Extracts From The Materials Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View

Extracts From The Materials Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View
Extracts From The Materials Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Extracts From The Materials Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Extracts From The Materials Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View
Video: The Dyatlov Pass Case 2024, October

Collected only the most important materials. Everything else is unnecessary addition. All these balls, comets and other nonsense have no value for the investigation. Is that, for a long time already, regularly feeds various home-grown researchers-woodpeckers. The conclusions are up to you. I have already done this and I completely agree with the investigation (in terms of the cause of the death of the group). This material only complements my article yesterday. I warn you that the text of the article is very long. It is better to read it for those who are seriously interested in this matter. There is no entertainment here. Some facts and evidence.

Radiograms literally:

1) Sheet 146

Received by Temnikov

No. 1712 sl 27/2


Immediately after the descent, an examination of the four found corpses was carried out; these are Dyatlov Zolotarev Krivanishchenko Kolmogorov; The direction of the hurricane is northeastern east, so they are all on the same line from the discovered tent, the farthest points, about two kilometers from the tent. At the head of the stream flowing into Lozva, a fire was made, there are burnt logs of the dead. The nearest Kolmogorov has a broken head tomorrow, the survey will continue now, we are setting up camp in the valley of Auspiya to avoid the traces of the accident, Axelrod contacted until they answer, I think they need to connect with us.

Promotional video:


Sheet 149

Received by Temnikov

No. 27/2 1745 Moscow time


We did not have time to inspect the tent, probably everyone was covered with snow with heavy products, the tent was torn apart by people getting up, it was blown down by the wind Axelrod's point can be removed by helicopter to land us a point Three corpses were partially visible from the snow, the fourth was found by a dog.


Sheet 151 (?)

27. II 17-20 hours


Why did the tent remain if the people were carried away from the tent?

How the bodies were found.

Tell us your opinion to leave or Axelrod on Otorten



Sheet 152 (?)

Received by Temnikov

No. 27/2


To determine the time of the accident, request the weather report of the thirtieth I to 2/2 February The position and location of the corpses indicates a hurricane

Maslennikov Nevolin

Sheet 153

Received by Temnikov

No. 27/2 sl 1500 Moscow time


At 16 o'clock, four people were found in different places and they are lightly dressed and barefoot, which suggests that they were blown out during a storm. only Zinaida Kolmogorova was identified. the search continues. all groups arrived in the area of the tent. the connection with the Axelrod group has not yet been established

Brusnitsyn Nevolin Chernousov

Sheet 159

Received by Temnikov

No. 28.2 sl 1315


Maslennikov is not here, he should arrive in the mountains later in about an hour. I was at the Dyatlov tent, there are all 9 backpacks, several snow boots, 3.5 pairs of boots, eight pairs of boots (“party cards” - clogged) one pair is missing and - other personal items are also part of the products, but not all other products should be somewhere else location.


Sheet 160

Received by Temnikov

No. 28.2 sl 1707


It was not possible to establish contact with Axelrod from him, that is, a helicopter flew away from Axelrod. The searches have yielded nothing yet. We managed to find traces of 8-9 people from the tent itself about 1 km along the elephant, then the traces are lost. One man was in boots, the rest were in socks and barefoot. Further down the slope, there is very deep snow, and probing the tent yielded nothing. The dogs could not do anything for the day, the snow is deep. They raised 3 corpses to the helicopter platform. The fourth will raise his face tomorrow - it is completely skidded, therefore there is an opinion that this is Doroshchenko and not Zolotarev. They are both the biggest guys. We examined the place of the tent and drew up a protocol, we lowered our things to the helipad, we will send them to you in the tent there were 10 pairs of linen 8 pairs of boots 9 backpacks, all personal belongings were injured,food for 2-3 days, the rest of the food for 8 days apparently left in a storage shed in the upper reaches of the auspiya, the whole group was assembled. Why the group in full force, half-naked, abandoned the tent until it was possible to install it is completely incomprehensible. Tomorrow we will be looking for people in an area of deep snow the size

Sheet 167


SULMAN 2 / III-59 - 18.30

Searches in the Lozva valley failed today.twenty-two people climbed the pass and were forced to return due to a blizzard of visibility no point instead they prepared firewood and strengthened the camp prepared for the arrival of replenishment points the search group of Slabtsov and Kurikov 400 meters from our tent up Auspiya found Dyatlov's storage shed in the storage Nineteen products weighing 55 kg were found, as well as a spare pharmacy, warm Dyatlov boots, one Mandolin ski boots, a set of batteries with bulbs and a spare set of skis, a list and weight of products are indicated in the protocol of Ivanov, a point. with a storage shed to the pass in bad weather, the Dyatlov group could well have taken the crest of the spur of mountain 1079 for the pass to the willow point, but the main mystery of the tragedy is the exit of the entire group from the tent pointthe only thing other than an ice ax found outside the tent, a Chinese flashlight on its roof confirms the likelihood of one clothed person going outside, who gave some reason to everyone else to hurriedly throw the tent point

The reason could be some extraordinary natural phenomenon or the flight of a meteorological rocket that I / II saw in Ivdel and 17 / II saw Karelin's group point Tomorrow we will continue the search together with new forces and send the planned cargo point Small messages 01 Chernyshov's and Sidorov's group together ask to leave the last one here pt 2 candles are required five pieces left 3 tomorrow morning we send Kurikov's group back I gave them a certificate of their work pt 4 please send a telegram Sverdlovsk Pervomayskaya 104 Maslennikova's energochermat I am in the mountains healthy Zhenya


I ask the sappers to oblige to work after the mine detectors with probes 2 the coordinates of the storage facility have been given to you 3 give consent to leave Sidorov 4 except for three members of Sladkov's group all the other students are already leaving Blinov missed a lot of classes 5 please call me for a report and resolve the issue of leadership


Sheet 168



3 / III-13.30

Today we will look for a storage shed in the upper reaches of the Auspiya point. We send the attendants to the helipad. The case of the arrival of the helicopter. one or two flights? 3 helicopters or one in two flights 4 instead of the Mansi others you should not send this opinion, ours and nevolina point 4 Since the area of work is quite definite by its nature of work requires different experience, I consider it expedient to assign the leadership of the detachment to Captain Chernyshov, especially since the detachment becomes a military point The detachment and Chernyshov agree on this point, and the question is also raised about the removal of Blinov,Borisova Serdinyh points It would be nice to clarify whether a new type of meteorological rocket flew over the accident area on the evening of February 1, point 6 Thank you for your concern in sending food we ask for halva butter condensed milk sugar coffee tea cigarettes


Sheet 169

Received by Temnikov

No. 1/3 1500


1/3 58 AD today, despite a sharp deterioration in the weather, the search continued for about 1000 meters of a 30-meter-wide zone in the part where the victims stopped. The search did not produce snow with a depth of 1-2 meters, and more today the wind has reached 30 meters, there is no visibility, therefore, searches cannot be continued in such weather. Regarding the expediency of further searches, it can be said that searches in this area, even in good weather, may not give anything for this, at least 100 people will be required, if the weather was good, it would be possible to check another 1-2 sites.


