A New Ice Age Awaits Us And The World Elite Is Already Preparing For It - Alternative View

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A New Ice Age Awaits Us And The World Elite Is Already Preparing For It - Alternative View
A New Ice Age Awaits Us And The World Elite Is Already Preparing For It - Alternative View

Video: A New Ice Age Awaits Us And The World Elite Is Already Preparing For It - Alternative View

Video: A New Ice Age Awaits Us And The World Elite Is Already Preparing For It - Alternative View
Video: Could Global Warming Start A New Ice Age? 2024, September

This is what the Russian scientist Vladimir Polevanov says. An unexpected wave of Arab revolutions was inspired by the United States to establish puppet regimes in a dozen countries of the region and urgently privatize the Sahara. After all, this largest desert in the world will soon become an oasis again, like thousands of years ago. North Africa and the Middle East, now "democratizing", will become the granary of the planet

- Vladimir Pavlovich, people are vividly discussing your interview. But there are questions. They say that the doctor of mineralogical sciences has the right to talk about glaciers. But why does a geologist meddle in issues of world politics, what does he understand in it?

- Yes, I started my career in the Kolyma mines. But by the will of fate and Yeltsin, in the mid-90s, he was the governor of the Amur Region, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, the head of the State Property Committee, the Deputy Head of the Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation. So I learned a lot about the secret springs of big politics.

"Washington Regional Committee" operates

“At the same time, I experienced the delights of American" democracy "on my own skin. At that time, the expression “Washington regional committee” was popular in the Kremlin corridors. Having taken over the State Property Committee from Chubais, I was horrified that the property of Russia was allowed to "privatize" foreigners for a pittance. Even the largest enterprises of the military-industrial complex, which produced top-secret products. For example, the American Haye bought 30% of the shares of the Moscow Electronic Plant and the research institute cooperated with it, the only developer of coatings for stealth aircraft in the country. And he immediately blocked the order of the Russian Military Space Forces. First of all, I took the passes from 35 advisers, ours and foreign ones, who worked directly for the West. Suspended trading in shares of aluminum smelters to prevent foreigners from gaining controlling stakes. Aluminum is a strategic metal!This caused great dissatisfaction in the native government, and most importantly - overseas. I read our ambassador Vorontsov's panicky dispatches that Washington does not like Polevanov. Believe it or not, my resignation became a condition of the IMF tranche. The Washington regional committee kept its word: I was urgently removed after just two months of work at the State Property Committee. And 6 billion immediately came to Russia.

- Rubles?

- Dollars.

- Wow! Good price!

Promotional video:

- Yeah! You can be proud. Now I am the head of the Golden Bridge consortium: exploration, gold mining. The sphere of our interests is Russia, Africa, Australia, South America. Only in Africa was 5 times. In China - 11! So on duty, I track the struggle of the superpowers for resources. And the fate of Russia is still not indifferent. Readers of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" need to clearly understand: there are two simple things behind the current unimaginable chaos in the world, strange revolutions, wars, even sex scandals like Strauss-Kahn. Rescue at any cost the falling US dollar, which is actually printed by a private shop called the Federal Reserve System (FRS). And the impending catastrophic deterioration of the climate on both sides of the North Atlantic - in the United States and Western Europe. These two factors now dictate all big politics on the planet.

- Still, I do not really believe in a new ice age! What if your theory of global cooling is as much a bluff as global warming?

- I understand, the Sahara with the Arab revolutions is far from us, the version about the true goals of the Yankees in that region is fantastic for many. But for the readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda, I think, the gas war between Moscow and Kiev is still fresh in their memory. The reports from Gazprom sounded like the frontline.

- Yeah! Came to my mother in the village at Christmas, she sighs at the TV. Like, what a shameless Ukraine, our gas is stealing, Europe is freezing! “Turn off the TV, I say, you'd better take pity on yourself. The huge pipe, through which that gas is driven to distant Europe, is buried behind our garden. And when you are 80, you heat the stove with wood! Only last year, gas was finally brought to our Lipetsk village, 350 km from the capital, from that pipe.

- Because of those showdowns, it was decided to lay alternative gas pipelines to Europe, bypassing the "thieving Ukraine". Everything was promptly agreed with the EU. And now, with shock, as in Soviet times, two branches of the Nord Stream are being built. In autumn, Siberian gas will come to Germany along the bottom of the Baltic. These days there is talk of a third branch! Next in line are South Stream, Blue Stream-2, Nabucco.

“But the Caspian Nabucco is our competitor. And they haven't found gas for him yet.

