The World One Program Predicted The End Of Civilization Back In 1973. Everything Will Start In 2020 - Alternative View

The World One Program Predicted The End Of Civilization Back In 1973. Everything Will Start In 2020 - Alternative View
The World One Program Predicted The End Of Civilization Back In 1973. Everything Will Start In 2020 - Alternative View

Video: The World One Program Predicted The End Of Civilization Back In 1973. Everything Will Start In 2020 - Alternative View

Video: The World One Program Predicted The End Of Civilization Back In 1973. Everything Will Start In 2020 - Alternative View
Video: Computer predicts the end of civilisation (1973) | RetroFocus 2024, September

In 1973, a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed a computer model that predicted “the end of civilized life as we know it” by 2040, with major changes coming in 2020 - just two years from now.

An apocalyptic computer model processed by one of the world's largest computers in 1973 predicted the end of civilization by 2040.

The forecast was made by a program called World One, which was developed by a group of MIT researchers and processed by Australia's largest computer.

It was originally developed by computer pioneer Jay Forrester, after being commissioned by the Club of Rome to develop a model for global stability.

However, the shocking result of computer calculations showed that the level of pollution and overpopulation will lead to a global collapse, which will come by 2040.

This shows that the world has not been able to sustain the current level of population and industrial growth for more than two decades.

Australian broadcaster ABC has released its initial 1970s report as there is only two years left before the start and so far everything is going according to the computer model.

The model based its predictions on trends such as pollution levels, population growth, the availability of natural resources, and the quality of life on Earth.

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The creepy calculation was surprisingly accurate in predictions, especially in such as stagnation in the quality of life and a decrease in natural resources.

An astonishing forecast shows that quality of life will decline dramatically just after 2020.

At this time, the announcers draw the attention of the audience: “Around 2020, the state of the planet becomes extremely critical.

If we don't do anything about it, the quality of life will drop to zero. The pollution will become so severe that it will start killing people, which in turn will lead to a decrease in population, lower than it did in 1900.

At this stage, from about 2040 to 2050, civilized life as we know it on this planet will cease to exist."