Why Is Stephen Hawking Urging Us To Leave Earth? - Alternative View

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Why Is Stephen Hawking Urging Us To Leave Earth? - Alternative View
Why Is Stephen Hawking Urging Us To Leave Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Stephen Hawking Urging Us To Leave Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Stephen Hawking Urging Us To Leave Earth? - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth 2024, September

Supporters of the world conspiracy again drew attention to the obsessive agitation on the part of the British physicist Stephen Hawking, who has been persistently inviting earthlings to leave their home planet for thirty years.

Now he announced this during the International Festival of Science and Arts Starmus IV, which is currently taking place in the city of Trondheim, Norway. Progressive researchers have long been proving that the British theoretical physicist was replaced back in the eighties of the last century (see the material "Why Stephen Hawking was replaced?"), And his puppet double clearly follows the instructions of the powers that be, who, through the authority of a scientist, impose crazy ideas on the world about the necessary migration from the Earth.

Back in 1988, the book of this double, "A Brief History of Time", was published, the authors of which (only custom-made pseudoscientists could come up with and write this nonsense) already at that time began persistently to prove that it was unsafe to live on Earth, and therefore it was necessary to get out of here as soon as possible. space - to other planets. And since then Hawking has been pushing this crazy idea wherever he can.

This supposedly scientist, the supporters of the world conspiracy emphasize, is not doing anything else, and the entire brotherhood of orthodox scientists from science does not seem to notice this paradox, considering him a great researcher, and doctors modestly keep silent about his illness, which simply cannot be lived with for so long (at least At least, this unique case should have been shouted to the entire universe, thoroughly studied, and here - a general lull, as if there was nothing).

The principle of any investigation - look for someone who benefits from it

But this is one side of the matter, the other - who benefits from this persistent agitation, and why has it been going on for thirty years, although even today every sane scientist understands that a person is firmly attached to the Earth and he will not survive on any other planet? Even in the nearest space it begins to catastrophically lose its viability, not to mention flights into the depths of space.

On the one hand, it can be assumed, say independent researchers, that this is being done in order to freely finance the expensive space industry, under the auspices of which any anti-human research can be carried out (militarization of space), and for this it is necessary to constantly remind the general public (to strongly intimidate it) about the danger that lies in wait for the Earth from space, about the depletion of Earth's resources, its overpopulation, and so on.

Promotional video:

On the other hand, it is quite possible that in this way there is a distraction of the attention of scientists and all sane earthlings from the true problems of our planet, for example, why the achievements most necessary for humanity are hidden (the same zero energy, drugs for cancer, and so on), delusional the world economy, leading to the enrichment of a handful of Illuminati at the expense of the impoverishment of all other earthlings, fratricidal wars are unleashed and millions of people on the planet (children!) continue to die of hunger …

This list can go on and on, but instead of focusing on what prevents humanity from living and developing normally, we hear the same thing from the lips of the supposedly great scientist Hawking: earthlings need to leave Earth as soon as possible …