Who Taught People To Agriculture? - Alternative View

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Who Taught People To Agriculture? - Alternative View
Who Taught People To Agriculture? - Alternative View

Video: Who Taught People To Agriculture? - Alternative View

Video: Who Taught People To Agriculture? - Alternative View
Video: Agriculture: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century | Dr. Chuck Rice | TEDxMHK 2024, October

The question of the transition of ancient tribes of people from gathering and hunting to agriculture has been troubling the minds of scientists for a long time. It is simply incomprehensible why, in places where fruits grew abundantly for feeding and where people had enough of this food, they suddenly began to lead a sedentary life and hard labor in the fields.

They began to get their food literally in the sweat of their brow! What for? Why, when gathering and hunting provided enough food for people, they switched to agriculture? After all, you need to plow a field, sow seeds, grow it for more than one month, then harvest, thresh the grain, store it….

And that is not all! And the culinary processing of grain ?! How much extra effort is needed to prepare the food. Huge labor costs! What about drought? And crop failures? All this was quite risky … Hunting and gathering gave a person additional drive and pleasure, while monotonous work on the field with a long-term result could not give him those additional positive emotions that have been entrenched in his archetype from generation to generation.

Tied to one place, a person lost not only pleasure. Often his hard labor was not rewarded with a fat harvest and had to starve, because the resources from additional gathering and hunting in one place were intensively decreasing.

Why did they need it? I don’t think they were stupid enough to come up with such a life for the sake of "developing civilization", which they did not even think about!

The well-known phrase "man is by nature lazy" actually has a deep foundation. A person, like any other living system, strives for the desired result, trying to use up as little energy as possible. Therefore, for the sake of providing himself with food, it simply does not make sense for him to give up hunting and gathering and go on to the exhausting labor of a farmer.

The geography of the origin of agriculture is also interesting. All foci are located in mountainous-tropical and subtropical areas, similar in climatic conditions - the Mediterranean. Himalayas, India, China, Africa and South America. And there was simply NO shortage of food resources here!

Where did people get the seeds from ?! According to the research of our scientist-geneticist Nikolai Vavilov, there is “wild” wheat, wheat of hard and soft varieties. But it turns out that "wild" wheat is not the progenitor of the wheat varieties we know. Moreover, each type of wheat has its own area of origin. (or distribution?). Vavilov, as a geneticist, practically proved with his research that all types of wheat are so far from each other with their chromosomes that they do not lend themselves to any selection.

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From which it follows that hard and soft varieties of wheat appeared on Earth not as a result of the rebirth (selection) of "wild" wheat, but somehow miraculously fell into the hands of farmers.

The same riddles are with barley. With the unusual appearance of barley in early farming, "wild" barley is completely absent on Earth. Ancient legends unambiguously answer these questions. Our ancestors were absolutely sure that all this happened on the initiative and under the control of the Gods!

So in these legends it is precisely stated that:

Maize (you can read more about the mystery of the origin of maize here) was brought by God Quetzalcoatl to Mexico, wheat to Egypt by God Osiris, the Sumerians were taught by Enki and Enlil, the Chinese were the “Heavenly Geniuses”, the Tibetans were the “Lords of Wisdom”.

And nowhere! Nowhere, in legends, people do not write that it was they themselves, empirically, they thought of it.

It follows from everything that man had nothing to do with this transition to agriculture, but needed someone more powerful, whom people called Gods. They saw them and, most importantly, were forced to obey their will.

Why did the Gods need it? There is a version to stimulate progress. After all, a sedentary lifestyle requires housing, tools of production, stimulates the development of social relations, etc. But there is another option. The Sumerian texts say that the Gods created man in order to entrust him with their labors!

Let us pay attention to the fact that all the centers where agriculture began to develop rapidly became centers of religious cultures. No one can reliably explain where this connection came from and what is it due to

What if? If ancient man really saw Gods descending from heaven on "chariots of fire"? That is, not abstract forces - wind, sun, stars … But creatures that not only gave new knowledge and skills, but also encouraged people to do everything according to their plan?

