Global Warming On The Planet. What Does Humanity Expect In The Near Future? - Alternative View

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Global Warming On The Planet. What Does Humanity Expect In The Near Future? - Alternative View
Global Warming On The Planet. What Does Humanity Expect In The Near Future? - Alternative View

Video: Global Warming On The Planet. What Does Humanity Expect In The Near Future? - Alternative View

Video: Global Warming On The Planet. What Does Humanity Expect In The Near Future? - Alternative View
Video: Could Global Warming Start A New Ice Age? 2024, October

Every day, millions of people on the planet plan their lives, their tomorrow, the near future for themselves, their children, and subordinates. Some of these plans are being implemented, some are being corrected, others have to be canceled altogether.

Today we are observing how abnormal natural phenomena occurring in the world are increasingly affecting people's lives. It is obvious that these events are spontaneous, and people cannot change their course. However, there are already progressive scientific technologies that make it possible to predict natural phenomena with high accuracy. Using these unique technologies will avoid a huge number of human casualties. But "mainstream science" prefers to rely on the good old "greenhouse effect" statement.

For many it is no longer a secret that the observed increase in the number and intensity of anomalous natural phenomena is part of the global climate change on our planet. Scientists around the world record daily confirmations that the climate on planet Earth manifests itself more extreme in relation to its stable character in the recent past. One of these manifestations is the record high air temperature, which is confirmed by the publications below.

Fragments of a publication on the melting of glaciers. (Journal of Geophysical Research Letters.):

We are talking about thousands of blue lakes that formed on the glaciers of East Antarctica from ice melted under the sun's rays.

Several years ago, similar processes were observed in Greenland, then melt water seeped into cracks and microcracks, melted the glacier and contributed to the sliding of its parts into a general landslide. This led to the fact that the Greenland glaciers began to melt at an increasing rate and lost more than a trillion tons of mass from 2011 to 2014.

Researchers in the UK analyzed hundreds of satellite images, as well as meteorological data from the Langhovde glacier in East Antarctica, and found that the mass formation of these lakes (almost 8000) began between 2000 and 2013 …

Promotional video:

Scientists found that during the 13-year study period, the warmest (in the southern hemisphere) summer was from 2012 to 2013, for a total of 37 degree days with positive outside temperatures, and the average daily air temperature at the earth's surface in the month of January it was +0.8 degrees Celsius.

For comparison, in the summer period from 2007 to 2008 there were only 5 degree-days with a positive outside temperature and the average daily air temperature on the earth's surface in January was -1.8 degrees Celsius.

During the summer period from 2012 to 2013, the area of lakes and surface flowing channels on the surface of the Langhovde Glacier increased by 36 percent compared to previous periods.

"What we found, the appearance of these lakes is not surprising, because it directly correlates with the air temperature in the region, and therefore the maximum number of lakes, the total area of the lakes, as well as the depth of the lakes, all of these values peaked when the air temperature was at its maximum.", - said the glaciologist Stuart Jameson from the University of Durham (England)….

“The size of the lakes … is probably not big enough to have a tangible impact at the present time, but if the climate continues to warm in the future, we can expect the size and number of these lakes to increase. So this is what we are watching,”says Jameson.

As a short conclusion, we can note the following: a team of scientists from England confirms the fact of melting glaciers and names the reason - climate change. The experts limited themselves to this in their statements, and the further development of events is considered based on simple logical assumptions.

The following is an example of another interesting note about abnormal heat. Information prepared by American climate researchers.

Heat Heat Publication (The New York Times August 20, 2016):

According to NASA data, July of this year was not just hot, but the hottest month in the history of research. And this year will probably also be the hottest year.

14 of the 15 hottest years have been recorded since 2000, due to heat waves that are becoming more frequent, more intense and longer lasting. A study in the journal Nature on climate change last year found that three out of every four daytime heat extremes could be associated with global warming.

The figures below show the forecast of the dynamics of temperature indicators, for conditions in which nothing will be done to slow down climate change. By the end of this century, the number of 100-degree Fahrenheit (37.78 degree Celsius) days will skyrocket, making it unbearable to work or play outdoors. And if we don't take immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the effects of heat on our health, air quality, food and water supplies will continue to worsen.

Fig. 1. Map showing the number of days in which the temperature exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 oС) in the United States. Average value for the period 1991-2010


Fig. 2. Map showing the number of days in which the temperature will exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 oС) in the United States. Forecast for the period 2060


Fig. 3. Map showing the number of days in which the temperature will exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 oС) in the United States. Forecast for the period 2100


Fig. 4. Charts showing the number of days in which the temperature will exceed 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 oС) in the United States. Average value for the period 1991-2010, forecast for 2060 and 2100


The calculations were performed by the Climate Central organization and are based on the forecasts of the World Climate Research Program specialists. Maximum daytime temperatures averaged from 1991 to 2010 are based on meteorological data compiled by Ed Maurer of Santa Clara University.

Climate Central employees confirm the fact of abnormally high temperatures this year, which, in their opinion, is caused by the greenhouse effect. Moreover, the specialists of this research organization offer their own version of the development of the global warming situation in the future. The forecast was based on the statistical data of previous years and the assumption that the trend "will continue at the same pace." It should be recalled that this is not the first long-term forecast by Climate Central. In November 2015 (ahead of the Paris climate conference, December 2015), the team from Climate Central presented a series of processed photographs that show how the world's major coastal cities will be flooded by 2100, due to the same "greenhouse effect".

For the sake of fairness, we add that such a reason as "anthropogenic influence" undoubtedly takes place, but it is exclusively political and commercial in nature, and the value of scientific data is precisely in the fact that they are confirmed in practice. And today we have a description of climate changes in the present and near future on the planet, the cause of which is mainly a derivative of astronomical processes and their cyclicity. This information is presented in the ALLATRA SCIENCE Report “On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems”was repeatedly confirmed by the facts recorded in various scientific fields.

“… Today the development of theoretical and applied PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, which forms a fundamentally new understanding of physical processes and phenomena occurring in animate and inanimate nature, gives mankind a chance for an evolutionary breakthrough in different areas of science, because everything in this world is based on physics. This also applies to the area of more detailed study of geophysics. Based on the general laws of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, it is possible to make calculations that will allow in the near future not only to predict the course of development of physical processes and phenomena, but also to accurately calculate the behavior of nature. This means that measures must be taken in advance to completely or partially prevent this or that natural phenomenon,in the extreme case of its mitigation or at least early evacuation of the population … "(from the report ALLATRA SCIENCE" On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways of solving these problems ")

In conclusion, we come to a simple conclusion: our happiness is in our hands. Despite the fact that difficult trials are approaching for all people on the planet, we have knowledge of how to survive them. To do this, you need to overcome the consumer attitude towards life and the world around you. By changing our worldview, we can unite. And you can start it right now, for example, smile and sincerely wish a good day to those who are nearby.