David Icke On The "Moon Matrix" - Alternative View

David Icke On The "Moon Matrix" - Alternative View
David Icke On The "Moon Matrix" - Alternative View

Video: David Icke On The "Moon Matrix" - Alternative View

Video: David Icke On The
Video: David Icke - Saturn & The Moon Matrix 2024, July

The famous English researcher David Icke argues that one of the most effective ways to control people is to limit their perception of what is possible. And if you program the perception of the possible and make it narrow and extremely limited, then people cease to believe in the possibility of the existence of anything outside this narrow spectrum of "permitted reality."

In this "programming" of our perception, a large role, according to this researcher, is played by the Moon, which is an artificial body launched by one technologically advanced civilization into the orbit of the Earth many millennia ago. Here is what D. Icke himself says about this "Lunar Matrix":

According to D. Hayk, many ancient megalithic structures were built by this alien race on Earth in order to suppress its energy field and enhance the energy impact of the Moon. We are constantly interacting with the energy field of the Earth and therefore, in order to take control of humanity, they needed to suppress this field.

At a certain moment, Ike realized the existence of the "Lunar Matrix" - the broadcast frequency coming from the Moon, which wedged into the range perceived by people and distorted their perception of the surrounding reality. They began to perceive reality in a strongly "narrowed" spectrum.

This frequency, coming from the Moon, and creating sub-reality, which we decode through the senses, as well as manipulation of human genetics, led to the fact that instead of real reality, humanity began to perceive its distorted picture, which is called the "Lunar Matrix".

We are all constantly influenced with the help of these frequencies, imposing this false “collective reality”, which limits our capabilities and informationally separates us from the surrounding Universe. This "Lunar Matrix" makes us live in a kind of virtual reality, just like many computer "gamers" live in virtual reality.

And all this is an element of a well thought out plan through which the capture of the planets is carried out. Our five senses, through the influence of these frequencies, are forced to decode the false reality. Ike argues that we are all connected to this influence as a "collective mind" and that is why we are so much like a "herd" that we were not originally.

This "Lunar Matrix" deprives us of the ability to receive a huge amount of information from the Universe, which was once available to mankind. As a consequence of all this, we live in a virtual reality bubble. And this "Lunar Matrix" is everywhere. This is a kind, a whole virtual world, "stretched" over our eyes to make us blind and imprison our minds.

This "Matrix" surrounded us with a vibrational "barrier", through which one can break through only with the help of achieving awareness, i.e. transition to those vibrations that are outside the "walls" of this "Lunar Matrix", which is a fairly "narrow" frequency band.

But our "herd" society is precisely built by means of the Pyramid of Power imposed on humanity and false "ideals" to keep us in this narrow band of frequencies of fear, hatred, greed, lust, importance, anger, despondency, etc. If, despite this external pressure, a person gets out of the walls of this vibrational “prison”, the spectrum of his perception “expands” significantly, and his consciousness, as it were, “wakes up”, revealing a true picture of reality to him.

Thus, it is the Moon that fundamentally affects human perception, behavior and health. It is the "Lunar Matrix" that suppresses the work of the "third eye", which before its appearance people used to perceive huge areas of reality, many times greater than our present capabilities.

An important role in keeping our perception within the framework of the "Lunar Matrix" is also played by our reptilian (reticular) brain, which we inherited from the manipulation of our genetic code by the reptilian race. It is he who makes us commit impulsive actions that we often have to regret. It is not for nothing that they say about such moments that a person has "eclipsed the mind."

It is no coincidence that the magicians of Ancient Mexico believed that man was once a perfect being, a source of amazing insights and high knowledge, but over time he lost all his amazing abilities, turning into the current faint likeness of those perfect beings.

And this process of degradation of "miraculous abilities" of humanity continues to this day. After all, the task of the hybrid reptilian dynasties is precisely to make our behavior completely dependent on the reptilian brain, finally turning it into a dull and obedient "herd" - the slaves of the reptilian race.

Only the transition to awareness allows us to take control of our perception. However, those who like life at the level of stupid and obedient cattle can continue to hallucinate in the virtual world of the "Lunar Matrix". Freedom of choice is a legal right of any person.

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