Mystical Story - Night Strangers - Alternative View

Mystical Story - Night Strangers - Alternative View
Mystical Story - Night Strangers - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Story - Night Strangers - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Story - Night Strangers - Alternative View
Video: Thick Fog Unleashes Bloodthirsty Creatures On To A Town Trapping Humans Inside 2024, October

This story was written from the words of a woman who lived in a village in the Gomel region, which today has turned into a tract.

Our life was measured, I lived for a long time without a husband, but with my little daughter Julia. The day passed usually: early in the morning to watch the farm, then to work, and in the evening and before sunset, in general, things are mixed. The daughter was in the garden most of the day.

One rainy night came to our village one family, a woman and two girls. They knocked and prayed to be allowed in. I decided to shelter them for the night. They looked strange, even exhausted, the girls had glass eyes, clenched yellow-black teeth, all the time they hid behind their mother, and their mother was pale and thin, as if she had not eaten for many days. She did not want to answer my questions, she only said that she was very tired and wanted to rest a little. Then, although they seemed strange to us, I gave them a lodging for the night and left them alone, expecting that in the morning I would find out what had happened. But in the morning they disappeared without a trace, there was a feeling that they were not there, only traces of bare feet in the house. This news quickly spread among the neighbors. After talking, I learned that strange things were happening that night, the cattle behaved insanely, there were power outages, many had nightmares,and someone could not sleep at all.

The day passed, as usual, only in the evening a whisper-grandmother came to visit me and began to ask me about everything, and when she left she said that I had let the dead man into my house and now we should expect trouble. The worst thing is that we are not the first to do this. The next day, the neighbors said that this woman and the girls came to them that very night. There were also those who refused to let them into the house in the middle of the night. After some time, this story began to be forgotten, but unfortunately, not for long. About a week later, this woman appeared to me in a nightmare, only this time she was not so helpless, I was on the street near the house, and I saw her standing over my daughter's bed holding a noose in her hands. I tried to enter the house, but her girls were holding my hands, and so hard that I could not do anything, and at that moment I woke up.

As soon as these dreams appeared, strange things began to happen in my family. Literally within a week a cow fell ill and died, chickens began to die, and the worst thing was my daughter. It would seem that an ordinary cold has turned into something serious. A doctor from the city gave medicine, gave injections and left, but it didn't get any better. At home, such a terrible atmosphere of despair began to reign, I felt that this place was radiating some kind of malice towards us. It was unpleasant and scary for me to be in my own house.

Then I remembered what my grandmother-whisper told me, and decided to talk to her. But I could not find her anywhere, people said that she had disappeared for a long time, and no one believed that she was with me the next day, after that unfortunate night. In addition, I learned that strange things began to happen not only in my little family. People in our village, too, began to die of cattle, two people disappeared altogether, but the worst thing is that last night, a guy who lives two houses from us hanged himself.

I returned home and did not expect that the worst thing that happened to me in my entire life would happen that night. Having completed all the work, I hardly put my daughter to bed, she was afraid of something, but not only did she not say anything to me. After that I could not sleep for a long time, and when I fell asleep, I had that same nightmare, but in the middle of it I woke up abruptly from a strong cry from my daughter's room. I tried to jump out of bed, but someone was holding my hands. A second later I saw on both sides of my bed these same girls, they held me with inhuman strength, not allowing me to rise. Panic horror overwhelmed me, I desperately tried to escape, but the harder I struggled, the more they held me. Recovering myself, I began to read a prayer that my mother read to me every night when I was scared. After a moment, the grip loosenedand I was able to break free and run into the room to my daughter. My heart was pounding wildly, once in the room I saw the disappearing figure of a pale woman. On Yulenka's neck was that very noose from my dream, quickly taking it off, I took my daughter in my arms, and ran out of this house going to the neighbors. They were not very happy about the night visit, but seeing our condition, they did not oppose, and did not go in with questions. We spent the rest of the night on pins and needles. And in the morning, without collecting things, without even returning to the house, they left for my sister in the city. She didn’t believe my story right away, but seeing the bruises on my wrists and marks on Julia’s neck, even she, who didn’t believe in all this, crossed herself. At first we lived with my sister, and after that we completely moved to live in the city. They say that after six months the village was empty, most of them left their homes, and those who stayed did not live long. Now only one tract remains in that place, with an unofficial name dead.