The Secret Sign Of The Last Empress Of Russia - Alternative View

The Secret Sign Of The Last Empress Of Russia - Alternative View
The Secret Sign Of The Last Empress Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Sign Of The Last Empress Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Sign Of The Last Empress Of Russia - Alternative View
Video: История России. Все серии. От Рюрика до Революции 2024, October

On July 25, 1918, the troops of the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, liberated the unofficial capital of the Urals, the city of Yekaterinburg, from the Reds. They were very late - the royal family had been shot literally the day before in the basements of the Ipatiev House, so on July 30, the investigation into the murder of the imperial family began. The investigation was led by Nikolai Sokolov.

Upon a careful examination of the house, which became the last refuge of the Romanov family, a swastika drawing and a completely incomprehensible inscription were found on the water wall of the rooms - no one was able to read it, and the incomprehensible words were considered a kabbalistic spell. By the way, let us note: this mysterious inscription has not been deciphered yet! And the house was somehow very hastily demolished in the last quarter of the 20th century.

House of the merchant Ipatiev
House of the merchant Ipatiev

House of the merchant Ipatiev.

Sokolov managed to establish that the drawing and inscription were made by the hand of the last Russian empress. And the investigator ordered:

- It needs to be photographed and attached to the case!

His order was carried out. And then there was either confusion, or a riddle - it seems that in the basement where the execution of the royal family took place, another mysterious Kabbalistic inscription was found and it was also photographed. Or was there only one inscription, in the upper rooms? When would the empress have time to write something on the wall at gunpoint of Chekist revolvers and Mauser, ready to spit out red-hot lead? But a number of historical sources insist that the inscription was in the basement! Now it is already difficult to verify anything - the house was demolished, in the case of the murder of the royal family there are many different versions and historical layers. However, the very fact of the existence of a swastika drawing and a Kabbalistic inscription, photographed by order of Sokolov, is now more important. And it is also worth remembering that the last Russian empress was of German origin …

Nikolay Alekseevich Sokolov
Nikolay Alekseevich Sokolov

Nikolay Alekseevich Sokolov.

Nikolai Sokolov was undoubtedly a meticulous and very strong professional. You cannot blame him for not revealing all the secrets and not exposing all the secret springs - the investigator also turned out to be a slave and an involuntary hostage of too many powerful forces and insurmountable circumstances.

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Nevertheless, Sokolov established that the swastika is the Sanskrit name for a symbolic sign that is closely associated with the cult of the sun among many ancient peoples, moreover, it has been actively used in Germany as an anti-Semitic sign since about 1910. At the same time, without much difficulty, the investigator learned about the close, almost bosom friendship of the “elder” Grigory Rasputin, who had a huge influence on the queen, with the famous Tibetan doctor Badmaev, who was very popular in the secular circles of pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg. Allegedly, Badmaev at one time helped Rasputin to recover from impotence and thus won his complete confidence. Most likely, this is too simple, common and designed to divert attention from the true cause-and-effect relationships, a version invented for the needs of the crowd. Grigory Efimovich Rasputin was not so simple and was completely the wrong figureas he was eagerly and diligently represented for many years in "socialist literature" and even in Hollywood cinema - he was an adept and prophet of secret Russian societies striving for invisible political power through the complete subordination of official secular authorities.

Rasputin and the royal family
Rasputin and the royal family

Rasputin and the royal family.

This is where amazing mysteries and completely incredible adventures begin. Sokolov found out that for some time now the Empress-Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, who was fond of fashionable spiritualism and occultism and was very serious about these phenomena, began to draw the swastika sign on the walls of any premises where she had to live. But where could the ancient oriental sign-symbol "come from" to her, a German woman brought up in England?



