Love And Women's Dreams - Alternative View

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Love And Women's Dreams - Alternative View
Love And Women's Dreams - Alternative View

Video: Love And Women's Dreams - Alternative View

Video: Love And Women's Dreams - Alternative View
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Did you dream of a stranger kissing you? And now in reality you are looking for him in the crowd and dream of a new love?

Do not hurry! Such a dream does not at all promise you a quick meeting with the man of your dreams. Dreams foreshadowing love look completely different … How exactly, we asked oneirologist Viktor KROMIN to tell.

Viktor Evgenievich, do prophetic dreams exist? As they say, what you dreamed will be …

- Yes, prophetic dreams exist, and a stranger who comes to you from dream to dream may be waiting for you at the next table in a cafe, in a crowded minibus or visiting your aunt, to whom you dropped in for a cup of tea. But we rarely dream of prophetic dreams. Once or twice in a lifetime. And some never. Otherwise, dreams are an alloy of our desires, dreams, illusions, the cry of our subconscious and the processing of information received during the day. And, sadly to admit it, most often the brutal man you saw in your dream is your boss, whom you thought of before falling asleep.

And if a stranger has a romantic dream almost every night? What does this mean for a woman?

- There are several options. First, you constantly think about some man. It may be your friend, or, on the contrary, your enemy. After all, we think about our enemies no less than about people who are pleasant to us.

The second option is that you yourself subconsciously provoke such dreams. Let's say you broke up with your loved one several years ago, you have a long-established personal life. But here you visit some place where your first date was with him or where you kissed him passionately. To you, today, this place no longer speaks of anything, but information about those events is stored in your subconscious, and it begins to show you that person in your dreams.

The third option is that you will have a meeting with this person. You intuitively feel her approach, but do not take the trouble to clothe premonitions into awareness.

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But still, there are some dreams by which you can determine that love is already knocking at your doors?

- Yes. And here's the paradox: that we are in for love adventures, it is not people who speak in dreams, but animals, plants, objects and food. So, for example, eating strawberries in a dream - indulging in forbidden pleasures, and large red apples promise prosperity in love. Of the animals, crocodiles are responsible for love in dreams. We saw a toothy one - problems with a lover or deception on the part of a lover cannot be avoided. Lions promise a new admirer, dolphins - a man who is in love with you seriously and for a long time. A stork in a meadow - a happy marriage, white rabbits - marital fidelity. But the dreaming bear warns of the appearance of a serious rival.

What about the plants? It seems to me that women dream of mimosa roses more often than bears and crocodiles

- White lily promises mutual love, as, in fact, a blooming sunflower. But picking a lily in a dream is for love of convenience. Picking roses - for a quick marriage, to see them blooming - for the loyalty of a loved one. Pansies - to the long-awaited declaration of love. Cornflowers promise a date.

I can please also fans of gardening subjects. There are tomatoes - to a secret, forbidden love. Seeing them ripe in the beds is a happy marriage.

And kissing in a dream? They say it's a quarrel?

- It is not that simple. If they kiss you, this is a quarrel with your loved one. If you kiss, mutual love awaits you. To pull out a kiss by force - to passion and love until fainting. A horseshoe in a dream promises a happy meeting. The skirt is a new hobby. Bare Feet - New Romance. Rings, chains, bracelets presented in a dream, the purchase of new clothes, an apartment, a house, dishes are a sign of an imminent marriage and a radical change in your lifestyle. Such dreams warn: soon your personal life will change radically.

Juicy, bright, liquid berries, pleasant smells, a bright wardrobe, wonderful weather, birdsong - in a word, everything that is pleasing to your eye and soul - in reality promise a romantic date, an easy and carefree pastime with your loved one.

And yet we must remember that no symbol can be interpreted alone, everything makes sense only in the context of a dream. For example, if you dreamed of a young (or small) crocodile, which you carry from place to place, then such a dream may indicate that you will have a young admirer, and you will not know what to do with him. But if you dream of a crocodile in a zoo together with other animals, then such a dream warns of the restriction of freedom of choice or personal freedom.

If there are dreams that promise love, then, probably, there are dreams that promise separation?

- Certainly. Your dreaming marriage is a quick sign of parting with your loved one. A dream is also bad, in which the sweetheart ignores you, leaves, turns his back or does not want to communicate with you. The “bad” category includes dreams in which you cut a thread, break or break your favorite things, watch dishes break, see shards of glass on the floor, etc.

Sigmund Freud believed that food in our dreams almost always has an erotic connotation. Do you agree with him?

- Absolutely. The ancient Indian treatise "On Dreams" says that dishes and fruits in a warm range indicate that you do not have enough warmth, tenderness and love. If the colors are cold - in your sex life you are squeezed and subconsciously feel that your partner does not like it. Juice splashing fruits and liquid desserts signal that you are missing a spark in bed. When, in a dream, a fruit or berry you have bitten suddenly turns out to be sour, you should seriously think about changes in intimate relationships. Most likely, they do not bring you joy.

But what about the water? Can she also be considered an indicator of sexual problems?

- There is such an opinion, but I am extremely skeptical of it. Some experts believe that in a dream, a lot depends on the temperature of the water. Like, a warm one indicates that everything is smooth in your relationship, but without the passion that you would like. If the water is cold or hot, you are not satisfied with specific moments in your intimate life. Swimming in a small and shallow body of water is a confirmation that the man's fault is in intimate problems. In the big and deep - a woman behaves sexually incorrectly.

Personally, these theories seem far-fetched to me. I immediately recall the Count Saint-Germain, who successfully diagnosed clients based on the analysis of their dreams and, accordingly, helped solve problems in intimate life. Only he did not focus on water, but on mountains. He believed that if a lady dreams of a mountain, then she is ready for high passion.

If she cannot reach the top in any way, then the partner does not give her what she needs. The mountain in male dreams indicates that the gentleman is at the peak of sexual activity, and the ascent or descent of it is, respectively, an improvement or deterioration in love relationships.

Interviewed by Sergey BORODIN
