Bankers In England Control The Finances, Economy And Military-industrial Complex Of The United States. Part II - Alternative View

Bankers In England Control The Finances, Economy And Military-industrial Complex Of The United States. Part II - Alternative View
Bankers In England Control The Finances, Economy And Military-industrial Complex Of The United States. Part II - Alternative View

Video: Bankers In England Control The Finances, Economy And Military-industrial Complex Of The United States. Part II - Alternative View

Video: Bankers In England Control The Finances, Economy And Military-industrial Complex Of The United States. Part II - Alternative View
Video: Noam Chomsky full length interview: Who rules the world now? 2024, September

Part I: "The British crown completes the seizure of power over the world"

Surprisingly, the US Federal Reserve, the world's top issuer, is under the control of the British crown. All modern large corporations are based on the British East India Company. Since her time, the British have controlled the entire economic and banking sector in the world, and the Queen's agents have controlled the entire financial sector. There is a linear link between the Rothschilds, the Bank of England and London banking houses, which ultimately link the shareholders of the Federal Reserve Banks to their New York subsidiaries and TheCityof LondonUK. The two main Rothschild representatives in New York are JP Morgan Co. and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. These houses organized the Jekyll Island Conference, which promulgated the US Federal Reserve Act, and thereafter successfully lobbied and passed the Act by Congress. They also acquired controlling stakes in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914.

These firms were appointed chief officers to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Advisory Board in 1914. In the same year, several families with controlling stakes in existing banks forced those banks to acquire controlling stakes in federal reserve regional banks. In August 1976, the US House of Representatives reviewed a report on the FRS staff, which showed that representatives of the same families were on the lists of shareholders of regional federal reserve banks.


The US military-industrial complex is also under the complete control of the British crown. To be convinced of this, it is enough to consider the list of the main military contractors of the Pentagon and their connections with the Windsors. The main US military contractors are:

Vanguard Group, State Street Corp, Capital Research Global Investors, Templeton Investment Counsel LLC, Barclays Bank Plc, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd., Schroder Investment Management, Capital World Investors, Bank of America Corporation, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank New York Mellon Corp, Black Rock Advisors, Black Rock Fund Advisors, Old Republic International, Wellington Management Company, BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, NA, Evercore Trust Company, NA, FMR, LLC, Invesco Ltd., Franklin Resources, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.

The owners of these companies are well-known banking houses - the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgan, Warburgs and other financial generals. Each of these corporations owns major stakes in other corporations. Their property and financial interests are intertwined like a vine. If you look even closer, you will find that each of these corporations is doing international business and investing in international military ventures. Thus, they work against all nation states, wage a transnational economic war, and make money from all sides of any conflict, like Henry Schroeder, the Englishman who financed both Hitler and England. This type of banking policy has existed throughout the history of the UK.

Thus, contrary to most conspiracy theories, the federal reserve regional banks are not real targets. The true owners are the investors in the corporations listed above, who benefit from all conflicts - physical wars, cyber wars, economic and political terrorism.

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The Bank of England, through The Worshipful Company of Mercers, controls the entire global economy. Their control over the US economy has existed since 1868. TheCity of LondonUK controls the American economy through the Royal Institute for International Affairs, which in turn is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR has established US foreign policy since its inception.

TheCityofLondonUK controls the New York Federal Reserve, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. TheCityof LondonUK oversees all US monetary policy, which is managed by all three of these globalist organizations through the Exchange Stabilization Fund.

The British Crown and the East India Company in reality still control the economy of all of America - from data management, corporate banking, to the withdrawal of American resources of gas, uranium, gold, and all other valuable US assets. American assets go directly to the UK, the Bank of England, TheCityof LondonUK, and ultimately to the British Monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II herself. The USA is a simple subject of the British monarchy. The Senior Executive Service of the United States is only the executor of the will of corporations such as Serco, British Petroleum, Shell, ICAP, British American Tobacco, SABMiller, American Standard Life, Rio Tinto and Ixstrata.

The intertwined fabric of investment by war-propping corporations has created a system that is inbred, self-contained, and tied to Britain and, through it, Rome. As a result of the Association of the Royal Families of the World, which are members of the Order of the Knights of Malta, the Economic Intelligence Community has emerged as part of a comprehensive transnational insider trading. Monarchies must defend their financial interests and transfer assets to their family members. Therefore, many of the richest families marry within the clan so that the capital remains in the family.

The richest and most powerful people in the world belong to the Knights of Malta, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, the Order of the Garter, the Teutonic Knights and other orders. They pledge allegiance to the British crown and then to the Vatican. In fact, it can be stated that the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, participated in these processes at all levels and worked tirelessly, like the Pope's soldiers, to create the ultimate "insider spy network" for the Vatican Bank.

Continuation: "The Monster Crown Agency, through its agents, controls the vassal countries of the UK."

Alexander Nikishin
