Mysterious Beams Of Aliens In Alaska Scared Fans Of The &Ldquo; X-Files &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Mysterious Beams Of Aliens In Alaska Scared Fans Of The &Ldquo; X-Files &Rdquo; - Alternative View
Mysterious Beams Of Aliens In Alaska Scared Fans Of The &Ldquo; X-Files &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Beams Of Aliens In Alaska Scared Fans Of The &Ldquo; X-Files &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Beams Of Aliens In Alaska Scared Fans Of The &Ldquo; X-Files &Rdquo; - Alternative View
Video: UFO - Extended Preview 2024, September

Social media users saw glowing stripes in the night sky in the picture of a resident of the largest American state.

After seeing the mysterious picture, fans of the cult sci-fi series "The X-Files" said that these beams are an alien invasion, writes The Daily Mirror. The picture shows bright blue and pink beams that glow in the night starry sky above a house in Alaska. social networks immediately remembered a similar scene in the series, when foreign beings in this way abducted people.


However, scientists were quick to reassure, saying that these glowing "pillars" are just a reflection of light from numerous tiny ice crystals.

“In some cases, light comes from the Sun, creating solar“pillars”, and light can also fall from the Moon and even from a simple street lamp,” the experts noted.

It is worth noting that in just a day, more than 1.5 million people watched the mysterious picture.

Earlier, Dutch scientists noted UFO activity over Groningen. Several mysterious objects have been spotted in the evening sky above the rooftops of high-rise buildings.
