Is There A Logout? - Alternative View

Is There A Logout? - Alternative View
Is There A Logout? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A Logout? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A Logout? - Alternative View
Video: Log Out At Once, All The Websites That You Have Logged In From Google Chrome 2024, September

More and more people are looking for a way out of the System, and most importantly, they understand that it really exists, and that this is not all the inventions of various philosophers, thinkers and conspiracy theorists. It exists and it holds people with its paws, not allowing them to breathe freely. She maintains their existence, feeds and gives them water, satisfies all human needs, and in return takes only one thing - freedom. It would seem, well, what's wrong with that, you think. Yes, let it take it for itself, but how many interesting and extremely attractive things it gives in return! Life without this system seems unbearable, boring and dull. The system gives an abundance of colors, sounds, tastes - anything, any whim and in return asks not so much - freedom. Who needs it, this freedom? Well, what are you going to do with her?

More and more people consider it their slogan: "Fuck The System", trying at all costs to get rid of the system, to destroy it in the bud. People find different ways out of the system, some of them turn out to be false, they lead a person to a dead end. But whoever says anything, all paths are divided into two categories: Idealism and Materialism. And only one category has the correct vector - the idealistic category.

Let's take a look at the materialistic path. A person with a materialistic mindset sees before him the primacy of matter over spirit, i.e. matter creates this spirit, consciousness, mind. Matter is above all.

What is the position of the materialist? The materialist tries to find personal benefit in everything. Whatever it is, whatever he touches, any action must be carried out only to obtain benefits, otherwise it is not worth carrying out this action. Work is for money, a career. Acquaintance - for the sake of useful connections, the acquisition of some experience, knowledge, skill, satisfaction of lust, idleness. Call a person to spend time with him, invite him for a walk, etc. Benefit - in the satisfaction of idleness, lust. And if a person did not need to occupy himself with something and did not want to have a good time, sit in a bar, go to a club, then the person would not have called at all. It took something from a person - called, asked / asked. You don't need anything - then he is not interesting.

There is no action without personal gain. Any action the materialist performs for personal gain, no matter what he does. He analyzes: is it profitable for him, whether he will have any income from this action, some kind of profit. "Why do something if it will not bring any income or benefit?" - thinks the materialist. And it is wrong to understand that it can only be a financial benefit - any benefit received for a personal purpose. This is a materialistic approach. But I want to note that there are no strictly materialists and idealists, every person has materialistic and idealistic ideas, the question is which of these approaches dominates in a person and what is more in him, what outweighs.

How does a materialist try to leave the System? The materialistic path presupposes a false exit from the System, it is a surrogate path. A person simply closes his eyes to the System and imagines that he is outside of it. He believes that he managed to leave her, but this is just self-deception, an illusion. A person is looking for a departure from the system in a materialistic way, i.e. through all the same matter that is above all. And as a result, he becomes dependent on this matter, i.e. it does not leave the System, but only replaces one dependency with another.

Let us examine examples of materialistic exit from the System. For example, a drug addict leaves the system with the help of drugs, with the help of the illusory world that they create and the addiction they cause. An alcoholic patient behaves in the same way. When he is with his desired object - an alcoholic drink, then he is happy and he doesn't need anything else. He got his coveted matter. A person dissatisfied with the environment tries to get away from it, but in the end he simply switches his mind. Or has the person decided to get rid of drug addiction now, how does he get rid of it? Replaces one dependency with another. For example, replacing heroin with methadone. Replacing cigarettes with nicotine patch or gum.

The first example is extreme sports. A person deals with it for the sake of quenching his thirst for adventure, idleness, which gives him joy, for the sake of secreting various hormones in his body that cause various processes. This is again a materialistic way to escape from the surrounding world, i.e. just close from it, hide, but is still in it, in the System and be a part of it. Extreme sports are addictive. This dependence is due to the production of hormones (for example, dopamine), which cause addiction, change in consciousness, and bring joy to a person.

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The second example is a computer, the Internet, computer and gambling. They also stimulate the production of various hormones that create feelings of euphoria, danger and fear in a person. A person, dissolving in the game, closes himself off from the world, while still being in it. He accepts an illusory, surrogate world and becomes a part of it, enters virtual reality. Just kidding himself.

Third example- this is travel, craving for travel. A person travels to different resorts, countries in order to experience joy again, to see something new, beautiful, colorful and magnificent. But again, this is not a way out of the system, but an attempt to escape from it, or, to be more precise, it is just to hide, tuck your head under the pillow. A person believes that being in another place, he will be free from the system. Yes, perhaps at some point in time he will feel a real liberation from it, but soon it will end, because he will need to return to his daily routine, to his usual work, his usual way of life. After all, the same travel needs money, as well as drugs, alcohol, internet, electricity and sports equipment. This is not a way out of the System, it is just a substitution of some drugs for others or a substitution for ways to stimulate their production.

A materialistic attempt to leave the System only leads to a dead end, it does not lead out of it, but only gives a false appearance, the illusion of an exit. As long as a person is a materialist, he cannot get out of the System. Before leaving it, you need to decide who you are: a materialist or an idealist. You also need to decide whether you really want to get out of it or you are satisfied with everything in it. Whether you need it or not. The materialist, as a rule, is satisfied with, if not everything, then a lot in the System, and what does not suit him, he replaces it with a surrogate. To get out of the System, you need to be ready to make sacrifices, to leave old addictions and false needs. And ask yourself: do I need this?