Sheet 170

Received by Temnikov

No. 1/3 sl 1025 Moscow time


Today we consider the final day to spend with probes the entire area with deep snow if we do not find anything with probes we will have to wait for spring no one has gone beyond this place. Snow here in places is more than 2 meters. it is well established that the disaster occurred on the night of the second of February. On 31/1 in bad weather, the group left Ausipia after spending the night, which was discovered first and ascended to the pass, but the wind stopped them and they returned to the border of the forests at the headwaters of Auspiya and set up camp. This is approximately in the place where our camp is now. In the morning they made a storage shed and left some of the products here at 15 o'clock, they again went to the pass to Lozva and climbed to the site of the discovered tent. Probably, during a blizzard, they took the slope of 1079, the main ridge for the pass slope from the auspiya to the vine, they climbed to the ridge and, driven by the hurricane wind, decided to camp at 6 pm on this place. The tent is set up very firmly in accordance with all the rules under the tent, all skis, then empty backpacks, quilted jackets, on one side, groceries, boots on the other, not all blankets, all personal belongings. The tent was set up in view of the strong wind from the top, the group had dinner in the tent, left food and began to change to take off their wet clothes and put on dry ones. It was at this moment that something happened that made the group run out of the tent half naked and rush down the slope. Perhaps someone dressed went out to recover and he was killed. Those who jumped out to shout - were also demolished, the tent was installed in the most dangerous place of the wind, the strongest wind here. It was impossible to climb back from fifty meters, since the tent was torn apart, the lower ones could command it to leave and go into the forest, counting on the slope towards XXXXXXXXXXXXX auspii where the forest is nearby they wanted to hide here, it may be possible to find the place of their previous overnight stay, but very rocky and up to the forest 2-3 times further. Dyatlov and Kolmogorova lit a fire, they dressed better and went back to look for clothes. Not enough and they fell. The position of their bodies suggests this. Everyone agrees with this variant of disaster. Today four people will look for a storage shed, all the rest are going to search for the missing. The group feels well sleeping in a warm big tent, everyone is healthy. Please send 15 kg. crackers 5 iron shovels. Tell XXXXX what the weather will be in the next three days why they asked about Rostovites if they took Grebennik's group.


Interrogation of witnesses. Member of the search work of Moisey Abramovich Axelrod.

As you know, 2 corpses were found near the cedar: Krivonischenko and Doroshenko, but a thorough examination of the fireplace suggests that there were more people around the fire. I have the following reasons for this: 1.) Judging by the work done, two of them cannot cope with the amount of work that has been done there. 2.) A small burnt, obviously female headscarf was found near the fire. 3.) Found a torn cuff of a sweater of a dark color, which is not on any of the tourists already found.

What, on the basis of my personal impressions, is the picture of the death of the group being drawn to me?

On February 1, the group got up late. Late because the day before, judging by the diary, the group was very tired, and because in the morning, or after the diary had been written, it was decided late in the evening to make a storage shed in order to free the shoulders worn out by the previous campaign for at least three days, increase the speed of movement. In the morning, the group got up at 11 o'clock and proceeded to set up the storage. While they were making the storage, while they were sorting out what to take with them and what to leave (the day before this was not done, since the construction of the storage was in question), breakfast was ready.

It was about 2 o'clock. And I believe that the group left no earlier than half past three, setting itself one of 2 tasks: 1) Cross from forest to forest, from Auspiya valley to Lozva valley, or: 2) Considering the fact that for several days now the group has been walking on extremely deep snow, the movement on which is extremely tiring. Considering that the group had a good rest on this half-day, ate late, move as far as possible along the border of the forest, without going into the forest (deep snow, towards Otorten so that the next evening will certainly be near Otorten himself). A group with lightweight backpacks starts the route, but relatively late time - about 5 hours, poor visibility, or rather, its absence, makes the group stop for the night outside the forest. This is not excluded by any of the options offered here. Was the decision to spend the night in a bare place (I deliberately avoid the word slope, because I believe that the slope, as such, did not play any role in their death) justified? In my opinion, yes. Why?

Last year, in the Subpolar Urals, we had four such lodgings. All of them were in such conditions when the security considerations of the group dictated the need to stop where there is space, while there is still daylight time to put up a tent. It was during severe (-25 - 30 ° C) frosts and there was no reason to admit this decision was tactically incorrect. So Dyatlov had precedents, and they stopped for the night without losing their temper, not blindly submitting to the forces of nature. It should be noted that the practice of high-altitude mountaineering means spending the night only on the snow, only in severe frosts and, often, in a blizzard and blizzard. It is possible that while the group was setting up the tent, 2-3 people went on reconnaissance. The tent is set up. The tent was set up taking into account the bad weather. Stretched tight, backpacks packed upwind insideat the entrance there is a “barricade” made of a stove and backpacks so as not to blow. In the tent, of course, the temperature is below zero and you need to show too much endurance and self-control to write with stiff hands in 25-30 ° C, fill out your diaries. The only thing that had enough strength and humor - it was the release of "Evening Otorten". It is evening, not fun, or something daytime or otherwise. This is the work of their collective efforts, instead of writing personal diaries. Personally, the letters seem angular to me, and the handwriting is similar to Zolotarev's, but with significant changes. In the cold it is possible. By the way, from the diaries it is clear that Zolotarev loved to draw and his friend, judging by the photographs, was not without humor. Having laughed a lot, the group rested during the day (practically covered only 2-3 kilometers with lightweight backpacks), the group goes to bed. It's quiet in the tent, only the wind howls around. For 8 out of nine overnight stays in such conditions, it is a new thing. One relied on his tempering and relative warmth, and did not put on his legs lined with cat fur stockings, or maybe he just laid them out of his backpack and could not find it later. The second lay down in felt boots, but at night one leg froze, and in order to wipe it off, he took off one felt boot, or, on the contrary, put a felt boot on a leg that had begun to freeze. The awakening was terrible. It is my firm belief that nothing and no one from the inside could instill panic in the guys. From the inside, in the sense of the tent itself. This means that they were forced to flee by the manifestation of some kind of external forces. If the tent is asleep, closed, then it is either a very bright light, or a very ("bright" - crossed out, approx. Comp.) Strong sound, or both together. It may be that the signal to flee was given by one of the comrades who came out to urinate, who dropped the flashlight in surprise. At the entrance, only a few fasteners are unbuttoned. The triangular end of the tent is stretched well, therefore it is not easy for one person to climb. Crush, crush. Maybe at this time, who does not know what to grab onto, Slobodin puts on a felt boot (is it his own?). Someone falls into the hands of a saving knife. Not the first time, but the third, the tent was cut open and a panicky flight begins downwind, where it is easiest to run. The fact that there is a forest, they guess only later. I and a group of tourists stood for a long time at the tent site with a group of tourists (Sogrin, Korolev, Baskin, Shuleshko) and we came to the unanimous conclusion that if they had only one chance to return, they would return and return in any wind. The group is running. But these are not animalsbut young, energetic, Soviet people. They run in one 2 groups. Somewhere on the ridge of stones Slobodin breaks his head and soon falls. But you can't see the tent, the cold snow is burning your feet, or maybe Slobodin closes the group of fugitives, and he remains lying in the snow. And somewhere else earlier Zina Kolmogorova broke away and lost sight of the latter. After wandering for a long time, she lies down in the snow. The rest run to the forest, to deep snow and begin to fight for life with inhuman efforts. At the cost of a long time of frostbitten hands and feet, the fire is lit and Dyatlov, the leader of the group, a loyal comrade, goes in search of stragglers and freezes there. Or maybe after him he leaves to look for Dyatlov and Slobodin Kolmogorov. She had not yet realized that it was a matter of life and death, that the group should not be broken, but she was always in the team (at first, a vocational school,then a school, an institute, a tourist section) and for her the tourist slogan "Die yourself, but help your comrade" is not an empty phrase. She goes into a blizzard, up and falls exhausted into the snow and freezes. Several people are around the fire. They decided to collect more spruce branches behind the cedar, burrow into it and wait out the bad weather, especially since there are no thin firewoods nearby, they cannot break thick ones, and their arms and legs are already frostbitten. They understand that they will never return to the tent. Two, Krivonischenko and Doroshenko, fall asleep and die, while the rest, in their last attempt to save their lives, rush either to the storage shed or to the tent. On this path, death overtakes them. They decided to gather more spruce branches behind the cedar, burrow into it and wait out the bad weather, especially since there are no thin firewoods nearby, they cannot break thick ones, and their arms and legs are already frostbitten. They understand that they will never return to the tent. Two, Krivonischenko and Doroshenko, fall asleep and die, while the rest, in their last attempt to save their lives, rush either to the storage shed or to the tent. On this path, death overtakes them. They decided to gather more spruce branches behind the cedar, burrow into it and wait out the bad weather, especially since there are no thin firewoods nearby, they cannot break thick ones, and their arms and legs are already frostbitten. They understand that they will never return to the tent. Two, Krivonischenko and Doroshenko, fall asleep and die, while the rest, in their last attempt to save their lives, rush either to the storage shed or to the tent. On this path, death overtakes them.

