Mysterious Sounds From Nowhere - Alternative View

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Mysterious Sounds From Nowhere - Alternative View
Mysterious Sounds From Nowhere - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Sounds From Nowhere - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Sounds From Nowhere - Alternative View
Video: Freaky Clips That'll Have You Questioning Reality 2024, September

The phenomenon of mysterious sounds, the source of which cannot be determined, attracted public attention after in 1903. The journal Nature published an article by the British naturalist T. B. Smith. While in India, Smith walked along the banks of the Ganges. The weather was calm, sunny. Suddenly, from somewhere, there was a roar, similar to artillery volleys. However, in these places there could not be any artillery; residents of nearby villages and firearms were rare. As soon as Smith entered the village of Berisal, it rumbled very close. All the villagers jumped out of their houses in fright. The naturalist was headed in the direction from which he heard a terrible rumble, but there was only wilderness. Some time later, the same sounds began to be heard from the other side.

Perplexed, Smith turned to the authorities for clarification, but the local authorities just shrugged. Later, the scientist wrote in an article that the sounds alternately approached and receded, were heard either from the left or from the right. It is simply impossible to drag artillery pieces with such speed. Smith's publication generated great interest. Testimonies of people who also heard "sounds from nowhere" appeared.

At the beginning of the last century, the phenomenon called "Berisal sounds" interested the young Belgian physicist Ernest van den Bruck. The scientist believed that this is the result of atmospheric electrical discharges. Brook came to places where this phenomenon manifested itself, studied philosophical and scientific works on natural phenomena. He found out, in particular, that medieval authors had already written about mysterious sounds …

New "sounds from nowhere"

Subsequently, a number of new testimonies were added to the evidence collected by Brook. So, for ten years (1920–1930) people living in the vicinity of New York even managed to get used to the sounds that appear periodically. They called this roar "the guns of the Seneca Lake". Those who heard him claimed that it was impossible to understand where the “guns” were “shooting” from … In the American state of Connecticut, not far from the city of East Haddam, the sounds of invisible explosions were so strong that many took them for the harbingers of an earthquake …

More than once the "Berisal sounds" were recorded over the ocean. So, in 1980. On a clear day, the crew of the San Marino corvette heard a strange cannonade over the Atlantic in the Northern Tropic. By order of Captain D. Vergani, the corvette deviated from the course. The adjacent water area was carefully examined, but the source of the mysterious sounds was never found. In 1922. The Nizhny Novgorod newspaper wrote that the residents of the suburbs heard in general something similar to the rumble of many machine tools of a giant factory. Where is this from?..

And the roar and the glow

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Unexplained sounds are sometimes accompanied by light effects. So, in 1974. in the Berwine Mountains, Wales (UK), in the cloudless evening sky, eyewitnesses observed a large green-blue strip, after which the silence was broken by terrible peals of thunder, from which ears were filling. The police decided that a meteorite had crashed into the mountain, and went to the alleged epicenter of the disaster, but found nothing unusual there. Later, several expeditions visited these places for the same purpose, but also to no avail.

And on August 6, 1976. the amazing phenomenon repeated itself. The light emission, which lasted for several minutes, was seen by almost all of Wales, and the rumble was heard by people within a radius of ten miles. At the epicenter, as witnesses of this phenomenon said, it was so powerful that the earth shook, as if a strong earthquake. At the same time, no thunderstorms or earthquakes in the Berwine Mountains were recorded at that time …

Mythical shelling

An interesting incident happened in 1971. with an Indian military aircraft. This happened in the valley of the Ganges, that is, where the naturalist Smith had once heard the "Berisal sounds". On the radio, the pilot reported that he saw an incomprehensible pink glow in the sky. From the ground, he was ordered to try to determine the cause of the glow by carefully approaching it. A few minutes later, an alarmed pilot reported that his plane was being fired upon from the ground and that he could clearly distinguish anti-aircraft salvos. The dispatcher in charge also heard extraneous sounds in the speakers.

Communication was suddenly interrupted, after which the plane began to sharply lose altitude. The pilot did not manage to eject, and the winged machine crashed into the ground. An examination of the wreckage of the aircraft did not reveal any signs of shelling, and there could not be any anti-aircraft installations in the area. The plane crash has remained an insoluble mystery to this day.

Chains ringing out of the ground

As the information accumulated, individual features of the phenomenon began to emerge. It turns out that "sounds from nowhere" can occur both in the lower and upper atmospheric layers. For example, people talked about the roar that was heard from the cloudless sky above their heads, or, on the contrary, when the sky was covered by a dense layer of clouds. At the same time, the rumble was not like the thunderclaps familiar to us.

"Berisal sounds" also emanate from the ground, sometimes accompanied by vibration of the soil. It is not surprising that people feel fear and even panic. However, no matter where these sounds come from, all eyewitnesses speak of their pronounced "technogenic" character, which is strikingly different from all natural noises known to us.

For example, not far from Kharkov, blows are regularly heard from the ground. They are repeated at equal intervals of several seconds, and this makes it seem that a huge hammer is hitting the anvil. In Altai there is also a place where underground clanging sounds are heard, as if from a giant stone crushing machine. At the same time, the ringing of dragging chains joins the clang.

Night sounds maddening

The intensity of the "Berisal sounds" is different. In addition to the roar, reminiscent of bomb explosions, artillery fire, the crackle of fireworks or hammer blows, there are other types of "sounds from nowhere", namely quiet, long and buzzing. These latter are distinguished by a strange feature: they are often not heard by everyone who is in range. So, in January 1992. similar humming sounds heard at night began to wake up the residents of the mining town of Hewytown (Alabama, USA). Moreover, 10 percent of the population did not hear them.

These sounds were not so much loud as intrusive. People who heard them had headaches and nausea. Even nervous disorders often occurred. For this reason, the public began to demand that the authorities find and eliminate the source of the "sound misfortune". This proved difficult to do, however, as it was impossible to understand where the sounds were coming from. Experts made various guesses about their source, as well as the reasons for their occurrence. Technogenic versions gradually disappeared, since all industrial enterprises did not work at night, there was little transport on the roads. There was a version that the rumble comes from the depths of the coal mines, there were many of them both in Hewytown and in the vicinity of the town. But even this hypothesis had to be discarded after a series of careful tests. Finally, in 1993. the annoying night sounds suddenly stopped,the researchers themselves and the locals were very happy about this. As they say, the problem disappeared, the mystery remained …

Where is the source of man-made "sounds from nowhere"

Inhabitants of certain regions of Western Europe suffered from this phenomenon in different periods. So, in the English county of Gloucestershire, where thousands of people heard strange humming sounds and experienced the ailments mentioned above, suspicion lay on the electronic communications of the local military complex. However, this version has not been confirmed after rigorous testing. In addition, the center has been operating for many years and has never caused trouble for others. The Gloucestershire noise ceased as suddenly as the Alabama noise, leaving many questions unanswered …

So what are the “Berisal sounds” in reality? Why are they heard only in certain places? Why is it not possible to accurately determine their epicenter? Why do they start and stop so suddenly? At present, all materialistic versions on this score have been debunked, while the rest are not considered by science (however, they are rather confusing and incomprehensible) …

And in the meantime, mysterious sounds continue to be heard throughout our planet, and today they are most often heard from the sky, frightening people now in a somewhat different way, for example, the approach of an alleged armada of alien ships or the mysterious planet Nibiru, the consequences of climate weapons, malfunctions in the matrix and other harbingers Apocalypse. As you can see, something in our understanding of the nature of mysterious sounds has changed even since the last century, not to mention earlier times, but the main thing remains: no one really knows what it is …