The Energy Of Wealth And The Energy Of Poverty - Alternative View

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The Energy Of Wealth And The Energy Of Poverty - Alternative View
The Energy Of Wealth And The Energy Of Poverty - Alternative View

Both wealth and poverty radiate their own special energy. Certainly different, opposite in nature. How is it different? What is its difference? Is it possible, being poor, to begin to radiate the energy of wealth? We are not taught this in schools, institutes, or at enterprises. Of course, after all, the state does not need rich and independent people, they need slaves of the system who, in order to buy the most necessary things, will work tirelessly, ensuring high productivity.

Research results have long proved that if a poor person, even in need of money, begins to behave as if he is rich, then his energy will emit vibrations that attract money. But how to understand how to behave if you have never been rich? What should be done, what should be thought about? How do you feel about money? In order to answer these questions, let's look at the criteria that characterize the energy of wealth and poverty.

The energy of poverty:

1. Dirt and mess

Note that poverty is always where it is dirty. The house is not cleaned, things are scattered, the windows are not washed. Money loves cleanliness, and if there is none, then there is no money either;

2. Old trash

The accumulation of unnecessary things that never get the opportunity to use, creates a blockage of energy, disrupting the circulation of money. If you do not free up space from the old, then where will the new come? I know some people who are constantly in need of money who absolutely agree with this point. But at the same time, half of their house is occupied by things that they have not used for twenty years. Why such a paradox? They just don't think it's rubbish! "What if it comes in handy!" - they exclaim, horrified by the mere thought that it should be thrown out. These are old furniture from a great-grandmother, and books that no one has read and is unlikely to read, and clothes of the century before last "for the future generation";

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3. Unhealthy savings

What does it mean? This is when every extra penny is put aside for a rainy day. When the tights are torn as many times as they are sewn up. Under the trousers, they say, you still can't see it! When the underwear is washed to such an extent that wearing it is already disgusting. But it is still worn. Because the money that is in the apartment cannot be spent on such nonsense. It's for a rainy day. Suddenly someone gets sick or dies. You never know! Such self-programming not only spreads the energy of poverty, but also brings in trouble!

4. Ban on dreams

This is when you see a beautiful dress in a shop window, and instead of imagining it on yourself, immediately pull back: "We cannot afford it." This is when your spouse dreamily talks about a trip to the sea, and you reproachfully tell him: “Well, what a sea, the child needs to get dressed!”. Thus, you are programming your future for poverty! After all, if you now have problems with money, this does not mean at all that in six months you will not be able to go to the sea or buy a dress. The universe is abundant and it can give you any opportunity at any time. But you do not allow this to be done. You know better that you have no money and will not have it!

Wealth Energy:

1. Cleanliness in the house

Clean corridor, as money enters the house through the front door. Clean rooms as money is kept there. Clean windows, as this is the gateway to the future on a metaphysical level. Clean bathroom and toilet, as money goes through feng shui.

2. Useful and necessary things

Those that you use at least once a year. If there are books in the house that you reread less often and cannot throw them away, then once a year you need to sort them out, carefully wipe dust from each book. Then there will be no stagnation of energy in this place.

3. Right thoughts

You can afford it. And a beautiful dress, and a vacation at sea, and a new car. Imagine that you already have it all. Visualize yourself in a new dress, driving a new car that goes to the sea. And it will definitely be in your life. The main thing is to believe in this and give the Universe the opportunity to realize your dreams.

4. Charity

The energy of wealth necessarily arises where there is an equivalent exchange: give - receive. If you earn money, and only accumulate it, or spend it for your needs, there will be no balance.

Have you heard of this concept - tithe? Only before donated to the church, but now you can just help those in need. The implementation of these recommendations will attract the energy of wealth into your life, the main thing is that money does not become God for you. Keep true values in your soul and remember that material goods exist for a person, and not a person for material goods.