Interrogation of the witness Vadim Dmitrievich Brusnitsin. Member of searches.

First, we got a few frozen ("felt boots"? - inserted word - illegible) blankets, then buckets, a stove, 2-3 bags of breadcrumbs, boots, etc. The things in the tent are arranged in the following order. Backpacks were laid on the bottom. Then 2-3 blankets. Then there were quilted jackets and personal belongings of the participants. Buckets, a stove, an ax, and a saw lay at the entrance to the right. There was also a part of the food: crackers, sugar, condensed milk, an untied sack with a loin. The rest of the food was in the far right corner. Most of the boots were spread out along the left edge of the tent. Two pairs - right in the middle. The rest of the things are scattered around the tent. Apparently, the group at the time of the incident was in the last stage of dressing and preparing for the night. Several loin crusts were found in the near half. Crackers are scattered throughout the tent. On top of all the things lay a ski pole, cut into several pieces, on which, apparently, the northern ridge of the tent was fortified. Deciding to spoil the stick, given the fact that there were no spare in the group, is only possible under special circumstances.

On January 31, the group from the overnight stay we found on the Auspiya river reached the pass and then climbed it. Bad weather prevented Dyatlov from making the pass a base for the assault on Otorten. I had to retreat into the river valley. On this day, the group was very tired: the constant rise and deep snow in the area affected. It was late to dig a hole for the fire and dinner was cooked on poles.

We woke up late. The weather was deteriorating. Taking into account the 1 day lag behind the schedule, it was decided to go for the assault. Dyatlov was definitely planning to make a cold sleepover. We fiddled with the transfer of food, the arrangement of the storage, and left only at three o'clock. We had only about 5 hours at the place where the tent was pitched. A hole was slowly dug, the tourists calmly prepared for bed. At about 7 o'clock, something unusual had not yet been seen made the tourists leave the tent in panic. It is possible to run without shoes, in bad weather at night from the only warm corner, only on pain of death. This strange phenomenon (light penetrating the tent, sound, possibly gases) acted for an extended period of time, urging tourists on.

The air temperature this evening was down to -15 °. Wind of approximately the same strength as on searches in the early days, grassroots blight. It was assumed that someone came out of the tent (barefoot!) A gust of wind could blow him down. A cry for help instantly lifted everyone to their feet. Dyatlov and Krivonischenko, who were at the end of the tent, jumped out into the hole made by Krivonischenko's Finnish knife.

Carried away by the only thought: "The comrade must be saved!" in a friendly group with one lantern, another (Chinese) was dropped by Dyatlov at the entrance from the tent, they ran to the first stone ridge. - an almost horizontal platform (up to 5 °), strewn with stones. On such a site, no effort is needed to resist any wind. Even near the tent, where the slope reaches 20 °, it is enough to lie down in the direction of the wind and you will remain in place. However, no such attempt was made. The group, without stopping, continued to retreat. This is evidenced by the traces we found. I also cannot imagine that an alarmist-madman could appear in the ranks of such a group and carry them all with him.

Interrogation of witness Karelin, a participant in the search work:

My subjective thoughts about the death of the group are as follows.

Setting up a tent above the border of the forest is a mistake of the group, its reluctance to go down into the forest and then climb back up to walk along the ice crust, where movement is much easier.

Having set up a tent, the group began to settle down for the night and prepare a cold dinner. At this time something scared them, they all jumped out of the tent barefoot. Such people as were in Dyatlov's group could be frightened by an extraordinary phenomenon, out of the ordinary. Wind whistle, noise, celestial phenomenon, even a single shot could not scare them. Although I cannot say and vouch for Zolotarev in this, since I don't know him at all. And in general, his appearance as part of the Dyatlov group seems unnatural to me. We clearly saw the traces of those fleeing from the tent on the slope of the mountain. At first, there were about 8-9 of them, then they became less and less and soon they completely disappeared.

Probably people in the dark were confused and not all gathered around the fire. Making an attempt to make a fire, which could not save them due to the lack of firewood, they decided to make their way to the tent. The poses of Dyatlov, Slobodin and Kolmogorova indicate that they were walking towards the tent.

The other four were probably not around the fire or came to it later, when Krivonischenko and Doroshenko were already frozen. These four could not go far without skis.

The clue of what happened can, perhaps, be clarified after finding the four not found people.

In conclusion, I would like to note that, in principle, only an armed group of at least 10 people could frighten Dyatlov's group, although no facts of the presence of strangers were found at the scene.

Interrogation of witness Lebedev, a participant in the search work:

The guide with the dog, the Karelians, and I with Sharavin went up to the tent. The tent was set up soundly and skillfully. On the slope of the mountain, covered with snow, apparently skis, a platform was leveled. The skis were laid on it, runners up. A tent was set up on the skis with the help of ski poles. The bottom of the latter was covered with backpacks, from which groceries were laid out; storm suits, quilted jackets, the last were put on the backpacks. blankets. On this day, we decided not to take things from the tent (the phrase is crossed out)

The middle of the tent collapsed, the tent itself was torn, maybe it was torn by our guys (Sharavin and Slobtsov), but on the slope, which was facing down, there was a clear, even cut, made in my opinion with a knife.

On that day, having dismantled part of the tent, we, having collected all our things in a blanket, put them in the tent, in order to dismantle the tent the next day in the presence of the prosecutor, who arrived at the scene on February 2.

The next day, in the morning, in the presence of Comrade. Ivanova, all the things from the tent were removed by Lebedev (signature) / Two lines crossed out by me Lebedev (signature) /

There were many things in the tent. There was a stove in a cover near the entrance to the tent, which seemed to be open. The pipes of the latter were inside the stove, which indicates that they did not try to light the stove (crossed out) to flood, although behind the tent on the street at the rear end of the tent in the snow I found a block of wood, undoubtedly intended for the stove.

Buckets were found inside the tent, an ax, I think, 2 lay at the entrance, and a saw in covers. At the head (if you stand facing the entrance of the tent, then in its right part, which is lower along the slope) were the personal belongings of the victims and foodstuffs (?) From backpacks. At the very end of the tent, Dyatlov's things were found (a field bag with money, documents, diaries, a camera, etc. Then, in my opinion, Slobodin, Kolevatov were lying, because there were their belongings. At the entrance to the tent there was either a duty officer or a caretaker because that cut pieces of ham were found here. Moreover, it seems that only one piece was eaten (there was a crust left). In one of the mugs there were, in my opinion, the remnants of oatmeal, perhaps even the morning leftovers. We found scattered crackers (this bag …? our guys, when for the first time they cleared the tent with an ice ax). In general, there were not many products in the tent (for 5 days at the most), which convinced us that the Dyatlovites made a storage shed, which we then learned about from the diary, it seems, of Dyatlov, and then found it by the crocs they compiled.

