The Power Of Our Inner Subconscious Mind - Alternative View

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The Power Of Our Inner Subconscious Mind - Alternative View
The Power Of Our Inner Subconscious Mind - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of Our Inner Subconscious Mind - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of Our Inner Subconscious Mind - Alternative View
Video: The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind- Audio Book 2024, September

Ordinary human thoughts are like the sparks of a fire. Possessing the essence and potential of a flame, they usually disappear quickly. Existing only a few

A single thought does not have much power, but by repeating it many times it can be concentrated and directed, increase her strength. The greater the number of repetitions, the more power and ability to express the thought acquires.

Inner consciousness is a powerful force that can be felt in every aspect of your life. It, by the way, is the main and most important part of your being, and your successes and failures depend on it.

Weak and scattered thoughts are weak and scattered forces. Strong and concentrated thoughts are strong and concentrated forces.

Many do not pay attention to their thoughts upon awakening, not noticing how the brain works, what it desires, what it fears, what it says to itself, and what it sweeps as unnecessary. We usually eat, work, communicate, worry, hope, make plans, make love, shop, play, paying little attention to how and what we think about.

Perhaps we would treat our mental processes with great attention if for each thought, depending on its nature, we had to receive or give a dollar. With thousands of thoughts popping up in our brains every day, this seems like a tempting proposition. Imagine an accounting department keeping track of every thought and noting which one made us profit and which one made us lose. Everyone would control and direct their thoughts in the most scrupulous manner, enthusiastically generating income-generating and diligently avoiding incurring costs. By the way, this is exactly what happens to us, only energy acts in the role of dollars - a huge accounting system operates. It is called the universe, and no thought is left without attention from its side.

The inner world of a person is not a lifeless heap of bricks or stones. Your every thought is reflected in this system and affects it. Whether you like it or not, you are constantly creating your own reality by thinking. The first step to starting a new life is surprisingly simple: you just need to follow the flow of your thoughts and direct them accordingly.

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Each person creates his own life, so take a critical look at your lifestyle. You insist that you strive for financial prosperity, however, all the time you complain about the lack of money and high prices. You dwell on what you don’t have, you are frightened by incoming bills, you are anxious and painfully thinking about how to cope with the situation. You strive for financial prosperity, but your consciousness is tuned to the lack of money and experience, and you will never achieve this prosperity.

Perhaps you want to be more sociable, relaxed, self-confident, however, you constantly think how awkward you are, you do not know how to support the company, reminding yourself again and again about your own problems and shortcomings. As a result, you are unlikely to become who you want. You may want to become strong, but if weakness is rooted in your consciousness, you will only console yourself with the hope that someday you will acquire the desired strength.

In a word, you cannot help the cause only by desires. It makes no sense to hope that something will change. It is not enough just to work hard, even for twelve to fifteen hours a day. In order to get going, you need - and this is a pretty serious condition - to change your way of thinking.

Do you want to change circumstances? To do this, develop the necessary type of consciousness in yourself. A successful person always has a consciousness set for success. Have you already decided what you want out of life? Health? Then develop a health consciousness. Authorities? Develop a consciousness of power. Material well-being? Develop a wealth-oriented consciousness. Happiness? Develop a consciousness of happiness. Want to become more spiritual? Work on the consciousness of spirituality. Everything exists as a potential opportunity. All you need to do is provide the charge with the necessary energy, and then your goal will become a reality.

Your brain is like a garden that you can take care of, you can run it. You are a gardener and you can grow your garden or leave it desolate. But know: you will have to reap the benefits of either your labor, or your own inaction! It is the brain that creates the reality around you … You can agree or disagree with it, you can realize it and make your brain work for you, or let everything go by itself, letting the brain work in such a way that you will be constantly haunted by failure. But the reality in which you live will always be created by your brain.


Visualization is a mental representation, acting out, seeing oneself in a situation that has not yet happened. A person imagines himself doing or having what he strives for, and receiving what he wants.

Let's say you want to develop self-confidence. Using your imagination, you present yourself as a confident person. Mentally, you commit bold deeds and communicate freely with a variety of people. You imagine situations that usually give you trouble, and imagine that you act in them easily, naturally, and succeed. You may even imagine your friends and colleagues complimenting you on your acquired confidence. You feel pride and satisfaction both in becoming a confident person and in the changes that have come about. You imagine what could and will happen to you, and live as if it is happening in reality.

Secrets of Successful Rendering

• Decide what you want to achieve: get a job promotion, meet someone, make a lot of money, win squash.

• Relax. Take a break from business for a few minutes and take a breath, resting your body and soul.

• For five to ten minutes, mentally imagine the desired reality.

• Always present your goals as if all this is happening to you right now. In your mind, make it a reality. Create detailed images. Enter the role and play it intelligently.

• Mentally visualize your goal at least once a day, without missing a day. Repetition is the mother of learning.

• Any thought that arises in your brain and takes root there will have an impact on your life.

Think more about what you are doing or acquiring, rather than about what is more or less likely to happen. Live in your thoughts as if it is already happening to you. Create a small indoor video. Imagine yourself doing what you most want. On the one hand, you realize that in fact this does not happen to you yet and until it has become a reality. But the mental pictures that we draw to ourselves, which we constantly think about, become a springboard for our goals, a form that is filled with energy. These paintings are a real force that will work for us.

When visualizing, endow yourself with whatever qualities you need. If your mental image requires talent, courage, determination and perseverance, be sure to include them. Sometimes you will see clearly that you are achieving a desired goal, as if watching a movie. In other cases, only the most general picture of your goals will appear before you. Both are good. You can alternate between precise and fluent visualization, doing each for five minutes, or focus on one thing that you like best.

Accurate visualization: mentally create accurate pictures and scenes of what you want to achieve. Follow the previously prepared script, mentally replaying it several times.

Free visualization: Allow images and thoughts to freely replace each other, without directing them, but only as long as they show a positive path to achieving your goal.

Use both methods, remembering practice is key. Many have difficulty in the early stages of rendering. Their brains cannot create and paint the desired scenes. Don't worry if the same happens to you. The picture does not have to be complete and complete. As you visualize regularly, you will soon be surprised to find that your brain is learning to generate mental pictures at will.

It should be noted that it is not enough to present something once or even twice. The results will appear if only the image is imprinted in consciousness again and again for weeks and even months, until your goal is fulfilled. Don't try to evaluate the results after one or two visualization attempts.

If you suddenly have doubts - and they will definitely arise - just ignore them. Do not try to resist them and fight them, let them arise and disappear in your consciousness without hindrance. Continue to visualize, and everything will fall into place.

Alexander Nikolaev