Exit To The Astral Plane. How To Go On Astral Travel? - Alternative View

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Exit To The Astral Plane. How To Go On Astral Travel? - Alternative View
Exit To The Astral Plane. How To Go On Astral Travel? - Alternative View

Video: Exit To The Astral Plane. How To Go On Astral Travel? - Alternative View

Video: Exit To The Astral Plane. How To Go On Astral Travel? - Alternative View
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How do we understand the word "astral"? This is a kind of space that is filled with unknown energy and souls. It is believed that in the astral world one can meet deceased relatives and even visit the past. There are also people who are sure that all their dreams are astral travel. It is believed that the astral world is some other dimension, which is still unknown to modern science. In the astral plane, we can talk to our deceased grandfather or see our first love again.

How to enter the astral plane?

The first thing to do is to tune yourself to the right wave. You know, after all, everything is in our head, if you do not believe in astral travel, you will not succeed!

Second, no drugs or alcohol. It is believed that drugs help, but this is not the case. Even a harmless bottle of beer can easily ruin everything. Aroma candles? Yes please!

Third, the right place. It is foolish to think that you can go to the astral plane at home! No, this must be a special place. Cemeteries, old temples, abandoned houses, places of power, etc. In addition, there should not be a single person around. When you are shown on TV how the astral state is introduced on stage in a full hall, keep in mind - this is a deception!

Fourth, audio accompaniment. Can music help? Yes, music can tune in the right way. A shaman tambourine, Ambient or New Age music is suitable for this.


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Fifth, spells. Many people believe in spells and in the fact that they can help get into the astral world. In fact, spells won't help you. However, casting spells, like music, can help you tune in to the right wave.

Sixth, how do you get out? You ask: "Well, I'm in a cemetery, it's night on the street, there is no one around, headphones with the right music on my head, but nothing happens?" Adjust your thoughts to what you want to see, relax and wait!

However, most of the astral travelers first entered the astral plane by accident. And using their first experience, they set off on the next journey of their own accord.

How I first visited the astral plane. Eyewitness Evgeniy

I work as a system administrator in an office. Our office is located in a separate, small building in the city center. It was the most ordinary day when the director suddenly called me to his place.

- Zheka, I will have a request for you. We have an emergency, the security guard who was supposed to go to work today ended up in the hospital! The other two, who work on other days, cannot get out today: Romka has gone somewhere, and Sanya is bukhoi. You are the only one without a family. Just one night and that's it! - The chief made me happy.

On the other hand, nothing complicated. I had to spend the whole night in the security office in front of the monitors that display the picture from the surveillance cameras. If something is wrong, you just need to press the alarm button and wait for the police to arrive. In addition, I had to install an operating system on one working computer and configure everything! Why not?

In the evening, when everyone left work, I moved to the security office. I closed the door with a key, started installing Windows, and out of the corner of my eye watched the working monitors. An hour passed, the second, the third, night fell. I sit and continue to tune the computer. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I notice on the work monitor, as if a shadow ran through the corridor of the building. I thought what it seemed. After a while, a shadow ran again. And somehow it turned out so that when I carefully looked at the working monitor - there was nothing, and as soon as I switched to another screen, out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow again. He took a traumatic pistol out of the closet and left the office.

Astral world, travel to the past and communication with the dead

Darkness, an incomprehensible smell and a feeling that you are in a familiar and unfamiliar place at the same time. Something was wrong, but at the same time I felt completely calm. I was probably relaxed due to fatigue. I knew that there was no light in this part of the corridor, I had to go a little forward. But the smell alerted me. Do you know what modern offices smell like? Here it smelled of some kind of bureaucracy, or barracks, or the apartment of an old grandmother.

I went to the window. I saw a car parked nearby. A strange car, antediluvian! True, neat. I think what kind of fool drives such trash? I walk down the corridor. There is no light! I take out my smartphone, it's good that it has a powerful flashlight. When I turned on the flashlight, I immediately noticed the floor, it was wooden, not covered with tiles. The walls, why are they green, were they white? I go further, here is the door of the accounting department, where Ksenia and Olya work. He shone a flashlight, and on the door there was a sign: "Captain of State Security Nikonov A. Ye." I will make a reservation once again that I was not scared, rather curious!

I open the door and enter. There is no one in the accounting office. There is no usual furniture with computers either. He fumbled for a switch on the wall and turned on the light. In the middle of the office there is a large table, on the wall is a map of the USSR, on the other is a portrait of Stalin. I went to the table, and on it was a calendar with the date of February 12, 1938.


The next director's office. There is a sign on the door: "Senior Lieutenant of State Security F. I. Kokher." The atmosphere in the office is exactly the same. The next one down the corridor was my office. There is a sign on the door: “Senior Major of State Security Leikin OV”. Of course, I was no longer surprised that my favorite broken printers, mountains of cartridges, system units, motherboards and other hardware were not in the office. Exactly the same setting. I go to the table, the same date is on the calendar: February 12, 1938. In addition to the calendar, there is also a huge pile of papers on the table. For the sake of curiosity, I began to sort them out until I came across the most interesting:

“Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the troika under the control of the NKVD of the USSR. Resolution: Pavel Georgievich Tritsyn, SHOOT”, followed by other extracts:“Egorov Peter Alekseevich, SHOOT”,“Minaeva Serafim Ivanovna, SHOOT”. There were many such statements on the table - dozens. I remembered several surnames. While studying these papers, I passed out!

No, no, he didn't pass out, but woke up in the security office. “Well, I had a dream,” I thought. Everything was as in reality. True, at that moment I was more worried that the boss would find out that I was sleeping. Everything that happens in the security office is recorded. I watched the recording, it turned out that I had only slept for 15 minutes, and there were no shadows on the monitors. I sat quietly until morning.

The dream never got out of my head, how realistic it was. Later I found out that before the war, the building where I work was the NKVD. During the war, it was partially bombed, after the war the building was rebuilt, but a first-aid post was made of it. In the nineties, the building became the property of our company. I got curious and started digging. And it turned out that senior lieutenant Kocher, and captain Nikonov, and senior major Leikin worked here. And Tritsyn, Yegorov and Minaeva were indeed shot at the beginning of 1938, in the building where I work now. Hundreds of people were shot here during the repressions of 1937-1938! What happened to me? If this was a dream, where is it all in my head? Have I traveled back in time?

Expert commentary

This story confirms the fact that you can go to the astral plane in a special place. In a place where ghosts can dwell. It is not known why, but the souls of the dead seem to want to show or talk to us, the living. The building of the NKVD, in which hundreds, and maybe thousands of people were killed and tortured, radiates a special, negative energy and is oversaturated with spirits. All together: fatigue, monotonous noise of computers and monotonous work, absence of people around contribute to the exit to the astral plane. Remember that the astral is our real world, only from a different angle. Some manage to meet the dead in the astral plane, while others become a witness of certain events.

You probably ask: "What if I do not want to get into the building of the NKVD in 1938, but want, for example, to meet with my grandfather?" For this, the grave of a deceased person, the place where he died or the house in which he spent most of his life is suitable. Try, but keep in mind that you may not return from an astral dream.