There were several pairs of felt boots in the tent, except for one pair of boots, almost all outerwear. In the tent, we found a ski pole from which the upper end was cut off along a neat end cut and another cut was made. This suggests that apparently someone stayed in the tent much later than others, maybe for a day. Because a person with nothing to do will not cut a stick that may still be useful.

At one point in the tent, it was torn and then pinned together.

The tracks leading down the slope from the tent were indeed quite clear. I am not a tracker and I cannot say how many people were launched there, but in my opinion they were descending in a group, otherwise the tracks would have dispersed, tk. on the night on which the misfortune is supposed to have happened, there was a terrible blizzard, and these tracks go along all the time and diverge into 2 tracks only far below (about 800 meters) on a stone ridge. Bare foot prints appear to be visible in some places. Most of the tracks are made with feet in socks.

Interrogation of witness Sogrin, a participant in the search work:

On the first of March I, Axelrod, Tipikin, Ivanov L. N. were landed at the scene of the accident. We were met by a large group of people heavily wrapped in comforters. The wind threw snow in the face and tried to throw it off the plateau. The belongings of Dyatlov and several people were quickly loaded into the helicopter. Behind a large stone lay 3 corpses, already pulled up to the helipad. Despite the bad ("weather" is crossed out, then again the same word - ed. Ed.) Weather went in search. We began sounding the slope, but due to bad weather and the lack of experience of the participants in the search, the effectiveness was not great. We passed the place of death of Kolmogorova, Dyatlov and approached the cedar. Near him lay Krivonischenko in a shirt and underpants. At the cedar, you can see the remnants of a fire that burned for two hours (transferred from "2-3" - approx. Comp.) Due to the lack of enough firewood. The fire was not big and to warm people,and undressed, he could not. From inspection of the place it became clear that there were not two people, but more, because titanic work has been done on the preparation of firewood, spruce branches. This is evidenced by a large number of cuts on tree trunks, broken branches and Christmas trees, this was later confirmed by things found at the fire: a shirt, a cuff from a sweater, a scarf.

Returning to the tent in the camp, they took Krivonischenko's body to the helipad.

The next day, due to the hurricane wind, snowstorm and lack of visibility, it was impossible to work and everyone returned to the camp. Near the camp they found a storage warehouse of Dyatlov's group. The store was not badly equipped, the products found in it testified to the good thorough preparation of the group for the campaign.

On March 3rd the weather improved slightly. They decided to divide the entire area of the place of death of the Dyatlov group (the word "Dyatlov" is inscribed on top - ed. Ed.) To divide into sections and probe every meter with probes. Outside this area, send free search teams for external inspection of suspicious places. According to this plan, searches were carried out until March 8th. As a result, on March 5, Slobodin's body was found in a jacket, trousers and one felt boot (the second was found in a tent). The weather these days was variable, but bad prevailed: strong wind, blizzard, which is typical for March in the Urals.

On March 4, I, Axelrod, Korolev and the 3rd Muscovites climbed to the place where Dyatlov's tent was set up. All of us here have come to a unanimous opinion that the tent was set up according to all tourist and mountaineering rules. The slope on which the tent stood does not pose any danger. The steepness of the slope is 15-18 °.

Below the tent, on the snowy slope, there are traces, several chains. This indicates that the group escaped from the tent and that it could not roll down the slope. If we assume that someone left the tent and for some reason rolled down, then he would fly no more than 10-20 meters. In this case, there was always a real opportunity to return to the tent in the strongest wind. Return to the tent from the cedar, which is located 1.5 km. down the slope, without shoes it is impossible even for the healthiest person.

On March 7, the planned scope of work was completed. They probed the entire valley from the tent to the cedar, 1.5 km long and 300 to 400 m wide. The sounding was also carried out behind the cedar within a radius of 200 meters. Free search examined the entire valley to the river. Lozva, as well as a height of 880 meters and all its slopes. He personally took part in sounding the valley and inspecting the height of 880 meters.

Interrogation of witness Tempalov, prosecutor's office:

On February 28, 1959, in the presence of attesting witnesses, I examined the tourists' tent, which was located 150 meters from the ridge of a spur of height 1079. Inspection of the tent showed me that it contains all the personal belongings of the students.

The tent was stretched out on skis and poles, driven into the snow, its entrance was facing south, and on this side the stretchers were intact, and the stretchers of the tent on the north side were torn off and the entire second half of the tent was covered with snow. An ice ax and a spare pair of skis were found near the tent. An unlit Chinese lantern was lying on the tent. In the tent were found 9 backpacks, 9 pairs of skis, of which they were all under the bottom of the tent, 8 pairs of boots, 3.5 pairs of felt boots, quilted jackets and a lot of crackers, half a bag of sugar, a large amount of concentrates, cereals, soups, etc., cocoa, axes, saw, cameras, student diaries, documents and money. At first glance, the tent was covered with snow. It was installed on a flat area dug out by students. The tent on the windy side was torn in the middle. The bottom of the tent was covered with quilted jackets,backpacks and personal belongings of students. In the right corner, near the entrance, there was a part of the products: cans of condensed milk, 100 grams of chopped bacon, crackers, sugar, an empty flask of alcohol or vodka, the smell was felt, just as a flask with a drink (poured?) Prepared for drinking cocoa was diluted with water and naturally froze, a large knife was found near the bacon cut by me. I installed the knife belonged to students. I got the impression that the students drank vodka and had a snack. There were also boots in the tent and placed near the feet of the students, so it seemed to me that there were 7 boots. A stove was found in a cover in the middle of the tent. And many other personal belongings of students and public equipment, there were buckets, axes, mugs, cups in the tent. A Chinese lantern was found at the top of the tent, which was closer to the entrance,near the exit from the tent I found a trace of the fact that one of the students was recovering easily. This track is old. Nobody approached the tent without me, and there were no tracks near the tent. I have not found any traces of a struggle in the tent. If there were any kind of struggle naturally, something would have been established by me. From this point of view, I carefully searched and examined the tent, but there were no signs of a struggle, at least nothing said about it. The tent was located on the side of a mountain. The descent from the tent is steep and along the crust (dense snow). The descent stretches for 2.5 km. There is no forest on the slope of the mountain, except for rare birches closer to the river. This descent, where there are essentially frequent winds. Down from the tent 50-60 from us on the slope I found 8 pairs of footprints of people, which I carefully examined, but they were deformed due to winds and temperature fluctuations. I could not establish the ninth trace and it was not. I have photographed the tracks. They walked down from the tent. The tracks showed me that people were walking at a normal pace down the mountain. The traces were visible only on a 50-meter section, they were not further away, since the lower the mountain, the more snow. At the bottom of the mountain flows a river up to 70 cm deep, as if from a ravine, in which in some places the depth of the snow reaches from 2 to 6 meters thick.

Where the traces went in that direction were strictly and five corpses of frozen students were found. It is inappropriate to describe the location of the corpses of students, this can be seen from the protocol of the inspection of the scene.

It is clear to me from documents, student diaries, and records of the latter that students died on February 1 or 2, 1959. From a number of testimonies of witnesses it is clear to me that these days in the mountains and not only in the mountains there was a strong wind and it was very cold. Based on the found corpses (in the amount of five people), the situation in which they were found, it becomes clear to me that all the students were frozen, the attack on them by people is excluded. It's my personal opinion. The final opinion can only be formed after the discovery and examination of all other students, i.e. 4 more people. All students could leave their tent only because in a strong wind one of them at the time when he left the tent was blown away by the wind and this person raised a cry. The student got scared, rushed out of the tent and were carried away from it by the same wind,but with the (…?) -wind it was impossible for them to get back into the tent. And they froze. Of course, such a conclusion can only be drawn from the five corpses of students found. What is the reason for the death of the other 4 students is unknown to me, tk. their corpses have not been found yet. If these 4 students also have the cause of death from freezing, then the above version will be correct.