It can be assumed that a more advanced alien civilization had humane goals - to develop an entire industry around agriculture and advance humanity in its development. And we really see this in the example of Mexico and Egypt.

The same sources report that with the emergence of "agriculture", the same "gods" established the order of relationships and rules of life, the laws of joint settled existence. All this is confirmed by the excavations of archaeologists, confirming the emergence of the advanced civilizations of Egypt and India, without any preliminary stages of development.

But the traditions of Mesopatamia send us in the opposite direction. The mythology of this region explicitly states that God created people to serve the gods and to work. (source - Z. Sitchin, "The Twelfth Planet"). Even in pre-biblical times, the revered deity was called "Lord" and "Master".

Well, okay … How do you like the story of a single language? Probably everyone has heard about the Tower of Babel?

Linguistic scholars have noticed that in the languages of many nations of the world there are common features in vocabulary, morphology, and grammar. It can be assumed that the present peoples, now separated by enormous distances, were once a single whole. True, we must pay tribute, there are many options. Recently I read that all peoples left the mythical Hyperborea and moved from north to south … to India. Surprisingly, in the Murmansk region, many names of rivers, mountains … well, very similar to Indian.

The more archaeologists and linguists dug, the more they found similarities in even more peoples, from the Pacific Ocean to the equator of Africa. And where did you come to? And to the fact that one version is emerging that all Indo-Europeans with many other peoples turned out to be the descendants of some single group speaking the same language. And the process of settling these peoples is a tree with a single trunk. Blimey!

But! What is amazing! Most of the similar terms, words and concepts are related to agriculture and … religion. Oppa!

If we take into account that N. Vavilov in his work proved that agriculture was founded in different regions almost simultaneously and autonomously, then … somehow it does not agree …

And everywhere in these areas in the ancient scriptures agriculture is defined as "the gift of the gods."

It turns out that someone taught people at the same time in different areas of agriculture and religion, calling all these concepts and subjects the same. So, there was no single proto-language and common ancestors? Does it mean that there was no exodus from one nationality all over our land? Is it just that the population that lived in these localities received new words for their language, new concepts that were "presented" to them along with agriculture? Why did these words not undergo changes among all these peoples over the millennia, despite the various changes in their lives, the development of new territories and the mixing of peoples? Well, who would dare to replace these "donated" words with their own - they were given from above!

We see man as the "crown" of the creation of nature. And if it is not so? And if we are children who are led through the centuries, developing and ordering our lives?

Could we ourselves have thought of such serious changes and global transformations? Or would they still live like the aborigines of Central Africa and Australia, until the pioneers and explorers of new lands came to them?

Agricultural issues pose very interesting puzzles for us. And one of them … If the Gods "gave" agriculture to us, then who are they and where are they from? And why did they do it?

So. We already know that agriculture on Earth appeared suddenly and almost immediately at certain latitudes, mostly not far from mountain ranges or directly in mountainous areas. In the same climatic conditions

“The geographic localization of the primary centers of agriculture is very peculiar. All seven foci are confined mainly to mountainous tropical and subtropical regions. The new world centers are confined to the tropical Andes, the old world ones - to the Himalayas, Hindu Kush, mountainous Africa, mountainous regions of the Mediterranean countries and mountainous China, occupying mainly foothill areas. In fact, only a narrow strip of land on the globe has played a major role in the history of world agriculture "(N. Vavilov, The Problem of the Origin of Agriculture in the Light of Modern Research").

An interesting fact was the fact that the ancestors of wheat, barley and corn were not found on Earth. These cultures appeared out of nowhere. At the same time, some religions were born. We also found out that almost all languages have similarities. And the greatest similarity of words is in the field of grain growing and in religion.

So we come to the question that suggests itself: “Who are they, our benefactors who gave people this knowledge and technology? And for what?"

Well, naturally I want to ask questions. If the alien landing wanted to give people new technologies, then why only in some latitudes? Why not try it in different climates? And different cultures? Why not transfer this knowledge to more northern latitudes, where there really was not enough wild fruits for food?

