Why Did The Cities Fall Asleep? Official And Unofficial Versions Of What Has Plunged Cities Underground - Alternative View

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Why Did The Cities Fall Asleep? Official And Unofficial Versions Of What Has Plunged Cities Underground - Alternative View
Why Did The Cities Fall Asleep? Official And Unofficial Versions Of What Has Plunged Cities Underground - Alternative View

Video: Why Did The Cities Fall Asleep? Official And Unofficial Versions Of What Has Plunged Cities Underground - Alternative View

Video: Why Did The Cities Fall Asleep? Official And Unofficial Versions Of What Has Plunged Cities Underground - Alternative View
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Buried cities are one of the common arguments in favor of alternative historical theories, and there are various explanations for why cities fell asleep. We will look at both official and non-official points of view.

So, many old houses go into the ground on the ground floor, and some not on one floor, but on two or more floors.

Here are some examples:


In the city of Omsk, a building was opened and a whole floor was buried underground, filled with openings from windows and doors.


This is in Paris, here in the photo there is a very cultural layer of several floors. There are also very cultural layers and at 18 meters they are especially cultural.


Promotional video:

Doors in window openings were made:


Buried houses with an underground floor in an antique style with architectural surpluses, ceilings of which are 4 meters high with brick of a quality of now unknown quality.

Now the questions are: was this how they built or was it a cultural system? Why was it built like this? How can you explain the cultural layer of five floors?

Over our century, no layer has grown:


What are the answer options, for a start, those that fit into the concept of official history:


With the change of historical eras, with the destruction and plundering of great cities, the next culture in place of the destroyed ones built their cities and at the same time used the foundations, and in some cases, fragments of buildings previously built.


Almost all major cities were built on hills. A large city, if it stood on level ground, would drown in waste products. A downpour fell on the hill and washed away everything. And there was no garbage collection either.

It is believed that these are piled roads built on top of each other

Instead of a dirt road, streets of stone appeared in the city. The pavement was worn out, it was not broken, it was covered with sand, and a new one was laid.

Or like this:

They began to lay external engineering networks - storm water drainage pipes, sewer drainage, heat supply, drinking water, gas. Cutting off a layer of earth and taking it out is expensive, everything was done from above.

Now the list of questions:


Can a building with a large area settle evenly around the entire perimeter?

If some say that the windows are made on purpose, then why? to go for a walk to the ground?

Why make a basement in two-story buildings? digging is harder than building.

There are buildings, the first floors are brick with supposedly "filled up basements" "and so were built before", and the second from wood were cut down. Perhaps the brick has ended or everything is covered with a cultural layer.

Why do the basement windows completely repeat both the number and proportions of the windows of the supposedly first floor?

Mammoths in Yakutia were dug up at a shallow depth and coins from different eras are found from 20 to 50 cm, and many buildings go underground up to 8 meters.

Alternative Historical Theories:

They have a version that either a natural cataclysm occurred - a flood or a natural disaster, which led to the fact that some of the buildings were underground.

For example, one of the versions: in all regions, even the hills are covered with a layer of sand and clay, it fell from above, dust from the atmosphere was deposited.

Questions to them:

Yes, the wave shook to the sky! And I regretted the buildings and only slightly sprinkled them with clay. People looked, patched up everything and forgot and did not tell the descendants about that trouble.

Further, do not forget that the tsunami covered only cities. In the forest, it only uprooted trees (I remind you that trees over 200 years old were not found on the ground, everything washed away).

Further, houses in each city were covered evenly by everything, or selectively by a couple of houses. The city is often not on a flat plain. Some houses are lower, others are 20 meters higher. To fill up the upper house by 1 meter, you need to fill up the lower houses on the roof.