Interrogation of witness Yuri Yudin: 15 April 1959 Prosecutor of the Investigative Department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region, Junior Counselor of Justice Romanov in the Regional Prosecutor's Office interrogated this date as a witness, in compliance with Art. Art. 162 -168 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR

Question: How can you supplement your testimony?

Answer: I have no additions. The protocol from my words was written down correctly, I read it. I add that Zolotarev behaved well during the campaign, was disciplined and I can’t report anything bad about him.

Question: When you parted with the group of Comrade. Dyatlova, he did not tell you that the deadline for the return is postponed from 12/2/59 to 15/2/59?

Answer: No, at the same time there was no talk that the deadline was postponed to 15 / II-59 g. But the group members said that they were in the mountains. Sverdlovsk will arrive on February 15, and Krivonischenko asked to inform his parents about this. We also answered the questions of the residents of the village of Vizhay that we would return to Vizhay by February 15th. The testimony from my words is recorded correctly.

Interrogated - signature, Yudin

Interrogation of the witness Georgy Vladimirovich Atmanaka, a participant in the search work:

Together with two people from Slobtsov's team and guides, Borisov and I combed the slope below and to the right of the tent (looking down we met two Mansi and a paramilitary-type comrade who later turned out to be the head of the fire brigade of the city of Ivdel. They pointed out to us that two kilometers below we found two of the corpse and showed where the tent was. Climbing up, they found footprints going down and belonging, as it turned out, to the dead group. Several pairs of other footprints belonged to members of the search groups who had been here the day before. No other tracks or objects were found in this area, except for a roll film about 15 meters below the tent, which rolled out of there during a preliminary inspection of the tent the day before. Everything turned out to be intact, except for one backpack,in which were placed small things scattered around the tent and collected together during the inspection. A detailed inspection of the tent was not carried out, because explained that they were afraid to see her comrades in her. The tent stood sideways to the slope with an entrance to the east, the entrance was unbuttoned but half-littered with buckets, light …? backpacks, so that first appeared (inaudible)

… to barricade the entrance or press down the corner of the tent with a load to prevent it from being blown off by the wind. The tent was on the unfolded skis, the stretchers were tied to the ski poles, and most of them were not damaged. A flashlight was found on the slope of the tent, and an ice ax was thrown a little lower, here there was a pair of skis stuck in the snow, windy (the northern side of the tent was torn all over and several blankets and a quilted jacket were peeping out from there. Another slope of the tent was covered with inflated snow and lay down on the bottom of the tent, After filling up all the contents in it. Before starting the search, they decided to check if there was anyone left in the tent. For this, they shifted the snow and lifted the lodged sidewall, carefully lifted the blankets and quilted jackets. There were no people in the tent. We examined the contents. The bottom of the tent lay on skis, on top quilted jackets, backpacks, gaiters and other small equipment were packed. In the heads - on the south side, felt boots and boots were packed, in the far right corner they found a field bag with the group's documents, a box with films and money, a camera and several small items, everything was packed into a backpack, except for the diary and documents sent to the base camp … There was no point in continuing to disassemble things, and therefore they put everything in their places before the arrival of the investigator, having first raised the tent and pulled out three pairs of skis, because the dog guides were walking on foot, and the rest of the skis were used by us to mark places, where the bodies of the dead were found. There were no traces around the tent, as digging a hole around threw a lot of snow, which was subsequently blown away by the wind, destroying all traces. An abandoned flashlight and traces of urine near the tent suggested that someone went outside at night,was blown away by the wind and carried down and that the others, hurrying to help, were also …? downhill with bad weather. However, later going up to the place where the tent stood, we were convinced that in any wind it was possible to stay on the slope and return. About 20-30 meters below the tent, a string of tracks, well preserved until that time, led to the Lozva valley, at first the tracks went in two groups, then they joined together and were visible for 700-800 m, after which they disappeared into the fresh snow. After inspecting the tents, we went downstairs, showing Slobtsov's people the intended place for the base camp and giving the command to go down there and carry equipment. Having dug up the snow, we found a man's elbow at a depth of no more than 10 cm.that in any wind, you can stay on the slope and go back. About 20-30 meters below the tent, a string of tracks, well preserved until that time, led to the Lozva valley, at first the tracks went in two groups, then they joined together and were visible for 700-800 m, after which they disappeared into the fresh snow. After inspecting the tents, we went downstairs, showing Slobtsov's people the intended place for the base camp and giving the command to go down there and carry equipment. Having dug up the snow, we found a man's elbow at a depth of no more than 10 cm.that in any wind, you can stay on the slope and go back. About 20-30 meters below the tent, a string of tracks, well preserved until that time, led to the Lozva valley, at first the tracks went in two groups, then they joined together and were visible for 700-800 m, after which they disappeared into the fresh snow. After inspecting the tents, we went downstairs, showing Slobtsov's people the intended place for the base camp and giving the command to go down there and carry equipment. Having dug up the snow, we found a man's elbow at a depth of no more than 10 cm. After inspecting the tents, we went downstairs, showing Slobtsov's people the intended place for the base camp and giving the command to go down there and carry equipment. Having dug up the snow, we found a man's elbow at a depth of no more than 10 cm. After inspecting the tents, we went downstairs, showing Slobtsov's people the intended place for the base camp and giving the command to go down there and carry equipment. Having dug up the snow, we found a man's elbow at a depth of no more than 10 cm.

The total depth of the corpse is about 50 cm. Head is directed strictly towards the tent. The pose is characteristic of a person walking or trying to crawl along the slope. The comrades identified Kolmogorova. She was dressed in a ski suit, hood and woolen socks. There were no bodily injuries, except for abrasions on the face, which were apparently received during falls on the rocky ridges below the tent. At this time, a group of comrades, which included the Mansi Kurikov, discovered a little lower another corpse belonging to Dyatlov. The man was lying on his back, his arms bent in front of his chest, in the same direction as Kolmogorov's. He was wearing a ski suit with a fur sleeveless jacket and woolen socks over it. The impression was that the person was also trying to go up, judging by the position of the body and also the fact that in his head he had a group of trees in which he,apparently rested, but which he would have to bypass when moving from top to bottom in order to get to the place where his body was found. And finally, about one and a half kilometers from the tent, under a cedar, the bodies of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko were found (even earlier), lying side by side on a thin layer of spruce branches. One of them was lying facedown with his hands under his head. The other is on his back with his arms and legs pulled up. Both had almost no clothes, except for cowboys and a pair of pants, which one had been torn to shreds, and he had nothing on his legs. About two meters from the place of their death, traces of a fire were preserved behind the cedar, quite large, judging by the fact that the surviving embers with a diameter of up to 80 mm burned in half, everything was covered with snow, but under the cedar someone's cowboy, a handkerchief, several socks,cuffs from a jacket or sweater and a few other small things. A little closer to the cedar, eight rubles of money were picked up, in denominations of 3 and 5 rubles. About twenty meters around the cedar there are traces of how one of those present at the cedar cut off a young spruce forest with a knife, there are about twenty such cuts, but the trunks themselves, with the exception of one, were not found by us. It cannot be assumed that they were used for the furnace, because they, firstly, they burn badly, and besides, there was a relatively large amount of dry material around. In addition, there was no need to cut or chop, because all these young shoots broke easily even with a little effort. You might think that this was done by people who were very weak, or with a clouded mind. Traces of fresh fractures have been preserved on the cedar itself. Most of the dry branches were broken up to a height of 5 m. In addition, the side of the cedar facing the slope, on which the tent stood, was cleared of branches at a height of 4-5 m. These raw branches were not used and were partly lying on the ground, partly hanging on the lower branches of the cedar. It looked like the people had made something like a window so that they could see from above the side of the cedar where they came from and where their tent was.