However, they carried out their "experiment" only in these climatic conditions. It seems that this happened not because they wanted, but because they were forced to.

The conclusion suggests itself that a certain alien group of creatures similar to us landed in certain territories and was forced to stay on our planet for a long time, and therefore adapt to our terrestrial conditions. What was it? Perhaps it was a special landing. Or maybe they, because of the global conflict on their planet, were looking for a new refuge? Why landing? Because all ancient myths describe a limited number of Gods who descended from heaven.

Let's take it for granted. They have landed, and they will have to live here for a long time for reasons unknown to us.

In almost all legends - Egyptian, Sumerian, Indian, African, there is information about the immortality of the Gods or their sooo long reign up to 9000 years (Ptah - in Egypt). Of course, for mere mortals, this is eternity. But what's interesting. Describing the terms of the reign of these gods, the chroniclers stated that with each new ruler, his life span was reduced, and significantly. Already the seventh ruler from the dynasty of the Gods of Egypt - Horus - ruled for only 300 years. And the subsequent ones are even less.

Hence the conclusion that the life expectancy of these alien Gods on earth began to greatly decrease. Most likely, our earthly living conditions did not suit them. So they were different on their planet?

But they breathed our air, because they got along on Earth without space suits, walked on Earth. So both the air composition and gravity were similar to their planet.

Well, now let's imagine where they could be from …

We all know that our blood is red. Why? Because of the hemoglobin, which contains iron. The high need for iron in our body is evidenced by the fact that no biochemistry removes iron from the body, it turns out that people do not have an excess of iron. Almost all organisms on Earth require iron for its full functioning. And there is plenty of him on Earth! Enough for everyone.

And if there were no iron on the planet? Well, or it would be in small quantities. Would there be a lot of copper? How would organisms behave? Right! They would adapt to copper … And it is copper that would become that necessary element for the biochemical process in the blood of the whole animal world and man.

What color would the blood be then? You will not believe!


Does this remind you of something? Oh yes! "Blue blood" - this also applies to the royal dynasties and aristocracy.

God Ptah (Egypt)


God Krishna (India)


God Quetzalcoatl (Mexico)


Are there any other questions? Oh yeah, why do they have a blue skin tone? Because the blood was really blue. Ancient people in different parts of the world could not invent and draw gods !!! as they please. And as they say, "not from a cloud thunder", everywhere with a blue skin tone. They drew what they saw!

So we came to the conclusion that the gods apparently had a lot of copper in their blood. This means that the planet where they lived had more copper than iron. This is also confirmed by the fact that mythology describes how the gods teach people the art of metallurgy. And what kind of metals are people beginning to master in those places where the gods appeared? Not iron, which is abundant on Earth, but non-ferrous metals and, first of all, COPPER! It seems that the gods knew this metal well, and iron was a luxury item for them.

There are descriptions of copper mines in ancient scriptures. It was mined in Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula in the 5-4 millennium BC. Whereas iron began to be mined only in the 2nd millennium BC.

Copper is considered a sacred metal in many eastern countries. Indeed, copper has many medicinal properties. In copper deposits, silver is always accompanied, which, like copper, has high antibacterial properties. Eating food from copper and silver dishes not only rendered food harmless, but also…. Here we recall the medieval beauties who achieved a pale face, almost a blue tint, … What did they do? They drank silver water.

Combined with blue blood, from the use of dissolved silver and copper, the aliens' skin was clearly blue.

Well, if this "landing" came to Earth, where there is a deficit of copper, then you need to somehow adapt. Iron is chemically more active than copper and when it gets into the body, it begins to displace copper, so they had to constantly replenish copper stores and avoid foods rich in iron.

It is known that legumes, meat, vegetables, and berries are rich in iron. But, this food was clearly harmful to them.

We also know that it is cereals, cereals, bread that are rich in copper! Furthermore. Cereals are not only low in iron, but also contain phosphatine and phytin, which form difficult-to-dissolve salts with iron and reduce its absorption by the body.

