10 Incredible Facts About Our Universe That Are Hard To Believe - Alternative View

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10 Incredible Facts About Our Universe That Are Hard To Believe - Alternative View
10 Incredible Facts About Our Universe That Are Hard To Believe - Alternative View

Video: 10 Incredible Facts About Our Universe That Are Hard To Believe - Alternative View

Video: 10 Incredible Facts About Our Universe That Are Hard To Believe - Alternative View
Video: 10 Scary Yet Beautiful Facts About Space & Us 2024, July

Despite the fact that scientists learn more and more about the Universe, it still remains full of mysteries and amazing secrets that are difficult to believe. However, the ongoing work of astronomers, astrophysicists, cosmonauts and other researchers allows us to slowly but surely uncover the secrets hidden deep in space.

A day on Venus lasts over a year

A year is the time it takes for a planet to complete its orbit around the sun. It takes the Earth 365 days. A day is a period during which the planet rotates on its axis, that is, the Earth has a day equal to 24 hours. The fact is that Venus rotates around its axis more slowly than in orbit around the sun. A day on Venus is equal to 243 Earth days, and a year is only 225 days.


An alcoholic cloud is located in the center of the Milky Way

Our Universe is incredible! Sagittarius B2 is a huge gas cloud in which active star-forming processes take place. Its diameter is 45 parsecs, which is unique in itself, but it is not the size of the cloud that is especially remarkable, but its composition. Sagittarius B2 contains billions and billions of liters of ethyl alcohol.

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An astronaut's spacesuit costs about $ 12 million

Space is one of the most inhospitable places. There are no protective atmospheric layers there. An astronaut in outer space surrenders to the mercy of cold, radiation, pressure and other conditions incomparable with life. It is not surprising that very expensive suits are needed to protect and maintain the health of astronauts.


Drake's equation

This formula predicts the presence in one galaxy of a probable number of intelligent civilizations ready to come into contact with representatives of alien intelligent life. It is based on several variables, for example, the probability of the formation of life on the planet, the probability of the evolution of this life to intelligent forms and the duration of the existence of such a civilization.


If the Betelgeuse star exploded …

The bright star Betelgeuse lies in the constellation Orion, 430 light-years from Earth. It is 80 thousand times brighter than the Sun and is preparing to complete its evolution with a likely supernova explosion. If it had happened today, the light from the explosion would have painted the skies above us blood red for two months.


The Hubble telescope shows us the distant past of the universe

The famous telescope gave us some amazing images, and, in addition to significantly expanding our understanding of the universe and galaxies, it allowed us to look back at the past. The fact is that light does not travel long distances instantly, and the distances in space are enormous. Therefore, some parts of the images taken with the Hubble telescope show the universe as it was 13 billion years ago.


Straight tunnel through the Earth

Of course, if it were possible, breaking a tunnel through the center of the Earth, we could be on the other side of the world in just 42 minutes and 12 seconds. However, such not quite round-the-world travel is absolutely impossible.


Our planet could become a black hole

If we talk about the theoretical possibility, then any large object can become a black hole if it is squeezed hard enough. The equation that calculates how much an object must shrink to become a black hole is called the Schwarzschild radius formula. For the Earth to turn into a black hole, it must be compressed to the size of a small pebble.


Footprints on the Moon will remain for hundreds of millions of years

There is no atmosphere around the Moon, and accordingly, there is no wind that could sweep away the tracks of astronauts who walked on its surface. Despite the fact that the tracks will remain for a long time, they can still disappear, because the conditions on the moon are not completely static. The lunar surface is often attacked by micrometeorites, which cause slow erosion that can obliterate footprints in a hundred million years.


Cold welding in space

In a vacuum, the surfaces of homogeneous metals are tightly connected without heating. This fact often causes problems in the operation of spaceships. On Earth, the molecules of two pieces of metal are separated by air, water and other substances, there is nothing like that in space and the molecules of one piece of metal cannot distinguish themselves from the molecules of another piece, which is why the process of cold welding occurs.


Hope Chikanchi