The amount of work done around the cedar, as well as the presence of many things that obviously could not belong to the two found comrades, suggests that most, if not the whole group gathered around the fire, which, having made a fire, left some of the people with him, some decided to go back. to dig up a tent and bring warm clothes and equipment, and the rest of the comrades started making something like a hole, where the prepared spruce branches were used to wait out the bad weather and wait for dawn. The question of why Krivonischenko and Doroshenko were undressed is unclear, because in winter hikes, and even in a cold overnight stay, it is not customary to undress to such an extent. It is possible that the misfortune happened either at the time of dressing (evening or morning), or they were undressed later, because version thatthat they could lose their clothes while running or walking is little real.

It should be noted that all the comrades found on the first day lay strictly on the same line drawn from the cedar to the tent. On the same day, groups of Mansi and arriving groups of tourists explored the areas near the cedar and even in the forest behind the ravine using the free search method, the channel of the fourth Lozva stream for 0.5 km and all the most likely places of death along the stream. The approaches to the pass between the high. 880 and scallops. No more signs of the group were found. Meanwhile, the main group found Slobodin's corpse about 1000 m from the tent, was dressed in a ski suit, a hat, warm socks and one felt boot. The head was directed towards the tent, There were abrasions and skin incisions on the hands, obtained during falls or breaking branches. The next day, the corpse was taken to the pass and sent on the first flight to Ivdel. Throughout all the search work, the search participants were systematically replaced by new people, mainly from army units.

The next two days (March 7-8) were devoted to the completion of work in the area of the stream, at the same time a group of five people, equipped with avalanche probes, passed a ravine 50 m behind the cedar, examining an area 300 m long.

This did not give any results, except that an electric flashlight was found in the switched on state with a burned-out battery, which belonged to one of the participants in the deceased group, about 100 meters below the tent. On March 9, I was evacuated from the camp due to the need to return to the factory at the place of work. On one of the last days, a group sent in search in the upper reaches of the Auspiya, 400 meters from the base camp of our party, found a storage shed of the Dyatlov group, made before reaching the pass and at height 1079. In addition to food, a spare pair of skis, insulated boots, a mandolin and a few small things. There were no other signs of people staying in this area. Very poorly informed about the progress of further search work.

Interrogation of Mansi Bakhtiyarov:

The witness showed I explain the essence of the questions asked. I live from the yurt of Bakhtiyarov Petr Yakimovich north of 25 km on the river. North. Toshemka. Tourists passed through our yurts twice. Once we were not at home and 2 times I was at home. There were 12 13 tourists last time. Tourists were with us before 1 / I. 1959 I heard about the fact that the tourists were lost on 1 / III 59 in the elections from people, as they left (illegible, a word up to 5 letters) to look for these tourists. I don't know how the tourists got lost and I don't know their way. Prayer Mountain is located 30 km from us in the upper reaches of the river. See.

All Russian men and women and Mansi go to this mountain. There is no prohibition for Russians not to go to the mountain. I have never been in the upper reaches of the river. Lozva and always hunted along the river. Ivdel and r. See. In winter, there are strong winds in the mountains, which makes it impossible to climb the mountain. In the mountains in winter, even for us the Mansi can be dangerous. There are strong winds in winter and up to 10 days in duration. Written down correctly, read it to me (by me).


Interrogation of Mansi Petr Bakhtiyarov:

The witness testified. On the merits of the questions asked, I explain that in mid-February 1959 I do not remember the exact number, I came to the village council in the village. Burmantovo to the chairman of the village council for old newspapers. The surname of the chairman of the s / council is Mokrushin. There we talked with him that the deer are sick with a hoof and many deer have died and wolves have appeared and are eating these dead deer. In addition, we had a conversation about how my father Bakhtiyarov, when he was still alive, said that a man had been blown away from some mountain long ago. And it is dangerous to go to this mountain and he punished us not to go there. Now I don't remember what kind of mountain it is. And what kind of person was blown away by my father did not tell me. My father died 15 years ago. The mountain that my father spoke about is located 40 km - 30 km from our yurts in the upper reaches of the river. See.

Mansi does not have a prayer mountain now, since I do not pray and I do not know where the prayer mountain is. Yes, it hardly exists at all. Since the Mansi do not go to pray now, and the elders pray at home, and the young do not pray at all. I found out that the tourists were lost only when the helicopter flew into our yurts. It was at the end of February 1959. People said that they were looking for tourists from the helicopter. How the tourists got lost and where I don't know. When the helicopter flew by, I and my other brothers were looking for deer, but only women remained in the yurts. We were looking for our reindeer for one day. We live in the upper reaches of the river. Seeing. We have 4 yurts. Tourists passed through our yurts several times in January and in February 1959 I don't remember the date. Last time 7 tourists spent the night with us. They asked me to take them to the Urals, but I could not take them, because the deer were not at home and they went skiing. They were tourists who ate their own products, they had no meat and I did not give them. I myself suffer from tuberculosis and have not been able to hunt for 3 years. My brother Nikolai gives me food. In the upper reaches of the river. Lozva I have never been. Written down correctly, read to me.


Interrogation of witness Brusnitsin:

While searching for a place for the camp, M. Sharavin found two corpses covered with snow near the cedar. A bonfire used to burn nearby. More than a dozen small Christmas trees were felled around with a Finnish knife. The lower dry branches of the cedar were broken off. Snow was trampled all around. Several five-centimeter dry branches were also broken on the cedar at a height of 3-4 meters. Some of them remained lying by the fire.

A task force with dogs at that time examined the tent. By the end of the day, they found two more bodies: Kolmogorov and Dyatlov. Our group and two arrived groups of Karelin and Captain Chernyshov did not participate in the search that day. Everyone was busy transporting property from the pass to the Auspiya valley, where it was decided to organize a camp.

The next morning, 27 continued to search with dogs. The rest, having dismantled the tent, began probing the snow cover of the height with ski poles.

After the census of the property of the group by the Prosecutor of Ivdel, M. Sharavin and I were asked to collect things and transport them to the helicopter landing site.

The tent is set up on the slope of height 1079 with an entrance to the south. The steepness of the slope in this area is approx. 20-25 °. The depth of the snow is up to 1.5 m. A large hole was dug (“in the snow”? - the word is illegible) for horizontal installation of the tent.

Interrogation of the witness Boris Efimovich Slobtsov, participant in the search work:

When they approached the tent, they found: the entrance of the tent protruded from under the snow, and the rest of the tent was under the snow. Around the tent in the snow were ski poles and spare skis - 1 pair. The snow on the tent was 15-20 cm thick, it was clear that the snow was inflated on the tent, it was hard.

Near the tent next to the entrance to the snow An ice ax was stuck, on the tent of the tent, in the snow lay a pocket lantern, Chinese, which, as was later established, belonged to Dyatlov. It was not clear that under the lantern there was snow about 5-10 cm thick, there was no snow above the lantern, it was slightly covered with snow on the sides. I took the flashlight first and found it was not on. When I turned it on, it started snowing. I did not notice that day, but then from other persons who took part in the search, I heard that not far from the tent there was a trail of urine in the snow.

There were no traces in the immediate vicinity of the tent. Approximately 15-20 m from the tent in the direction where the corpses were later found, the footprints of a person were visible in the snow, coming from the tent, and it was clear that the footprints were left by the feet of a person without shoes in felt boots. The tracks protruded above the surrounding surface of the snow, for near the tracks the snow was blown out by the wind.

