How To Identify The Evil Eye Yourself - Alternative View

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How To Identify The Evil Eye Yourself - Alternative View
How To Identify The Evil Eye Yourself - Alternative View

Video: How To Identify The Evil Eye Yourself - Alternative View

Video: How To Identify The Evil Eye Yourself - Alternative View

Many people are familiar with the situation when life, as they say, is not sweet. Diseases fall one after another, there are continuous failures and incidents at work, I don't want to see relatives and friends in the eyes, and when I meet my only desire is to swear and disappear.

If you notice such changes in yourself and in your environment, you might suspect that someone has made a hole in your energy shell, but simply jinxed. The evil eye is not always targeted on purpose, there are people with certain psychological abilities that can manifest themselves uncontrollably - both with close communication and at a distance. Surely everyone can remember at least once in their life a meeting with such a person, after which anxiety, headache, impotence and other signs of the evil eye inexplicably occur.


Children react most acutely to interference with the integrity of the aura. They feel it almost on a physical level. This explains the hysterics that have no external reasons, after visiting guests, talking with grandmothers in the yard and other contacts with other people.


Of course, having discovered such an unpleasant circumstance in your life or a loved one, you will want to get rid of it. But first you need to "confirm the diagnosis." Most of us are not connected with mysticism in everyday life, so we think that only a psychic or parapsychologist can determine the presence of the evil eye. As a result of this delusion, they lose a lot of money, and even run a high risk of being hooked by scammers.


It is not difficult to find a way out of the situation - the evil eye can be determined at home on your own. These are the simplest procedures with objects that are in any apartment.

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Ways to self-identify the evil eye

The first method is perhaps the most intuitive, albeit the most laborious of all. So, you will need a clean glass made of transparent glass, a fresh (!) Chicken egg, water, a mirror (if you have an assistant, the mirror may not be useful) and a clock by which you can track two minutes (preferably a wall clock). Pour water into a glass on the basis that there should be room for an egg. Place the vessel on the head. The most difficult thing begins: through the efforts of an assistant or on our own (here a mirror will come in handy), carefully break an egg into a glass.


Try not to damage the yolk. After a couple of minutes, you can relax, remove the container from your head and see the result. You can breathe a sigh of relief if the egg lies at the bottom and the water remains clear. If cloudy threads appear from the protein, the evil eye is confirmed. If the threads reached the surface of the water and bubbles were found, damage was put on you.

The next way is simpler. You need to melt about 100 grams of wax and carefully pour into a small container of water. In the process, you need to think about yourself or about the person on whom you determine the presence of the evil eye. If the result is a figure with smooth outlines, without outgrowths reaching the bottom, the energy of the subject is not affected. The inharmony of the wax piece, raggedness, "prickle" speaks of an incomplete aura.

Simple matches will also help to identify the presence of damage or the evil eye. Three matches must be burned and lowered into a glass of clean water. If the decayed sticks remain afloat, you can sleep peacefully. If you are frozen vertically, outside forces have intervened in your psychological shell. Sunken embers will be the definition of the corruption that has been cast on you.

In any case, do not despair. Here, as in medicine, it is important to establish the presence of a problem in time. You can easily try to restore the energy shield yourself. In difficult cases, a specialist will cope with this.