The Mystery Of Gagarin's Death - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Gagarin's Death - Alternative View
The Mystery Of Gagarin's Death - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Gagarin's Death - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Gagarin's Death - Alternative View
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On March 9, 2018, the first Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin would have turned 84. Meanwhile, he died at 34, seven years after his fateful flight. Even during his lifetime, he was prophesied that he would not live to old age … True, the circumstances of his death were so mysterious that to this day many believe that the great Yuri Gagarin is alive.

Yura's childhood fell on the Great Patriotic War. Later he graduated from an industrial technical school in Saratov, began attending an aero club, entered the Military Aviation School in Orenburg, where he met his great love - a shy girl Valya. Soon she became his wife and the mother of two beloved daughters … After graduating from college, Gagarin had to serve in the north in the military aviation. But the dream of space did not leave him even then. In 1960, Yuri Gagarin crossed the threshold of the Cosmonaut Training Center. He managed to pass the strictest selection: they checked not only physical health, but also mental stability, and, of course, the reliability of future cosmonauts in ideological terms …

On April 12, 1961, Gagarin uttered the legendary "Let's go!", Thereby initiating the era of manned space flight. Having completed a complete revolution around our planet in 108 minutes, Yuri returned to Earth on the same day. The Motherland celebrated the feat of the first cosmonaut, awarding him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union … All doors began to open for Gagarin. He easily graduated from the Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy, dreamed not only to fly, but also to build interplanetary ships … The news of the tragic death of the first cosmonaut literally shook the whole world.

On March 27, 1968, Gagarin made a training flight under the guidance of instructor Vladimir Seregin. Both were experienced pilots. The tragedy took place near the village of Novoselovo, Kirzhachsky District, Vladimir Region. The investigation commission concluded that the UTI piloted by the MiG-15 pilots went into a steep tailspin and crashed into the ground …

Subsequently, the version about the abduction of the astronaut by aliens also spread. Her supporters recall the words of the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, uttered by her in 1979: “The inhabitants of the planet Vamfim told me that Gagarin was not killed, but was taken. By whom, why and where - they did not explain.

There is information that a month before his death, Yuri Gagarin secretly came to the nun Makariya, a famous eldress living near Gzhatsk. The cosmonaut's mother Anna Timofeevna, a simple and religious woman, asked to visit her … Makariya had the gift of foreseeing the future. This is how she later recalled this meeting: “He is a simple, good, very good person. Childlike. I told him then: “Don't fly anymore, you can't fly!”. He did not listen to me, but then death overtook him soon."

The famous astrologer S. Vronsky also recommended Gagarin not to fly on the day of the tragedy. He was hired as a consultant at Star City at the request of Nikita Khrushchev himself. His duties included drawing up personal horoscopes for the inhabitants of Star. For some of them, he developed detailed recommendations for each day. In the horoscope compiled by Vronsky for Gagarin, the day of March 27 was marked as unfavorable for flights. All components of biorhythms were at a critically low level. The astrologer found the astronaut and warned of the danger. But Gagarin replied: “I am a military man, I cannot refuse. And the flight is not difficult …"

Until the end of her life, Gagarina's widow Valentina Ivanovna believed that Yura was alive and would return. Every day she cooked her husband's favorite dishes, planted his favorite lilies in the garden beds … Once a mysterious man in a gray-blue suit visited the Gagarins' house, holding a folder in his hands. Valentina Ivanovna did not want to let him in, but the stranger said that he was "from Yuri Alekseevich"! Like, Yura asked me to tell her to wait for his return …

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Friends of the family who were present at the visit quietly called the police. The law enforcement officers arrived literally a minute later. They took the "messenger". Subsequently, to the question of where the stranger is now, a short answer was received: "Well, where you need to, there you go …" Who was this man? Crazy, swindler, or did he really have some important information? Who knows…

Elena Gimadieva (prepared by Irina Shlionskaya)