From the tent in the direction of the wind, i.e. in the direction where the footprints of people remained, at a distance of about 0.5-1 meters, several slippers from different pairs were found, ski caps and other small objects were also scattered. I do not remember and did not pay attention to how many people there were tracks, but it should be noted that at first the tracks were left heap, next to each other, and the distant tracks diverged, but how they diverged, I now do not remember.

On February 26, 1959, we dug snow over the tent and made sure that there were no people, and the things in the tent did not touch. The student Sharavin was with me. Things were taken out of the tent on February 27 and 28, 1959. This was attended by students Brusnitsyn and others.

When I looked on 26.2.59, under the tent I saw the following: the tent itself was torn apart, there was food in a bucket at the entrance, there was some kind of liquid in the flask - alcohol or vodka, food in bags lay at my feet, blankets were unfolded, under wadded jackets and wind jackets were spread out with blankets, and backpacks were spread out under them. At the entrance hung Slobodin's jacket, in the chest pocket of which there was money about 800 rubles. Apparently, a sheet was hung in the tent, which was torn and part of it protruded outward.

Question: How can you supplement your testimony?

Answer: How and where the corpses were found, I will not tell, because this is known from the testimony of other persons, but I can note that near the cedar, under which the bodies of Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were found, I saw how Mansi Bakhtiyarov found 8 rubles in the snow … money in bills of 5 and 3 rubles. rolled up, but without me they found a coin of 5 kopecks in the same place, a whole cowboy shirt, a few simple cotton socks, a piece of sweater, a handkerchief. I personally saw how a dark-colored cloth belt with lanyards at the ends was discovered under this cedar. This item belongs to whom, I did not know. The length of this object is about 80 cm, the width is about 10 cm, it looks like a belt or strap with which the Mansi pulls the load, but this object is not suitable for use instead of a strap, since it is not strong.

Interrogation of the expert of the Reborn:

Question: From what force could Thibault receive such damage?

Answer: In the conclusion, it is indicated that Thibault's head injuries could have been the result of a throw, fall or throw of the body. I do not believe that Thibault could have received these injuries when falling from a height of his height, that is, that he slipped and hit his head. An extensive, depressed, multi-splintered, and very deep (fracture of the vault and base of the skull) fracture may be the result of being thrown away by a car moving at high speed or other traffic injury. Such an injury could have been if Thibault was thrown back by a gust of strong wind with a fall and bruised his head on stones, ice, etc.

Question: Can we assume that Thibault was hit by a stone that was in the hand of a man?

Answer: In this case, soft tissues would be damaged, but this was not found.

Question: How long did Thibault live after being injured, could he move independently, talk, etc.?

Answer: After the specified injury Thibault

*) The text should begin with a statement of the questions posed by the investigation and listing on the basis of which the conclusion is given. The content of the expert opinion consists of the following parts: 1) a description of the methods and procedures used by the research expert 2) presentation (description) of the results obtained by the expert 3) (answers to the questions posed)

was in a state of severe brain concussion, i.e. was unconscious. His movement was difficult, and in the subsequent time he could not move. I believe that he could not move even if he was led by the arms. He could only be carried or dragged. He could show signs of life within 2-3 hours.

Question: How can you explain the origin of the injuries in Dubinina and Zolotarev - can they be combined by one cause?

Answer: I believe that the nature of the injuries in Dubinina and Zolotarev is a multiple fracture of the ribs: in Dubinina, bilateral and symmetrical, in Zolotarev, one-sided, as well as hemorrhage into the heart muscle both in Dubinina and Zolotarev with hemorrhage in the pleural cavities testify to their lifetime and are the result of the impact of great force, approximately the same as was applied to Thibault. These injuries, namely with such a picture and without violating the integrity of the soft tissues of the chest, are very similar to the injury that occurred during an air blast wave.

Question: How long could Dubinina and Zolotarev live?

Answer: Dubinina's death occurred 10-20 minutes after the injury. She could be awake. It happens that a person with a heart wound (an extensive knife wound) speaks, runs, asks for help. Dubinina's position was complicated by a traumatic shock caused by a bilateral fracture of the ribs, followed by internal bleeding into the pleural cavity. Zolotarev could live longer. It should be noted that they are all trained, physically developed, hardy people.

The protocol has been read to me, written down correctly.

Interrogation of witness Dryakhlykh Mikhail Timofeevich Energolesokombinat, acting engineer.

From January 24 to February 1, 1959, inclusively, I was on a business trip for service in the 41st quarter, where timber harvesting was carried out at the power timber processing plant in Ivdel. We have 50 workers there. This village is located from the village. Look straight to the north, 40 km. January 27, 1959 in the evening at 5 o'clock in the afternoon by car from the village. A group of tourists in the amount of 10 people arrived in Vizhay. With skis and things. They had 10 skis and each had a backpack. I don’t know their surnames and name. They stayed in a hostel with the workers. During the last days of my business trip, there was a strong wind in the forest with snow falling and the roads in clean places were all heavily overstretched and required a thorough clearing with bulldozers. And I went home, too, there was a wind and the air temperature was below zero, more than 30 °. I rarely saw such winds in the region, although I have been living here for 32 years. And I did not hear more about students until January 21, 1959. On January 21, I was summoned to the State Committee of the CPSU by Comrade I. S. Prodanov and said that a group of student tourists was lost and needed to be found.

Interrogation of the witness Vladimir Alexandrovich Krasnobaev, foreman of forestry works:

I talked with the Bakhtiyarovs about when they were on the hunt and whether they saw traces from narrow skis, as well as people. To this Bakhtiyarovs Pavel, Timofey, Kiril said that they were hunting a week ago in low places in the direction of the Ural ridge and did not see traces from narrow skis, as well as people. Before my arrival, they did not know about the death of tourists, they said. I did not ask the Bakhtiyarovs if they saw anyone from the Mansi during the hunt. Bakhtiyarov Pavel Ivanovich said that he was hunting alone during the period when a blizzard swept (?) And the rest of the Mansi men were at Home. I suggested Pavel Ivanovich Bakhtiyarov to take part in the search for the dead tourists, but he refused, arguing that he was ill and, besides, where they hunt there was no passage for tourists and therefore should not go in vain. He saidthat where they hunt, the Mansi are constantly there for hunting and graze deer, and therefore could see the tracks from narrow skis. Whether the Bakhtiyarovs hunted during the period from January 30, 1959 to February 1, I do not know, and I was not interested in this issue. Bakhtiyarov Pavel explained to me that if the tourists died, then only on the other side of the Ural ridge, as there are large avalanches.

Interrogation of witness Ivan Vasilyevich Pashin, participant in search operations:

The tent was found in the upper reaches of the Auspiya and Lozva rivers at the height of the upper mountain. When we descended from Mantveevskaya Parma, we saw a trail of wide skis, which followed the trail of an elk. Not reaching the tent of tourists 10 km away, there were no traces of the Mansi ski track, and the ski track of tourists near the tent is not visible either. it was covered with snow. On the fifth day of our search, we found 4 people covered in snow, and on that day they took us by helicopter from there and took us home to the village. See. We found the first stop of tourists from the place of their death at a distance of about c / m 17 and from Lozva to c / m 20. One kilometer from the first camp of tourists we saw the parking lot of the Mansi where they grazed reindeer, but that was later than the time of the death of tourists. they had fresh footprints, and the camp site had an old look. Mountain,around which tourists were found was not sacred to the Mansi peoples and they have such places from this mountain very far along the Vizhay River. The Mansi could not attack the tourists, on the contrary, knowing their customs, they could even help the Russians. There were cases that in these places the Mansi took out the lost people and created living conditions with their food. I believe that at that time when we were there there was a strong wind and they were blown off the mountain. Around the time when the tourists died, even in the village of Vizhay there was a strong wind and a blizzard, from which the children fell. As a hunter from an early age, I know these places well and I remember that there were cases where people died from strong winds. I myself had to go there and during the wind up to 6 days without food, we sat in the hollows, waiting for the wind to end. When the Mansi were delivered to us in the search area i.e. The Kurikovs' relatives with Suevat Paul arrived on their reindeer, then they behaved normally and did not show any fear on their part for what had happened to the tourists, but on the contrary, they were very sorry to provide energetic assistance in their search.

