"The Chernobyl Father" Wrote A Book About Mysticism At The Chernobyl NPP - Alternative View

"The Chernobyl Father" Wrote A Book About Mysticism At The Chernobyl NPP - Alternative View
"The Chernobyl Father" Wrote A Book About Mysticism At The Chernobyl NPP - Alternative View

Video: "The Chernobyl Father" Wrote A Book About Mysticism At The Chernobyl NPP - Alternative View

Video: CHERNOBYL - History of a Tragedy By Serhii Plokhy (PART 1) 【AUDIOBOOKS & PODCASTS】 2024, September

On the anniversary of the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, Pravoslavie.ru published a chapter from the yet unpublished book Teraturgima, or Miracles of the New Age. Its author, the rector of the Chernobyl St. Elias Church, Archimandrite Sergius, personally experienced the day of the largest nuclear accident in the history of mankind.

“Exactly 10 years before the Chernobyl disaster, on April 26, 1976, the Queen of Heaven herself warned about it. A cloud of an unusual shape appeared in the sky, and churchmen claim that this was the appearance of the Virgin.

Towards evening, many local residents saw a cloud descend to the ground so that the outline of the figure of the Most Holy Theotokos became clear and clearly visible on it. A face and clothes were visible - all in bright colors. In her hands She held bunches of dry wormwood, which we call the Chernobyl. The Mother of God dropped the wormwood over the city,”says the priest.


Only years later, after the accident, it became clear what this sign foreshadowed.

In 2002, with the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev, an icon was painted, which depicts the appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos over Chernobyl.

Another well-known icon is the Chernobyl Savior, which also has its own special history. Yuri Borisovich Andreev, the now deceased party organizer of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a communist, became seriously ill after receiving huge doses of radiation.

“He suffered a lot, was already on his deathbed. They thought his days were numbered. And he constantly dreamed the same dream-vision. The party organizer of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant clearly saw this icon. Then he told the icon painter exactly how it should look. The icon was painted in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in 2003.

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When His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr blessed the icon of the Chernobyl Savior, three signs appeared in the sky at once: a dove flew right above the icon in front of hundreds of people, a rainbow appeared in the sky, and then a cross with the sun shining in the center. And what is interesting - the party organizer Yuri Borisovich recovered after that, the Lord healed him."

In the center of the icon is depicted a "wormwood star" flying from the sky above the ominous glow of an explosion and a pine tree in the form of a crucifixion. Already during the Great Patriotic War, it was a large, mature tree. The station was built literally two kilometers from this huge living cross.

There is another extraordinary icon - this is the image of the Savior from the church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Krasno in the exclusion zone.


“In St. Petersburg, a priest from the Chernobyl zone began to dream about this icon: the Savior looked at him every night. Batiushka phoned Archimandrite Sergius and told him in which village, in which hut and in which attic this icon was hidden. He went to the village, found the described abandoned house, removed the icon from the attic and carried it out. When it was restored and put in order, a priest from St. Petersburg specially flew to bow to the saved shrine - to see it not in a dream, but in reality."

In the village of Krasno itself, there is an ancient temple in honor of the Archangel Michael and disembodied heavenly forces. And there is evidence that holy angels are performing the service of God there.

“Once a duty squad, patrolling the exclusion zone, was driving along a narrow country road, which was densely surrounded by trees and bushes on both sides. Approaching the place where the temple stands, the policemen distinctly heard the sounds of voices from afar. At first we decided what it seemed. There could be no people here. The patrol car moved on and approached the temple.

From there came the reverent church singing of unearthly beauty, glimmers of light were visible. The guys got out of the car and froze. They suddenly found an unprecedented fear, seized by a sacred horror. The healthy men were scared like children and, jumping into their jeep, gave a fight.

The entire police battalion guarding the Chernobyl zone knew about this incredible story. In this place, scorched by the deadly breath of radiation, nevertheless, holiness and grace abide, and therefore angels serve there. The Lord favored people to know about it."
