 is International Women's Day. Also, everyone knows that women live in all countries. In addition, in recent years, almost everyone has learned that March 8 was celebrated only in the USSR.

Why didn't women from other countries celebrate it?

So it was not a woman's day as a woman. On this day, women with certain qualities were to be glorified. And for some reason these qualities were not very appreciated in other countries. And the reason for this oddity is obvious: March 8 is not a woman's day, but a revolutionary woman's day. And therefore, in those countries where the revolutionary wave of the early twentieth century drowned, the celebration of the revolutionary woman did not take root.

But still, to be precise, this is the International Day of Esther, the Jewish criminal, woman killer. That is, in Russia and other countries, unsuspecting people celebrate Purim twice! Two days at once, so that the "service animals" celebrate their holiday for the hump-nosed "owners of the earth" on all calendars.

Changing the date of the holiday every time (according to the Jewish calendar, the day of Purim is floating, every year falls on different days of our calendar) it was inconvenient and too frank: it would be too noticeable that only Purim is being celebrated. Therefore, every year on March 8, regardless of the lunar cycles, all the peoples of the earth should glorify the sadistic woman, the evil Jewess - Esther. And, in fact, to celebrate the massacre of tens of thousands of innocent people, that is, congratulate each other on Purim (even though they do not know the truth).


The fall of the Russian Empire coincided with the defeat of the Persian Empire. Since Purim of 1917, Russia smelled of pogrom - a pogrom of Russian culture … But the culture was … Its own, Russian, dear … And it left its traditions in very distant times, when all Slavic-Aryan peoples lived in peace and unity, honored and celebrated the glorious holidays to the glory of their ancestors and gods, and have preserved these traditions through the millennia!

Will we really allow some foreign peoples (in this case - the Jewish) to tell us how and when to celebrate our own Russian holidays? I hope that every sane person and a true patriot of his land, his Motherland, regardless of the country of residence at the present time (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Croatia, the Baltic countries, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Sweden, in short, almost all European states in the past have one thing in common - Russian roots) will want to celebrate their ancient Russian holidays. And especially when he learns the true meaning of real FALSE holidays, and discovers the ancient traditions of his Glorious ancestors lost in the past.

So, from ancient books that were not destroyed by enemies and have been safely preserved to this day, we know that from time immemorial our ancestors, the Slavic Aryans, associated the spring equinox with the complete revival of nature and the return of its vitality. That looks absolutely logical and convincing, according to the laws of development of nature itself, which is now coveted by a man, supposedly reasonable.

The vernal equinox occurs on March 20 or 21, when the sun passes from the southern hemisphere to the northern. As you know, in spring the day increases and the night is shortened. And on March 20-21, a moment comes when the lengths of the day and night are equal. This day is called the day of the vernal equinox.

Our ancestors considered the onset of spring to be a holiday, they were eagerly awaiting its arrival (just as we are now expecting the arrival of spring and the awakening of nature, but only completely lost the understanding of why we feel happy about this) and celebrated it equally magnificently in different parts our, truly the Great Russian Empire.

The Vedic celebrations of the arrival of spring were filled with an important sacred meaning of the victory of light over darkness, as the Forces of Light over the Forces of Darkness, the awakening of all living things and the beginning of a new life. Ancient spring festivals were held with fun and rituals calling for the fertility of the earth and the well-being of all Slavic-Aryan peoples - our glorious ancestors.

It turns out that the days of the vernal equinox are not an exact date and fall in the range of dates from March 20 to March 21 at different times of the day or night, according to the solar cycle. In the current, 2012, the Vernal Equinox Day falls on March 20.

And therefore, the onset of Spring itself, when a turning point in the solar cycle has already occurred and the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, falls on March 22! It is March 22 that can be considered the Day of Spring and the awakening of all living things, as well as the Day of Women. And the date is beautiful - March 22, and 100% logical according to all the laws of nature, which we, people, can only accept after the fact, and on this beautiful truly first day of spring to establish, but rather to revive the celebration of our - primordially Russian holiday - Women's day.

Why revive?

Yes, because I did not invent this day, it has existed for many millennia, and March 22 was the day of the goddess Vesta (from the word VEST) - the goddess of Spring. On this day, the arrival of Spring to the land, the arrival of birds is celebrated. The Goddess Vesta is also called the patroness of the renewing world, the Good Goddess of Spring, who controls the coming to the Earth of Spring and the awakening of the nature of our Earth.

Women, like nature, wake up in their beauty with the beginning of Spring, and this is very well known to every normal man who, with no less desire, is waiting for the arrival of spring. After all, the streets of our cities are being transformed not only by spring greenery, but also by beautiful, joyful women who have thrown off the burdensome winter clothes, like snow covers, nature!

I appeal to all sane people, the descendants of their Glorious ancestors of the Slavic-Aryans, with a call to establish and celebrate in all lands (in all countries) where the Slavs-Rus live, this truly Women's Day - March 22, when nature really awakens, the whole life around and comes the real and long-awaited SPRING!

Let's all rejoice at the arrival of spring, smile at the sun, congratulate our beautiful (comes from the words AT BEAUTY), like Spring awakening in their feminine beauty girls, girls and women …