Interrogation of witness Vasily Andreevich Popov, head of the communications unit:

The witness testified: In the second half of January 1959, at the Vizhay Village, I saw two groups of tourists.

Those who were heading to the region of the Ural ridge, I personally did not speak with them.

In the early days of February 1959, there were strong winds in the village of Vizhay.

The wind raised a lot of snow and brought snowdrifts (although there was practically no precipitation, there were roads in open places. I live in the village of Vizhay in 1951, I don’t remember such winds that were in early February 1959.

Recorded with his own hand.

Interrogation of a witness Ivan Yevlamievich Uvarov, director of the museum:

I have known the Mansi people for fifty years, and in 1939 (approx. The last figure has been corrected) first opened a school in the village. Paul-Thoms (?). I often visited the Ural ridge, but I was not close to the specified mountain. In the winter months in the mountains of the Northern Urals, as well as in summer, there are strong winds and even tornadoes. And sometimes I happened to be during these tornadoes, but they escaped only in the forests in low places. During tornadoes, various sounds arise in the mountains, and at the same time they are terrible and varied, like the howling of animals, the groans of people, etc. And when you are and hear all this it becomes very creepy and scary, and people who have not heard all this before may be frightened. These sounds can be obtained due to the fact that during the winds there are weathered rocks in the mountains, there are holes in them, and therefore such sounds arise.

I know that the Mansi have a prayer mountain and I know it and have been on it. Its name is Yalping-Ner, which translated into Russian means prayer mountain.

This mountain, as I saw on the map, is located to the south of about 40 km from the mountain where the tourists died. The Mansi mountain of prayer is not guarded and I know for sure the Russians are allowed to the Mansi mountain on the prayer mountain and they do not interfere with this and do not exert any physical or any other influence on the Russians when the latter go to the prayer mountain as men, as well as women And there is any evil on Russians were not called out to the Mansi for this. I think that the talk that the Mansi attacked the tourists because the latter wanted to come to the prayer mountain is believed and said by people who do not know the life and life of the Mansi.

I know that 45 years ago there was such a case with the Persha hunter from the village. Pershino that he went to the prayer stone (mountain) and allegedly took part of the sacrifices there and returned home with them and drank. And then he went again and never returned home. This hunter was not found anywhere else, no one knows exactly what happened to him, but there were rumors that he hit an arrow placed on the beast. These arrows were put on animals by the Mansi. These are arrows of self-arrows

But how it really was unknown and difficult to find out, since the climate and terrain of our area are harsh, especially in the mountains.

I know that if any of the Mansi peoples were to blame for the deaths of 9 tourists, then not a single Mansi would take part in the search for tourists. And I learned that three Mansi took part in the search for tourists.

I know that many Russian men and women went to the mountain of prayer and nothing bad ever happened to them and sometimes the Mansi accompanied them. I personally do not allow such a thought that Mansi would attack tourists because of their religious prejudices or for other reasons. As a rule, Mansi treat Russians very well.

Written down correctly, read by me personally

Interrogation of the witness Yegor Ivanovich Chagin:

The witness testified: I have been living in the Ivdel region since 1930. From an early age until 1953 he was engaged in hunting. I know the decoy nationality well. I had to meet with him on the hunt and they often come to see me as a hunter. I am also well aware of their life, habits and customs, rituals. There was no case that they ever attacked me and other hunters of Russian nationality. They were always friendly to the Russians and showed hospitality to everyone. In the area where the tourists died, the Mansi have no prayer and sacred places. They do not have certain days of holidays. Mansi holidays are celebrated at any time with large prey and especially when a bear or other valuable animals are killed. The Ural mountains and the climate in their region are well known to me, since I have been there on a hunting trip many times.3 times I had to visit the Ural Mountains in difficult conditions and in the hills to wait out strong winds and hurricanes with snowstorms. there is a power of a setr such that in clean places it knocks a person down and takes him to low places.

I saw a group of tourists who died in the Ural Mountains in the village. See and they addressed me as a hunter. Signature: Chagin

And they asked how best to go to Mount Chistop. I told them about this and advised them to walk through the hundredth kilometer, i.e. quarter as there it would be better to walk along the roads of cars. But they did not listen to me and left for 41 blocks and 2 northern mine.

The fact that they died I learned from the citizens of the village of Vizhai. It seems to me that the tourists died because there was a strong hurricane, and they were apparently asleep at that time, and when they heard it, they were scared and jumped out of the tent, but the hurricane was knocked down and carried away down into the hollow. In early February, there was also a strong wind and a blizzard in the Vizhay village, and even more so on the Ural Mountain the wind was strong.

I can't add anything else. It was written down correctly from my words and read aloud to me.

Signature: Chagin.

Interrogation of the witness Alexei Semenovich Cheglakov. Serviceman. Prospecting participant:

The search for tourists began in two groups. One person was left to guard things and a tent. On the first day of our search, we discovered a tourist track. On the second day, they found a tent of tourists, which was located in the upper reaches of the Auspiya and Lozva rivers at the height of the upper mountain. It was poorly visible because covered with snow. We did not go into it.

There were no traces of the tourists' skis near the tent. We saw the Mansi ski track 10 km from the discovery of the tent of tourists. From the first parking lot of tourists in one parking lot, we discovered a fresh parking lot of Mansi.

The first stop of tourists from the location of the tent was about 17-20 km away. The same distance was from the Vizhai River. On the fifth day of the search, we found 4 corpses, one of them female. After that we were taken by helicopter home to the village of Vizhai. The mountain where the tent and corpses were found is not a sacred place for the Mansi. The sacred places of Mansi are very far from this place. When Mansi worked with us - Stepan Kurikov and others on the search for tourists, their behavior was normal and they even regretted what happened to the tourists so badly. Due to the circumstances that I had to see in the search area for the dead people, I, for my part, believe that they could have died only from the elements. Mansi should not be interested in the death of tourists. A group of tourists could freeze becausewhen the hurricane began, they began to tear off the tent, then it broke through, they wanted to fix it or even fixed it, it was picked up by the wind and dragged by the wind into the hollow, where they lost their bearings and could not return to the tent, they died from frost. I have nothing more to report.

Interrogation of the witness Aleksey Alekseevich Chernyshov, assistant chief of staff of military unit 6602 for training.

Question: What, in your opinion, are the reasons for leaving the tent? Answer: Just like everyone else, I cannot understand the reasons for leaving the tent in a group. Something made them hurriedly leave the tent, and so in a hurry that for this some even had to go out not through the door, but through an incision that someone made for this. People walked in only socks, Slobodin walked in one felt boot, but still walked away from the tent. Maybe they were driven by the wind, but he did not roll them in the snow - in this case, there would be no traces left. Question: Have you ever been to these places before, what is the weather like in this area? Answer: I have not been to this area before, but I only know that the weather there is very fickle, frequent beliefs that blow with hurricane force. I stayed in the camp for 12 days, during the same time there were only two quiet days, and even then relatively quiet. Usually the force of winds on the pass is at least 15-20 m / s. I have personally read the protocol and recorded it correctly.

Valentin Degterev