Is it really through the "elder" Rasputin, and to him from Doctor Badmaev? It turned out that the Tibetan doctor was one of the leaders and active members of the secret, so-called "Green" society, probably very closely connected with a number of foreign intelligence services - such connections are often spoken of as inevitable: people involved in some secrets, according to completely unknown to mere mortal laws, they certainly find each other, enter into alliances or begin irreconcilable enmity. In this case, Grigory Rasputin and Dr. Badmaev entered into an alliance - one of the initiates of the ancient Russian religious and political sect of "shipbuilders" and an emissary of the secret Tibetan sect of black magic and the misanthropic religion of Bonpo. Many researchers in the West have no doubts that Badmaev belongs to the sinister "black Bonpo". There are also "white Bonpos"but they are at enmity with the "blacks" and have nothing to do with them.

A strange thing: a number of witnesses interviewed by Sokolov showed that from the apartment of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, which more resembled the headquarters of the modern election campaign than the terrifying nativity scene, as it was later described, urgent telegrams were often sent to the Empress with instructions on new appointments to government posts, and These telegrams were always signed with one word - "Green". Some of the uninitiated expressed the opinion that this was the name of the Odessa governor-general, but in fact the mysterious signature meant a non-negotiable order of the secret society "green", the symbol of which was … a swastika!

A number of Western researchers in the middle of the 20th century irrefutably proved that it was the influence of the secret society of the "green" who worshiped the swastika that became the main reason why Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky agreed to order the arrest of the royal family.

And again, what a strange thing: in the midst of various revolutionary events in Russia, the Tibetan doctor Badmaev suddenly disappears from St. Petersburg and his trace is completely lost in time and space - he never surfaced anywhere else. At least nothing is known about this. It is possible that he was simply cleverly removed from the stage, as an already worked out figure that no longer has any value, and, as shortly before that, Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, who undoubtedly possessed extrasensory abilities, was rudely removed - after all, he seriously warned Emperor Nicholas II about his imminent murder and even brought him the text of his prophecies-wills, which had been kept in the archives of the secret services for a long time.

Then the investigator Sokolov discovered a generally mind-blowing one - he got in touch with the tsarina's entourage with the secret societies of Tibet, India and their branches in Switzerland and Germany, in particular in Berlin. Is it not because Alexandra Feodorovna, even if not directly connected with the "black Bonpos", none of the surnames reigning in Europe related to the Russian imperial house agreed to accept the family of Nicholas II, who abdicated the throne? Even the English king is Nikolai's cousin! - and he turned away from him. What drove them: indifference, contempt for losers or … the fear of spreading a terrifying secret political infection in their countries ?!

Moreover, according to a number of serious foreign sources, there was a clear connection with the same secret communities and many prominent Bolsheviks, in particular Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin! Was that why the Provisional Government declared him a "German spy" and intended to arrest him?

And here is a characteristic detail: the first sketches of Soviet symbols were subsequently strictly classified, altered and hastily destroyed, since inside the red five-pointed star was not a hammer and sickle, but … a swastika! A mystical oriental sign, more ancient than the cross symbolizing Christianity. And the five-pointed star - it is the pentagram - came to us from the Middle Ages and the warlock, and is associated with devilish rituals - Goethe wrote about this. This was then carefully thought up and attributed to the symbolism of protection, defense and security, and the red color was called revolutionary …

In 1920, a former soldier and aspiring artist Adolf Hitler, still unknown to anyone, was it by chance, or not by accident, but according to a plan previously developed by the "green brothers"? - met two interesting gentlemen: the poet Eckart and Alfred Rosenberg. The poet was very interested in the occult sciences and black magic, managing to seriously captivate Rosenberg with this. In addition, Eckart also wrote political studies, including the movement of the Russian Bolsheviks. It is quite natural that such interesting people liked Adolf, and soon they introduced him to the secret society "Thule" - in a number of other sources it is called "Fule" - which eventually became the magic center of Nazism.

In the same year, 1920, the swastika first entered the broad political arena: a black spider symbol appears on the steel helmets of the German Erhard brigade militants, and in 1923, on the eve of the infamous “beer putsch” in Munich, the swastika becomes the official emblem of the National the socialist workers' party of Germany, which was quite confidently headed by Adolf Hitler, who had already received some fame over the past two or three years. But Hitler somewhat modified the traditional oriental mystical symbol - according to his personal project, in the swastika drawing, the crossbars were bent from left to right.