- The problem of filling Nabucco is really very serious. All hope is on Iran, which has huge reserves of blue fuel. But the latter categorically does not want to sell it to Europe at a low price. If he agrees, he will be declared a country of developed democracy. The Yankees consider the king and hundreds of princes of obedient Saudi Arabia to be democrats. If he disagrees, they will organize a wave of tulip-camel-thorn revolutions. By the way, the first attempt at a twitter revolution in the region was in Iran several years ago, but failed. Attacks on Iran have been going on constantly in recent years. Gas is one of the main reasons. Iran, in response, is sharply strengthening ties with China, which is now de facto "acting as the USSR", seeks to organize a single bloc with Turkey, Syria and Azerbaijan, and sharply strengthens the army. Apparently, the "Washington regional committee" understands that Iran is too tough for it so far. It was not for nothing that in the spring the US Ambassador to Italy proposed to merge Nabucco with South Stream, that is, to fill it with Russian gas. In any case, rest assured that by 2015 all the "alternatives" will be built and brought to full capacity. Another thing is curious. "Alternative" gas is approximately equal to the volume of blue fuel that we continue to transport to Europe through Ukraine and Belarus. It would seem that soon it is possible to turn off the tap to intermediaries - brothers-Slavs. However, in July, Ukraine began modernizing its section of the Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod gas pipeline. A symbolic "golden joint" was welded. Among the guests of honor are power engineers from France, Germany, our Gazprom employees. The Belarusians will also be engaged in modernization. As a result, the capacity of the old pipelines through the two Slavic countries will increase significantly. And everything is not enough for Europeans!Therefore, it was decided to build plants for the production of liquefied gas for Europe on Yamal, in the Leningrad and Murmansk regions, on the Black Sea coast.

On the gases

- The question involuntarily arises: why would Europe suddenly have such an increase in appetites? Natural gas is needed for the chemical industry (plastics, mineral fertilizers, etc.), as a fuel for power plants and for heating. Something is not heard about the construction of new chemical supergiants. Moreover, Europe is constantly moving its chemical production to developing countries. This means that gas exports should be reduced. But no. An interesting fact. On July 14, the heads of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, and the German energy concern RWE, Jürgen Grossmann, signed a memorandum of strategic partnership. They will build modern power plants using natural gas in Germany, Great Britain and the Benelux countries. This means that really not chemistry, but electricity, heating.

Europe itself leaned on alternative energy. Germany is in the lead. More than 17 thousand wind generators operate here. Great Britain is also urgently going to build offshore wind farms. France generally tries to obtain electricity by using wind currents along the motorways. An experiment has already begun with an experimental "auto-power station" on the highway connecting Paris and Lyon. Plus in 2009 the European Union created the Desertec consortium to build the "City of the Sun" in the Sahara. The cost is 400 billion euros! In vain such money will not be thrown away. Electricity will be pumped to Europe through North Africa and the Middle East. Just where the "democratic revolutions" are raging now. An interesting coincidence, isn't it? The new puppet authorities will certainly not interfere with the transit of solar energy. After all, the first Saharan current should come to the continent in 2015.

Think, why all of a sudden such a race for gas, electricity? After all, the demographic explosion does not threaten the old Europe. On the contrary, according to UN data, the population of developed European countries and Russia is shrinking from year to year.

- So by 2022 the same Germany will close two dozen of its nuclear power plants! It is necessary to somehow make up for the energy deficit.

- Well, it’s still my grandmother said in two, whether they would close it or not. After Chernobyl, there were also calls to close nuclear power plants in Europe. Second, the current persecution of Europeans at nuclear power plants began after last year's disaster at Fukushima. And all the decisions on alternative gas pipelines, the same African "City of the Sun" were made long before the Japanese tragedy. By the way, about the atom. In Russia, the world's first floating nuclear power plant (FNPP) will soon be launched from the stocks. There are 6 more next in line. I suppose that they will sail to fulfill their "international duty" somewhere in Manchester-Liverpool. I don't exclude Marseille or Barcelona.

Mystery "2015"

- What are you driving at, Vladimir Pavlovich?

- By 2015. There are too many projects tied to this date. There can be only one explanation for the gas-electric race. By that time, a sharp cooling will come in Western Europe - the Little Ice Age! And Europe does not want to freeze. The fear of the previous Little Ice Age is alive in the genetic memory of Europeans. In 1300, the Gulf Stream was already slowing down, as it is now. It was very cold in Europe for almost a century and a half. By the way, the east coast of North America was also severely cold then, and the central and western territories of the modern United States turned into a region of dust storms. Now history is repeating itself. Russia in the coming years will become the main stoker of Europe. So rejoice, Evgeny, that gas was supplied to your parent's house.

- Will the climate change at once in a few years?

- The change in the heating or cooling effect of ocean currents is an instantaneous period. In climatology there is even a term "like a switch". Turned on - warm. Turned off - it's cold. Click - and the Thames was covered with ice! Click - the green Greenland began to freeze, and the Vikings hastily fled from their homes to their homeland. Click - and vineyards froze in Germany. Scientific research has shown that in the past, such abrupt changes in climate have already occurred more than once.

- Then why does no one beat the bell, warn the people about the impending cataclysm?

