"Eternal Bread" From Ancient Legends - Alternative View

"Eternal Bread" From Ancient Legends - Alternative View
"Eternal Bread" From Ancient Legends - Alternative View

Video: "Eternal Bread" From Ancient Legends - Alternative View

Video: "Who? Us?" | August 2, 2020 2024, September

The book "Sefer ha Zohar", which is part of the Kabbalistic teaching, contains many interesting data that attract the attention of modern researchers. Based on the description given in this ancient written source, the British George Sassoon and Rodney Daly built an incredible manna-making device known as the "idol of Baphomet".

The book "Zohar" provides a very accurate description of the external appearance of the device, nicknamed Baphomet or "Ancient of days." According to the Kabbalistic text, this apparatus became a necessary attribute of the wanderings of the Jews - in the Exodus, manna was the only way to feed them.

Two Britons - electronic engineer George Sassoon, who is fond of linguistics, and biologist Rodney Daly, better known to the general public as a science fiction writer, suggested that the ancient text refers to some unusual device for producing food in the desert. Sassoon, who is fluent in Aramaic, literally translated the contents of the Zohar and found that the author describes Baphomet as a kind of deity with a feminine and masculine principle.

An experienced linguist was not puzzled by this - he knew that such a method of describing technical means with human qualities is widespread. Such personification is still used by the Indians of North and South America, although many of them have long been introduced to new technologies. By dissecting the text in this way, Sassoon realized that this is a mechanism that allows the cultivation of nutritious algae in an arid climate.

According to the Zohar, Baphomet had two skulls - an upper and a lower one. The upper produced dew, while the lower contained "heavenly oil". Sassoon and Daly drew a rough sketch of a similar design and rendered a hydroponic plant with a water trap at the top and a lighted algae reservoir at the bottom.

Algae circulating in a complex system of pipes multiplied, supplying the travelers with energetically valuable food, high in carbohydrates. British designers are sure that in a day such a mechanism produced up to one and a half cubic meters of dried seaweed, from which bread was baked. It is this "cereal", according to the authors of the study, and was mentioned in the Old Testament "manna from heaven."

This assumption runs counter to the traditional view of manna, which was long ago advanced by biologists. Scientists believe that manna is a mixture of Lecanora lichen and bdolach (bdola palm resin). Such a product, which can be easily collected and prepared in an arid climate, is still included in the diet of many nomadic Bedouin tribes.

The Lecanora lichen is well known for being very often a type of sediment. In 1846, there were heavy rainfalls in Turkey, which, together with the water, contained a large number of such plants. The British military, who were in this country, wrote: so much lichen fell out that the locals ground it into flour and baked bread.

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But Sassoon and Daly do more than insist on their point of view. They went even further, claiming that Baphomet was nothing more than the Ark, and that the Temple of King Solomon was built to store it. Other researchers of the "manna machine" - brothers Johannes and Peter Fibalg believe that this was the true Holy Grail. The only thing that none of the authors could find an explanation for lies in the lines of the Book of Joshua, which says that the machine stopped working the moment the Jews began to feed on the fruits of the earth.

Another interesting legend is connected with Baphomet, leading researchers to another world mystery. According to legend, the "manna machine" fell into the hands of the Knights Templar during the first Crusade. It was they who named it "Baphomet" and took it to Europe, where they safely hid it in one of their castle-monasteries. However, in 1312, when the order was disbanded, Baphomet and many other relics believed to belong to the Templars disappeared without a trace.

Hundreds of enthusiasts around the world are engaged in the search for the lost treasures of the Order. Most of them agree that what they are looking for is hidden on Oak Island (Oak Island) in Nova Scotia (Canada). There, more than a century ago, a strange sinkhole was discovered - a deep round pit with steep edges. And it has been repeatedly suggested that this is the result of subsidence of the soil over the secret refuge of members of the disgraced order.

William Sinclair, one of the Grandmasters of the Templars, fled to Scotland with some of the order's brothers. His grandson Henry Sinclair, who was also a Grand Master of the Order of the Knights, set out on a voyage, trying to pass Iceland and Greenland to reach new lands in the West. It is known that at the beginning of 1398 he sailed from the European shores, and two years later returned, but soon died in a battle against the English king Henry IV.

Many researchers of the mystical orders of the Middle Ages believe that Sinclair set off on a long journey precisely in order to reliably hide the treasures of the Templars, inherited from his grandfather. This means that some of the secrets of the Kabbalah can be unraveled by excavating in Canada.

