Minister Oreshkin Proposed To Abolish Pensions In Russia - Alternative View

Minister Oreshkin Proposed To Abolish Pensions In Russia - Alternative View
Minister Oreshkin Proposed To Abolish Pensions In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Minister Oreshkin Proposed To Abolish Pensions In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Minister Oreshkin Proposed To Abolish Pensions In Russia - Alternative View
Video: 20 years under Putin / Valery Solovey and Dmitry Oreshkin // Dilettante 2024, September

It seems that despite the previously announced budget surplus, financial affairs in Russia are bad. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain the proposal of the Minister of Economic Development Oreshkin to completely abolish pensions.

The shock from last year's decision by the federal authorities to raise the retirement age by 5 years has not yet passed (for this reason, the authority of President Putin, who signed the law, which the majority of the population considers anti-popular), has sharply fallen. Many representatives of the United Russia party want to go to the next elections as self-nominated candidates (it becomes shameful to be a United Russia member). And now and then there is talk at the very top of the political leadership in general about the complete abolition of pensions.

Another shocking statement was made not by anyone, but by the Minister of Economic Development of Russia Maxim Oreshkin. You see, he found a similar experience in the history of China. The minister spoke at the Second Stolypin Forum with an appeal to Russians to sacrifice the present for a brighter future. This cannot be called anything other than mockery. However, if the Russian authorities are ready to abolish the pension tax, then the Russians themselves will find how to dispose of this money and will save it for retirement.

Today, it is just something else that is obvious - in other countries (including China) pensions are many times higher than Russian ones, life expectancy is much longer. Oreshkin claims that China achieved economic success because it did not pay pensions to its citizens. The minister said that "historically, China has spent little to support the retirement age population."

Earlier, President Putin set a task for the government - to achieve high economic growth rates, so that by 2024 the country will become one of the five largest economies in the world. The head of state called this a basic condition for a breakthrough in solving social, infrastructural, defense and other tasks. However, according to Oreshkin, this task is impossible at the current rate of economic growth.

It is worth recalling that retirees and pre-retirees are the basic electorate of the ruling party in any election. However, after such statements by government representatives, the basic electorate can easily send this government, this parliament, and this president, who appoints such ministers, to hell.

By the way, not so long ago, economists at the Higher School of Economics predicted that by 2028 the federal government will again have to raise the retirement age in the country, otherwise the budget will not have enough money.

A huge question arises for the entire system of power operating in the country. If you cannot provide basic social guarantees, simply resign. Make room for those who can do it.

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