Rabbis: President Trump Is The Embodiment Of The Biblical Esau - Alternative View

Rabbis: President Trump Is The Embodiment Of The Biblical Esau - Alternative View
Rabbis: President Trump Is The Embodiment Of The Biblical Esau - Alternative View

Video: Rabbis: President Trump Is The Embodiment Of The Biblical Esau - Alternative View

Video: Rabbis: President Trump Is The Embodiment Of The Biblical Esau - Alternative View
Video: God's Story: Jacob and Esau 2024, September

President Donald Trump is the embodiment of the biblical Esau, the son of Isaac and Rebekah, according to Torah scholar and international speaker Rabbi Mendel Kessin.

The Lord told her: “Two tribes in your womb, Two separate nations will come out of your bosom; One nation will be stronger than the other, And the elder will serve the younger. Genesis 25:23 (The Israel Bible ™)

Earlier this week, in a talk in Jerusalem that lasted more than two hours, Rabbi Kessin outlined biblically-based conclusions in which Trump plays an exceptional role in preparing the world for redemption. He does not yet claim that Trump is the Messiah (Mashiach), although Rabbi Kessin emphasized: “Trump is a messianic figure,” that is, he is associated with the process of transition to redemption.

Rabbi Kessin began his conversation by quoting a Bible verse that spoke of the two nations that Rebecca had in her womb. The progenitor of one of them was Jacob, who through his 12 sons was the ancestor of the Jewish people.

Another people from Rebecca's womb came from Esau, who, as Rabbi Kessin explains, "became Edom, which became Rome, becoming Christianity, for Western civilization." Genesis 25:23 says, "And the elder will serve the younger." The elder is a reference to Esau, and the younger to Jacob. Although they were twins, Esau first appeared, as it is directly stated in the Book of Genesis. Genesis 25: 25-26

Esau and his descendants were destined to play an important role in the process of bringing the world to redemption. But the choice for Esau and his descendants has always been ya'avod or ya'aved: will they cooperate and help the Jewish people, or will they enslave and oppress him?

According to Rabbi Kessin, Esau may have been the fourth biblical ancestor after Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He and his descendants have always been part of the atonement process.

At the age of 13, Esau decided to take the path of sin and evil. He and his descendants have fulfilled their biblical destiny through enslavement and oppression, rather than helping and cooperating with the Jewish people, for much of the past 2000 years.

Promotional video:

However, the election of Trump led to the rise of Christian Zionism, that is, everything is starting to change.

According to Rabbi Kessin, although Esau chose sin and evil, he also had the potential for spiritual greatness. This quality is what Rabbi Kessin calls "tov she'b'Eisav" - the potential for good that was in Esau.

And this potential, according to Rabbi Kessin, is today represented by America.

Trump's goal on a spiritual level is to transform from ya'aved (oppressing Israel and the Jewish people) to ya'avod (cooperating with and helping Israel and the Jewish people). This potential has already been actualized with Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and his plan to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Rabbi Kessin argues that under Trump's leadership, the more America helps Jews and the State of Israel, the more powerful and prosperous it will become. Israel will grow up in the eyes of the world, and other nations will want to bow down and cooperate with Israel, precisely because America is behind it.

Rabbi Kessin concluded this part of his reasoning with a spiritual explanation of the dangerous opposition to Trump. Hateful rhetoric "is a function of his messianic mission." The source of extreme opposition to Trump is that Trump is being used as one of God's tools in rebuilding the relationship between the biblical Jacob and Esau.