And if not, why don't I need it? Why don't I need freedom, but why do I need its substitutes, surrogates? Ask yourself: Do I need this freedom and do I want to leave the System? Does an alcoholic need to get rid of alcoholism? No, he does not need, because he is pleased with himself and happy. He receives the desired object and is satisfied with it, why should he lose this happiness and get rid of it? He's happy, but he's an alcoholic! He is addicted, he is not free! Fish in the aquarium - free or not, do they want to free themselves from the aquarium and get into the sea / ocean? They are fed, they are looked after, why do they need freedom? Why does a pet need freedom? The system domesticates a person, making him a herd animal. Once upon a time all animals were wild, free, but over time, one System domesticated them, just as another domesticated people, made them dependent on itself.


What is the idealistic way out of the system? Idealism prioritizes ideal concepts such as spirit, faith, will, consciousness, reason, etc. Idealism does not imply the commission of any action for personal gain, because its essence is the commission of actions, sacrificing oneself. Accomplishments for the sake of ideas, for the sake of creations, discoveries, developments. Accomplishments only because his heart commands a person, regardless of whether it is beneficial to him or not, whether a person gains something from this or, on the contrary, loses. The idealist is guided by his feelings, his ideas, spiritual and moral concepts, principles, while the materialist is guided only by his own benefit. And this benefit drives him into a dead end.

The idealistic path implies the rejection of the System. Refusal of all its manifestations, norms and parameters. Rejection of all those addictions that she imposed on a person over the years.

It is not so easy to give up the System. It's hard to just take and give up everything that she offers and become independent and independent from her, become a free person and stop being one of the representatives of a giant herd, a giant incubator. Idealism moves a person, directing him in the right direction. It is impossible to abandon the materialistic System with the help of materialism, because materialism is a part of the System, it consists of it, and any attempts to leave it under the auspices of materialism will force a person to wander only within this System, without leaving its boundaries. This is running in a circle (or in a stall, if you like).

An example of a successful exit from the System is hermitage. As religious, with the practices of asceticism, and secular. Every hermit is an idealist, since it is hardly possible to become a hermit with a materialistic concept. In order for a person to decide on such a feat as a hermit, he needs to act, guided not by personal gain, but by his feelings, urges, ideas, principles, his own will and the desire for freedom. From a material point of view, this event can hardly be called profitable, because in material terms, a person only loses, and does not find. It's like if a pet dog suddenly left his kennel, ran into the forest and began to get his own food, forgetting about his bowl, in which delicious food would appear every day at the same time. I would forget about my warm bed and the gentle hands of the owner.

Leaving your usual place of residence in itself is not an exit from the System, because you can run away to distant lands, but still be a part of the System. You can live in the wilderness, but your heart is in the System, to accept its principles and norms. However, without this care, it is hardly possible to get rid of it. I do not see any other alternative way out of it. The system will devour a person, absorb him with giblets and leave no alternatives. Any resistance will look helpless. It's like turning the tortoise upside down and watching how it will resist, trying to return to its previous position.

To leave the System, a person must destroy all materialistic stereotypes in himself. He must stop being a materialist, thinking and acting like a materialist. He needs to put the ideal in the first place, and to make the material only a consequence of the root cause. An idealistic person will strive to rid himself of the System, because its norms and positions are not acceptable to him and he understands this. He will oppose universal materialism, being in the most severe opposition. Attempts to turn others around can be costly to this person and ultimately he may not achieve his goal, remaining in the System.

PS And it doesn't matter at all what a person believes or does not believe. Religious views do not have any meaning, because materialists are also believers and non-believers are idealists. The ideal does not end with only one concept of faith, spirituality. Striving for will, for freedom, finally, love is inherent in all people, and everyone can find these feelings in themselves. It is a great mistake to consider all atheists to be materialists and all idealists to be believers. This misconception most likely came with people from the so-called "Soviet hardening". In those days, a normal Soviet citizen had to be an atheist and materialist. Those. one could not be without the other. This is not a stone in the garden of the "Soviet temper", as she brought up people morally moral for the most part. By this I want to point out that such concepts can be interpreted in different ways,finding in them various shades and nuances.

This article describes the possibility and ways of getting out of the financial-oligarchic system, but does not pose any ethical goals. Each person chooses for himself the relevance of this topic. For some, logging out is a vital action, for others it is not important at all and does not make any sense. Here I have described only possible exit routes, i.e. answered the question "How?", but did not answer the question "Why?", because I can answer it only for myself, but not for someone else. Everyone decides for himself and answers the question: why should he leave the system. For someone, being in the system does not cause much trouble and misfortune, for someone it does and he tries to get out, i.e. go into hermitage. Someone does not go to these extremes and is content, for example, only with limiting their excessive material consumption,a tie with alcohol, smoking, etc. - and that's enough for him. Someone goes on long journeys, discovering the world - he is happy and he has enough - that's his will.

There can be no definite ethical component in this issue. Everything is individual. For some, the system is good, for others it is bad. I am not trying to label this concept as something negative to apply to all people. It's like arguing about tastes …

Author: Oleg Prikhodko