And Again About The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

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And Again About The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View
And Again About The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

Video: And Again About The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

Video: And Again About The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View
Video: Two theories for an unsolved Soviet mystery 2024, June

It is very symbolic that it was in the first days of February that the prosecutor's office announced a new investigation into the death of Dyatlov's group. After all, it is believed that they died, in all likelihood, precisely in these numbers of the distant 1959. Already 60 years have passed, but the death of these young guys haunts investigators and relatives. And indeed in this story there is a very large jumble of incomprehensible moments and inexplicable actions. Apparently this prompted the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia to try again to answer the main question: what was the main reason that led to the death of tourists?

A strange place for a tent

Even a cursory acquaintance with this tragedy is surprising. We are convinced that this group was sufficiently well prepared and was led by an experienced person prepared for such transitions. And suddenly the tent was pitched on a bare, windswept slope. Let me remind you that this is the end of January and beginning of February. The very peak of snowstorms and quite severe frosts in this area.

I read that this is due to Dyatlov's mistake, who for some reason decided to cross the pass towards evening. And he led the group perpendicular to the desired direction. As a result of severe fatigue and understanding that it was dangerous to go further at night, it was decided to pitch a tent 300 meters from the nearest height. At first glance, everything is logical.

But this whole chain of events and decisions is simply suicidal. Why?

The first question is, how could a heading mistake have been made? Well, let's say it was already getting dark and a strong wind was blowing. Visibility conditions are practically nil. But these are experienced tourists! They have a map and must have a compass! Is it really difficult to navigate with this at hand? But they stubbornly moved across the direction they had to go. How do we know this? From the testimony of one and the search engines, or rather, from his drawing, which shows the movement of the Dyatlov group relative to the pass.


Promotional video:

In principle, this can also be understood by the location of the lobby left by tourists. Here is a diagram drawn by a group search member.


And then the second question arises: why leave a place that is quite suitable for an overnight stay, and then realizing that the pass cannot be passed and still have to spend the night, they simply return to the lobaz or go down the slope to the forest where they then went on foot.

I live in Bashkiria and have a great idea of what frost is like in a strong wind. Therefore, I can safely say that it was simply impossible to spend the night in a tent without a stove.

They had a stove we know from the inventory of the property found

and photos of one of the halts.


But the stove needs firewood! I doubt very much that they carried bundles of firewood with them. It just doesn't make sense if you choose a place to sleep in the forest. But we are convinced that they stopped on an absolutely "bare" slope one and a half kilometers from the nearest forest. What was the furnace used for? If I understood correctly, then this is a semblance of a "stove", a metal stove with a pipe. I have the experience of spending the night in a garden house with such a stove in winter. Firewood burns out very quickly, it must be constantly heated, otherwise it will quickly cool down and become cold. Spending the night in the forest, Dyatlov's group most likely took turns on duty near the stove, periodically dragging branches from nearby trees.

Where did they get the branches for the furnace at the site of the last parking lot? Did you walk one and a half kilometers to the forest and back? What's the point? There is no chimney in the photo of the covered tent. Was there smoke in the tent?


If we assume that the stove was not heated, how then to explain that the guys had stripped almost to their underwear?

These questions do not have intelligible answers, because they defy logical explanation.

But further actions are simply absurd. They are leaving the tent in full force! Half-dressed!