Therefore, in order for the content of copper in the blood to be constantly replenished, it was necessary to follow a certain diet containing large amounts of copper. Ah, that's it! That, it turns out, was why it was necessary to turn a person to agriculture … It seems that in the personal interests of this landing and for their real survival in these conditions.

In the same regions, these messengers from heaven introduced sacrifices in the form of plant products and their derivatives. This rite is still preserved in India and the Far East. And vegetarianism, rooted in ancient times, is probably based on the desire to "become like the gods", "to achieve enlightenment."

And why did they all the same gravitate towards the areas where there were some hills and mountains?

Apparently because the pressure there is much lower than in the flat areas. This means that their body was adapted precisely to such an area. Perhaps on their planet, planetary gravity was much less.

In addition, to thin the blood, they constantly needed low-alcohol drinks, which were made from special wheat cakes, such as our Russian hop kvass (the recipe is described in Sumerian cuneiforms as a gift from the goddess Nankasi). With this drink, they not only thinned the blood, but also freed from excess carbon dioxide in the blood. The technology for its preparation was also received from the gods and these drinks were also on the list of sacrifices. The legendary catfish, honey, beer, intoxicated kvass, maize drinks (as many as 9 sorts of maize alcoholic drinks were given by the gods to the American Indians, adding them to the list of sacrifices!) - everything went into use. It is better to read about wine and its necessity for these "earthly gods" in A. Sklyarov's studies.

And so, having brought new technologies, new cultures to earthlings, they introduced new social relations, which established service to them, to new gods!

Using the donations brought to them - low-alcohol drinks, fruits and grain products, they sang, had fun, that is, they led an idle lifestyle, so to speak, their pleasure. The living gods played music, danced. This is all very well described in the Bhagavad Gita. God Krishna himself descended from heaven and was in a constant state of celebration. Well, I think that you all saw the Hare Krishnas, imitating him they constantly dance and sing.

They took earthly women as their wives, from whom they had offspring - half-breeds. And since the conditions of life on Earth were clearly different from their planet and the blood of earthlings seemed to be stronger than "blue", gradually from generation to generation the blood became red and the blue tint of the skin disappeared without a trace.

But the memory of blue blood and skin color is still kept in all religions of India, Egypt and Mexico. The followers of these teachings, the rules that their gods left them, largely perceive the external aspect of all these actions. Imitating their blue gods, they go to live in mountain caves, smear their bodies with paint. to make it blue, they eat only vegetarian food, drink light alcoholic drinks, sing and dance.

As a result of their landing, the blue aliens gave the earthlings new gods. Their generation was enlightened and passed on sacramental knowledge and power to their descendants - priests and rulers, everyone who is related to the "blue blood". And the chronicle of posterity was always very strict.

Countries where their rules were introduced - Egypt, Mexico, India, Mesopatamia … It seems that this landing not only gave these peoples new technologies and knowledge, but also introduced the faith of serving themselves, instilling in them that they are gods, creating for themselves and their descendants extremely favorable conditions for life and further power.

I do not want to touch upon the feelings of the believers in these countries here. They all have the right to choose what to believe in. I'm just trying to figure out where from in different territories, on different continents, but with the same climatic conditions, the same technologies appeared, same-root words, similar social relations and religions worshiping blue-blooded.

Thank God, Russia has nothing to do with them. Our ancestors came from other territories and had different ideas about God and a different relationship to the forces of nature.

From all this, I conclude that Jesus came to earth in order to bring us true knowledge. To open the eyes of earthlings to the existence of a true God, the creator of all that exists, who is invisible to us and lives in the soul of everyone. He urged not to worship idols, and not to turn temples into places of trade. It is better to take and read the "New Testament" in order to understand its covenants, its teaching!

The tale is a lie … but there is a hint in it …

There are many mysteries on Earth, which scientists have been solving for centuries. And some of these secrets are carefully guarded by those who benefit from our ignorance.