10 Interesting Facts About Loneliness - Alternative View

10 Interesting Facts About Loneliness - Alternative View
10 Interesting Facts About Loneliness - Alternative View

Video: 10 Interesting Facts About Loneliness - Alternative View

Video: 10 Interesting Facts About Loneliness - Alternative View
Video: 7 Surprising Facts About Loneliness 2024, October

Every person is familiar with the feeling of loneliness. It so happens that the soul becomes unbearably lonely, and at the same time sad, dreary, sad and just plain bad. By the way, not all people can hardly endure loneliness, for some being alone is the best state of all, the most comfortable for the soul. In a word, loneliness is a burden for someone, and for someone it can be a joy, no matter how surprising it sounds.

1. The time interval from 20:00 to 22:00 is the period when loneliness is the most difficult to endure and for people who love to be in society, it is the most difficult.

2. People who prefer being alone to society are called introverts (in psychology). In addition, it (loneliness) is largely inherent in people who are called sociopaths and misanthropes.

3. Loneliness has both positive and negative sides. So, for example, solitude is positive loneliness (is voluntary). That is, it is normal for a person to strive for solitude in order to take a break from society, concentrate on his thoughts and relax. Negative loneliness is isolation. It happens so that society throws an individual to the sidelines, does not accept him and classifies him as a pariah. Such loneliness is especially dangerous for humans.

4. The fear of loneliness is called autophobia, and it can get serious.

5. Loneliness affects men much more detrimental than women. But at the same time, the powerful of this world at times less often complain about this condition than women. They experience loneliness in silence and with restraint.


6. The feeling of loneliness is more often experienced by residents of large cities than small villages.

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7. Loneliness is a hindrance to sleep. Back in 2011, the link between insomnia and loneliness was proven. People who complain about having trouble sleeping at night experience a lack of communication and the warmth of their social environment.

8. Loneliness is associated with dementia. 64% - this is the risk of developing dementia in people who often feel lonely.

9. Loneliness hurts the brain. Back in 2003, it was confirmed that the human brain reacts to loneliness in the same way as to physical pain.

10. Statistics show that single people violate a healthy lifestyle several times more than their opponents with couples. They drink more alcohol, smoke more and spend more time at work. All this in order not to feel the feeling of loneliness, to run away from it, to hide.