Women's Share - Alternative View

Women's Share - Alternative View
Women's Share - Alternative View

Video: Women's Share - Alternative View

Video: Women's Share - Alternative View
Video: SHARE 😠 VERY WORRYING 😳 What The BBC & MSM Aren’t Saying 🤬 Share Before It Disappears 2024, September

Every self-respecting witch should have: a tail, a black cat and a broom. I have neither the one nor the other, nor the third. And in general, I absolutely do not like cats, I am not friends with unstable vehicles, and there is no “tail” even on my head. But at the same time, I often hear the respectful address "witch" addressed to me. I will say this: if every time they gave at least a ruble for these words, I would have become a millionaire long ago. But I'm not offended. There is nothing wrong with this word! For some reason, in our minds and language, such a statement is considered offensive. Not really. After all, the "witch" is the one who "knows", that is, she knows something more than everyone else in the world. Therefore, I consider such a characteristic the best compliment in the world. So, the next time you throw words, beware: you will not only not offend me, but, on the contrary, praise me.

So do not think that the title "witch" is abusive. Believe me, a philologist by education, this is not at all the case. By calling a woman this way, you acknowledge her intelligence, cunning and resourcefulness. Although, if you look at it, especially smart, talented, beautiful and self-confident people have never been favored. There will always be envious people and with great pleasure they will hand over you, depending on the era of either the Inquisition or the one around you. Especially if a woman stands out with her mind and imagination. No, I'm not a feminist to the core. But the way a lady is treated in key world religions, to put it mildly, is annoying and annoying.

If I ever feel the urge to enter into any faith, I’ll probably choose shamanism. Imagine, but only in this religious culture women have equal rights with men. Yes, yes - there are male shamans, and there are female shamans.

By the nature of my work, I once had a chance to communicate with a real shaman. And he confirmed that the only cult that allows women to participate in ritual activities is shamanism. Moreover, a hereditary witcher confided in me, women shamans are considered almost stronger than men. This is due to our powerful energy and is explained by the attachment to the natural lunar cycle. On certain days, the shaman woman is endowed with superpower. Masculine energy cannot be compared with her. Women, according to the shaman, subtly feel the energy flows of the Earth. They are given power and strength that the representatives of the stronger sex have been accumulating for years.

The Slavs also treated women well. In the pagan pantheon there were female goddesses: they were assigned the role of guardians of the family hearth and care for the continuation of the Family. In a word, they were instructed to preserve the traditional values for which we are responsible to this day. Of course, the "male" gods ruled.

Among the ancient Romans and Greeks, ladies were responsible not only for the fire in the hearth. The warrior Athena or the huntress Diana could well compete in courage and intelligence with the male gods. Well, the ancients knew a lot not only about female beauty, but also about strength.

I believe that everything has spoiled Christianity. It was with its adoption and rapid spread that the female share received a somewhat bitter taste. We were not just relegated to the background. I am not afraid and I will express a seditious thought: the woman was made absolutely powerless, and even called a vessel of sin and depravity. They say that it is we who are to blame for the fact that humanity left Paradise and began to live as it does now. You would think that wars are started exclusively by women! And hunger, pestilence and disease that they bring with them are proof of our guilt. Correct me if you are not right, but I do not remember a single outstanding woman military leader! Exclusively men have been purposefully destroying humanity for centuries.

In the Middle Ages, the “holy fathers”, crafty lovers of whipping, cold ablutions and fiery entertainment, seriously discussed the question of whether a woman has a soul. Can she be considered a full-fledged person with an immortal Spirit? It may be objected that a lot of time has passed since those blessed centuries and a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. Whoever remembers the old will have an eye out! Yes, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, and how much it took with it along the stream of the mutilated corpses of "soulless" creatures that did not pass the test of drowning.

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I object reasonably. How do you feel about the fact that when the sacrament of Baptism is performed, the boys are brought into the altar, but the girls are not. Moreover, a woman cannot go behind the altar even as an adult. She is allowed this action only after the onset of menopause, when her periods stop. And these days, you see, she is not clean! That is, she is allowed to give birth and plow, but she does not deserve the grace of God! And this "wonderful" custom of covering your head with a handkerchief in the temple? It means that peasants can go without a headdress, but try to go to church and not tie a scarf! The champions of morality will immediately swoop in, shriek, gnaw and chase away.

No, my friends, Christianity is definitely not for me! It turns out that I am unclean, I have to cover my hair, they do not allow me to go behind the altar, during the “red days of the calendar” I do not have to go to the temple. And why should I take it for granted? Just because my progenitor Eve opened her little hubby's eyes to the true purpose and essence of man? And whether it really was a big question. However, Eve paid for her curiosity: she was ordered to give birth in the throes of children, and her beloved spouse to get bread in the sweat of her brow. By the way, the first wife of spineless Adam got off easier. The willful Lilith chose a different path - she became a demoness, and she is quite satisfied with this state of affairs. That's who I think was the first feminist.

Islam and Judaism are also very cool towards women. In mosques, men and women pray in separate rooms. You don't even need to mention a scarf that hides your hair. And most importantly, who said that in addition to the headscarf, you need to wear these terrible long robes. Moreover, if Muslim women somehow adorn themselves, and in advanced countries dress up and follow the fashion, then the Orthodox seem to disfigure themselves with creepy robes on purpose. Sometimes you look at young, blooming girls in little white kerchiefs, black floor-length skirts and nightmarish boots and wonder: where does such a craving for self-flagellation come from? Who hammered into these young heads the idea that a woman should look and dress like that! I have no answer to these questions, and their embarrassed babble about morality and fear of God causes only irritation. How can you, without seeing real life, saythat everyone is living wrongly and "in sin"!

Orthodox Jews are also suspicious of women, especially on "critical days." I saw Orthodox wives in Israel: muffled aunts with a bunch of children.

No, I choose shamanism. I will put on ritual beads, pull on my man's pants, pick up a tambourine and go around the world to appeal to the forces of the Earth, eat meat whenever I want and enjoy life. Otherwise I will join the cult of Lilith and become a demoness. And the "witch" will hiss viciously in the trail, but I don't care! Just not to see your sour "modest" faces. I have a soul, and it requires a holiday, and she wants to live this life so that later there will be something to remember. And what do you remember besides endless exhausting fasts and prayers?