- Is it really incomprehensible? With the stop of the Gulf Stream (do not be afraid, temporary!), The next arrival of the Little Ice Age, coinciding with the Maunder minimum (a decrease in solar activity, which was also observed during the last glacier), the USA and Western Europe will not die out. But the economy may come close to collapse for some time (15-20 years). Investment activity will be very low, and the standard of living of the population will seriously fall. Therefore, those in power need to keep everything secret, not to advertise, in order to avoid premature panic. What they (the authorities) are doing. But they themselves have been in full swing for several years, before our very eyes, preparing for a cataclysm, not particularly encrypted. Only the essence, the true meaning of what is happening is masked. Just for the people to eat everything and understand nothing,The hasty increase in the supply of "blue fuel" to Europe is camouflaged by energy showdowns between Russia, Ukraine and the European Union, which allegedly led to the construction of "alternative" gas pipelines. The seizure of lands, rich resources in North Africa and the Middle East - the craving of the local peoples for democracy, etc. Plus, knowledgeable people will make a lot of money on this. The price of the same gas will skyrocket by 2015. There are many other benefits for those in the know about the coming cataclysm. Already at least in preparing a good alternate airfield for yourself and your family. The price of the same gas will skyrocket by 2015. There are many other benefits for those in the know about the coming cataclysm. Already at least in preparing a good alternate airfield for yourself and your family. The price of the same gas will skyrocket by 2015. There are many other benefits for those in the know about the coming cataclysm. Already at least in preparing a good alternate airfield for yourself and your family.

- Why is science silent?

- Science is not silent. Predictions about a new ice age have been voiced more than once recently. Your humble servant constantly talks about this. But the information literally drowns in the stream of official statements, speeches at the UN about the coming global warming. Albert Gore is given the Nobel Prize for this! Think for yourself, if global warming is really coming, why does Europe need so much gas in the coming years? I think it was no coincidence that information about the calendar of the extinct Maya Indians, the end of the world in 2012, picked up by all the media of the planet, was also thrown in. The people are worried, discussing. Only those in power - for some reason, zero attention to the problem of 2012. They have 2015 on their nose.

They are cold. And to us - grace

- What to expect for Russia?

- Russia will only benefit from changing the flow and stopping of the Gulf Stream and will become very comfortable for life. According to the principle "If it decreases in one place, it arrives in another." In the center of the country it will be as warm as it is now in the Kuban, in the Stavropol region. Therefore, I admit that we will soon get colonies of Americans, British, Germans near Voronezh, in other black earth regions. The climate in Siberia will be warmer and milder. Especially in Altai, in Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk regions, up to Transbaikalia. This will have a beneficial effect on the growth of the taiga, perhaps our most important wealth. Taiga will occupy a significant part of the tundra. Productivity in the country has already been growing in recent years, although the Gulf Stream was just beginning to stop. No wonder Russia has become a strong player in the world grain market. We introduced an embargo on the export of bread last year due to the drought,and the problems started. They even tried to blame us for the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. Say, the Russians did not sell bread to these countries, the people got hungry and went out to the square to overthrow the presidents …

- There was such a version. But she swam quickly.

- And soon the harvests will increase significantly. We will feed Europe, America, which will turn from grain exporters into importers.

- Great! Here we live!

- Unless, of course, all our bread is bought on the vine by some Goldman Sachs.

- Are you drawn to cheap conspiracy theories, Vladimir Pavlovich?

- Don't forget, I was the head of the State Property Committee. Therefore, I am still monitoring the situation with privatization in Russia. Now the final stage is underway. The government privatization plan for 2011-2013 includes 10 large companies: Sovcomflot, Russian Railways, part of Sberbank, etc. And only one is sold in full, all 100 percent of the shares. "OZK" (who does not know - I will decipher: "United Grain Company"). Until 2012. The list of legal entities for organizing the sale of privatized federal property on behalf of the Russian Federation was also approved. Of course, for the holy purposes of "attracting investment, stimulating the development of the stock market, modernizing and technological development of the economy." The government list of sellers is also not classified, it was published in the official Rossiyskaya Gazeta on March 18. However,who reads all the official documents there except for interested persons and such eccentrics as me?

- And who are the sellers?

- Four of ours, 6 foreigners: Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley Bank, J. P. Morgan Bank International”,“Merrill Lynch Securities”,“Credit Suisse Bank”and a branch of the private company with unlimited liability“Goldman Sachs”.

- Legendary names!

“It’s good that I’m mistaken, but I believe that as early as January 1, Goldman Sachs will be in charge of our grain. Presentiment is. And in order to better harvest still ours, but already in the near future, "their" crop, it was decided to urgently build two factories for the production of combines and tractors in the Kaluga and Voronezh regions by the US forces.

However, I do not exclude that if the climate really squeezes America, the guys from the "Federal Reserve System" themselves will move to Russia along with the machines for printing dollars.

- Fantasies?

- No, exact calculation. They have nowhere else to go.
