Scientists Have Found Out How Many People Die Per Year Due To Car Emissions - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out How Many People Die Per Year Due To Car Emissions - Alternative View
Scientists Have Found Out How Many People Die Per Year Due To Car Emissions - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Found Out How Many People Die Per Year Due To Car Emissions - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Found Out How Many People Die Per Year Due To Car Emissions - Alternative View
Video: The Biggest Lie About Climate Change 2024, September

Specialists of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis found that about 10 thousand residents of the EU countries

die every year due to emissions from diesel vehicles.

This is due to the fact that the level of emissions of nitrogen oxides is much higher than the established standards.

According to experts, a huge amount of solid particles are formed in the air, which enter the respiratory tract and cause various diseases. They also have a negative effect on the lungs and cardiovascular system.

As one of the study's authors, Jens Borken-Klefeld, notes, if emissions from diesel cars were as low as emissions from gasoline cars, then 7,500 premature deaths could be avoided.

Note that experts have compiled a kind of rating of countries where the most people die for this reason. The top three are Italy, Germany and France. Residents of Norway, Finland and Cyprus have the lowest risks.

It is worth making a disappointing conclusion: European countries have fallen victim to their own love for the environment. The fact is that diesel cars due to the scam of German automakers turned out to be not as safe for human health as previously thought.