So, as a National Socialist symbol, he deliberately chose the so-called "reverse" or "right-handed" swastika - this is the symbol worshiped by members of the secret societies of black magic in Tibet: "black Bonpos"!

At the same time, the National Socialist SA stormtroopers emerged, and as insignia they wear five-pointed stars in their buttonholes and on the sleeves of brown shirts. But later, Hitler just as decisively rejects any stars as the Bolsheviks decisively refused to use the odious emblem of the swastika. However, the true meaning of both symbols remained obscure to the masses who were not initiated into the sacraments, and the leaders were not at all eager to initiate them and explain the true meaning of the emblems they had chosen. They preferred to create comfortable legends for the masses.

Almost at the same time, in the 1920s, in Berlin, from nowhere, a certain Tibetan lama appeared and settled, constantly and even somewhat intrusively demonstrating to everyone that he was wearing green gloves - thus, he made it clear that he belonged to a sect "Green brothers". Soon, the Tibetan clergyman became famous as a clairvoyant and surprisingly accurate predictor - newspaper reporters poured in a crowd to him and constantly demanded more and more revelations.

The lama sluggishly denied himself, or, assuming a mysterious look, stubbornly remained silent, depicting a figurine of an eastern idol. But then suddenly, at a very precisely chosen moment, his lips opened, and he uttered another prophecy, predicting with absolute accuracy how many seats the Nazis would receive in the next elections to the Reichstag. And the lama was never wrong!

A frequent visitor to his home was none other than … Adolf Hitler. By that time, his friend Dietrich Eckart had already died at the end of 1923 from a heart attack, but he managed to provide the party with serious services - he published a newspaper with Rosenberg, popularized Hitler, but, most importantly, before his death he told his comrades-in-arms:

- Follow Hitler … We gave him a way to communicate with them …

Whom did Eckart mean, being initiated into some of the secrets of the "black Bonpos", speaking of "them"? This is where many of the great secrets of the Third Reich begin, the symbol of which is the ancient swastika.

Alexander Pavlovich Kutepov, a former military general, the head of the emigrant Russian All-Military Union, was one of the first to enter the secrets of the growing strength of the National Socialist movement.

It is not known exactly how the photographs of the swastika drawing and the Kabbalistic inscription made by the last Russian empress in the Ipatiev house came to him. But, which is an even bigger mystery, the pictures that General Kutepov had were taken … on July 24, 1918, that is, the day before the Kolchak units entered Yekaterinburg. Perhaps the photographs were thrown to the leader of the White movement by the Soviet special services? Moreover, later it became clear that they were directly involved in the operation to capture and physically destroy General Kutepov.

According to the official version, the general suddenly disappeared in Paris in 1930 under "unclear circumstances." Much later, Soviet intelligence admitted to organizing and conducting an operation to capture and destroy Kutepov. Whether it is true or not, in any case, it would be extremely flattering for any special service to write down a successful operation to eliminate an active political opponent of the regime living in exile. But here is what some French researchers write about it.

In their opinion, the Russian general Kutepov, together with some of his people, began an independent investigation of the death of the royal family and the mystery of the inscription, and disappeared after meeting with unknown people in one of the safe houses, where he went, taking with him photographs and the Empress's wearable medallion. These things disappeared along with the general without a trace, although it is not hard to guess what historical value they have.

The French writer Dagran once let slip to sensational reporters that Kutepov was kidnapped and then killed on the yacht of the German Baron Bautenas, which bore the name "Asgard". A strange coincidence, but "Asgard" is the second name of the mystical society "Thule" ("Fule") - a secret association of "supermen" initiated into magical knowledge, in which one of the leading mediums was … Adolf Hitler!

It seems that the coincidence of the names was hardly accidental - it is difficult to judge the true role of the special services of different countries in this mysterious story, but both Lagran and Baron Bautenas were soon killed "under mysterious circumstances."

This is how the mysterious and terrible world of the swastika arose, where there were no accidents, but everything certainly had its own secret meaning, unknown to the uninitiated crowd.